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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 185
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Chapter 185 Decisions, decisions

Doris was thrown back in her room before she had the chance to react to any of what happened. His

words still spun around in her head and made her feel as if she was underwater. Would he kill her best

friend if she went against his wishes?

He quickly formed into a monster in her mind. He was no longer a man she could swindle to do as she

asked, he was no longer the kind prince he once was. He was a monster that wanted to take what he

thought belonged to him-but she didn’t. She had to find a way out of this without getting her friend hurt in

the process.

Any plan to stab her way out of here was ruined. They could take Beth and kill her the moment she acted

out to defend herself and she would rather die than risk something like that. Her wolf was still silent and

she wasn’t sure when Cordelia would be back-for all she knew, her food had the drug too. It might be a

week before she felt her wolf wake again.

She knew one thing, she couldn’t risk her best friend’s life for her own. She would never forgive herself if

something happened to her. Her heart screamed in her chest when she couldn’t get the thought of her

best friend sitting in the darkness out of her mind.

Doris was pulled from her room hours later. “What’s happening?” Doris demanded. They led her down

the grand stairs and off to an area that Prince Martin had neglected to take her. The house broke off into

an area that looked as if it didn’t belong to the castle at all.

It was large, dark and grand at the same time. It looked like a dark version of the main hall back at the

palace where they held meetings or fancy balls. She wasn’t sure why it gave her the chills but it looked

all wrong. It looked as if the walls would fall apart around her if she lingered too long inside. 1

The guards brought her over to Martin who sat patiently across a large table, no one else was in the

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room yet. It felt cold and empty rather than warm and inviting.

“Ah, I hope you rested well.” Prince Martin stood and pulled out the seat closest to him. Doris swallowed

her annoyance and sat down.

“Is it wise that I’m over here? Perhaps I should sit somewhere else in the room while you have this

conversation.” Doris said calmly. “In fact, I probably shouldn’t be here at all. I really think this should be

between you two.”

As much as she wanted to see William, she didn’t want to break his heart-and she knew that Martin

would make her if she took that seat.

Prince Martin seemed to be in thought. “Perhaps you’re right.” He snapped his fingers, the guards came

and gripped her arm to force her up. “Set her across the room. I don’t want him to be able to see her

during this. You can bring her out when I say to.”

Doris refrained from telling Martin that William would be able to scent her the moment he walked inside.

She doubted he knew that could happen with mates at all. If he knew anything about the mating bond,

she doubted that he would challenge his brother over it. 1

They seated her in the far back corner where no light shined. She hesitated before they forced her down

in the seat and stood tall in front of her as if to hide her from view, but she could still see just fine. If

William wasn’t so observant, she knew he might miss her entirely.

They waited in silence for what felt like hours. Doris watched the door and then Martin who sat perfectly

still as if he was ready for any battle to come his way. She wanted to take her shoe off and throw it at his

head just to put some life back inside him. 2

She almost didn’t believe her eyes when she watched William walk through the doors as if he owned the

place. His dark hair a mess as if he hadn’t slept in days, but his dark suit was perfect in every way

possible. It formed around his body elegantly, she had to hold her breath for a moment.

He didn’t come here to play: 3

Her heart tried to bang out of her chest and go right to him. His head turned in her direction slightly, but

he quickly turned away and focused on his brother as if he didn’t see her at all. Perhaps that’s all he

wanted him to think.

Martin’s chair scratched across the floor when he entered. He held out his arms as if he was greeting

William with warmth instead of hatred.

“William, glad to see you finally made it.”

“I had to torture your location out of your finest guards.” William dragged the chair back and sat down

roughly. His anger was in every movement she made and she almost felt sorry for what was to come.

Prince Martin smoothed out his jacket with a smile. “He wasn’t the finest if he gave it, was he?”

“Not even close.” William tilted his head in her direction again as if he was listening for her. She knew he

had seen her.

“Nonetheless, it’s good to see you. I almost had hoped you didn’t fall into my trap when you went to

storm the palace. I wanted to see you face to face but I suppose that all things happen for a reason.”

William’s jaw twitched. “What is it you want, Martin? This dance is ridiculous and tiresome, you know how

it will end.”

“Down to the business so quickly? I’m not ready for that yet. I want to talk to my brother first.”.

“What’s the point? You haven’t seen me as a brother since you were old enough to know better. Don’t

pretend now.” William said.

“It’s funny you say that. I don’t think you remember how cruel you were when you were young. I know

you must have been mad at the world for the unfortunate thing called life, but I don’t think you realize

how much you shoved away your siblings until we had enough.”

“I was cruel because of how you and Jack treated me. You never failed to remind me that our father

didn’t care for me and that he loved both of you more.” William sat up a little to lean his elbows on the

table. “You made my life a hell until cruelty was my only friend.”

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Prince Martin shifted a little at his words. “We tried to get you to join in, all you ever wanted to do was

mope around about what happened to your mother.”

“You thought it would be a good idea to make fun of my situation and that it would make me stronger. Is

that what you’re going to tell me next?”


“Martin, you had that crown on your head since before you could talk. You never gave one shit about

what happened to me when you were treated like the golden child. You never once wondered what it

would be like for me when you were treated so… wonderfully.”

“That isn’t true-“

“You once told me that you didn’t understand my pain. You told me that I should be grateful that I was

born a prince despite our father casting me aside because of his heart ache. Admit that you never once

took a moment to think about anyone but yourself.” William said through his teeth. Doris felt her heart

shatter for him.

Prince Martin sat quietly. He cleared his throat. “I suppose you finally got your revenge, you took the life

of my mother and our brother. Does that make you feel better? Knowing that you killed my family?”

“Your mother and brother have tried to kill me more times than I can count. If you think I’m daft enough to

let that continue, then you really are as simple as I thought you were. Family means shit if they’re all only

out for themselves.”

“You can cry wolf all you want, William. But at some point people are going to realize that you’re not as

great as you think you are.” Prince Martin shifted in his seat again. Doris swore she saw a bit of sweat on

his forehead. “Tell me, how did your raid of the palace go?”

“It went well until I was told that the crown prince was nothing but a coward.” William tilted his head

towards Doris again. “I didn’t think you would take my mate for all of this.”

“Just because she is your mate, doesn’t mean she belongs to you.” Prince Martin lifted his chin. “In fact, I

have a proposal for you. To end this war once and for all.”