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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 114
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Chapter 114 You came for me.

His warmth enveloped her whole. She had never in her life felt more safe or relieved from a single touch.

It was like all of her fear had melted out of her the second she felt him touch her. Doris had never known

what it was like to have someone to make her feel that way.

William lifted Doris into his arms and held her tighter than anyone had ever held her. His strong arms

refused to let her go as her feet dangled off the ground. It was like a dream she didn’t want to wake up

from. How strange that he once was the reason for all of her nightmares. Now he was the only thing she

wanted to see at night when she closed her eyes.

“I thought I lost you.” William whispered against her ear. She didn’t need her wolf to tell her how she

should be feeling—for once Doris allowed herself to feel everything towards him. All the relief and pain

and love that tried to pull her under and drown her until she was nothing. It was all worth it to hear his

voice and how much he yearned for her as much as she did for him.

It felt like a decade had passed as well as no time at all. She knew from one touch that she was all he

thought about since he left her. Even if he never admitted it to her face, she knew it was true. How could

it not be?

“You came for me.” Was all Doris could say. William pulled away for the first time and set her down in

front of him just so he could look at her more clearly. His blue eyes were almost blinding to her tired


“Of course I came for you.” He said as he gripped her waist. Doris caught sight of his appearance and

almost fainted with how much blood covered him. She had little doubts that it all belonged to people that

had stood in his way. His shirt was tom down the middle and she realized he hadn’t changed into his

wolf. He came for her with a vengeance that he fulfilled with his barehands. Every inch of her tingled at

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the thought. She could almost see him on a battlefield in her mind. All the rage that must have poured

from him, she was sorry to have missed it.

“Did they hurt you?” William asked through his teeth. Doris glanced at the door he had ripped off the

hinges and saw blood smeared across the walls. She briefly wondered if Joseph was part of that

massacre and a sad part of her throbbed. Even with what he had done to her, she wouldn’t have wanted

his lift to end that way. No one deserved that.

“No. They just put me in dark places, but I’m okay for the most part.” Doris said.

A flash of anger still touched his features. She wished she could wipe it away with a single caress.

“What happened? I heard part of what they were planning just a few hours ago. I had no idea it was

going to happen.” Doris said quietly. She was too afraid to step out into the hallway and potentially see

body parts and faces that belonged to people she barely knew. Even if she had only spoken with them

for seconds, it would have haunted her to see it.

“Enzo thought it was best to wait at the camp until we were set to meet here, but I thought we should go

early in case you were already here.” William narrowed his eyes, but not at her. “I convinced him to go

and halfway here we had gotten ambushed by hundreds of rogues. It was like an army had come out of

no where.”

“An army? They must have been planning this much longer than I thought… How did you manage to get


“I tore through a line of them and came straight here.” William grumbled. His hands tightened on her

body as if he was afraid she would disappear any minute if he didn’t hold on tight to her. Doris leaned

against him as if she felt the same.

His head snapped towards the door, he motioned for her to stay silent and she clamped her lips shut on

the question that tried to escape. Voices broke out in panicked shouts as they discovered the mess that

William left for them. His grip tightened on her hand as he forced her back towards an opposite door.

“It might have guards outside it—” Doris warned. William stopped to think.

“We’ll have to go out through one of the windows.” He hissed and led her behind some of the benches.

There was a low window that she didn’t think would open easily. William gripped the frame and forced it

up with a nasty creak that was surely heard by the guards outside the room.

William gripped Doris’s waist and lifted her up through the hole effortlessly. She fell lightly into a pile of

snow but the impact still tore through her ankles. She bit her lip until it almost bled just to keep in all of

her screams. She couldn’t help but wonder when her body would finally give up on her. Any second now

she could fall apart and she was certain she wouldn’t be able to get back up again.

William fell beside her an instant later. He took one look at her face and grabbed her

cheeks to look at him. “What is it?”

“I—my ankles. When I fell in the hole, I think I twisted them.”

A dark look flickered over William’s face. She swallowed her fear and remembered the man that held her

face in his grasp. He could easily snap her neck without a single thought, but he held her so softly as if

she was a delicate flower.

William stood and lifted her into his arms as if she was a bride. Doris normally would have objected, but

even she knew that was an unwise decision. He carried her through the snow and peered around every

corner before he headed straight for the trees. They only had seconds before it was discovered she was

gone. 2

Seconds before a new layer of war was unleashed. It was only a matter of when.

William didn’t lose his breath once as he hurried through the trees. She didn’t dare to ask where they

were going, she only trusted that he knew exactly where they should go. The further from the church, the

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better. Joseph had mentioned that hundreds of guards were watching the place, she only wondered how

many William had torn through himself before he found her. Still, hundreds more could still be waiting.

His boots crunched through the snow as Doris gripped onto him tighter. Every turn he made was

calculated and sure. It wasn’t until she saw a small curve in a rock wall that she knew where they were

going. “A cave?” Doris whispered.

William nodded once but said nothing until they were inside. He set her down gently and went to start a

fire without a second to waste. He worked so determinedly and quietly, she was almost afraid to disturb

him. Once the fire ignited, she felt something flicker inside her too.

Doris reached out her arms for him as the warmth caressed her skin. She could have groaned from the

feeling alone. It was like her own version of heaven to feel her bones defrost. Soon she would be able to

feel her toes again, she hoped. She’d almost forgotten how cold she had gotten until her body melted off

the ice.

William glanced down at her arms with raised brows. Was he going to make her spell it out for him?

“Come here,” Doris whispered. His shadow danced across the cave wall as he stepped around the

flames to get to her. He kneeled down in front of her and Doris couldn’t stand another second of his

hands not on her. “Closer.” 3 –

William removed his jacket and laid it across her lap. “You should get some rest.” He said before he

stood and walked across the cave as if her eyes hadn’t been begging him to touch her. Doris felt a small

heat burn out inside her and she knew she should swallow the feeling and sleep—but she couldn’t.

How could he stand to be near her without feeling the same way? He always told her to sleep when he

knew there was more they wanted between them. He always tried to brush her off when he knew he

should be the one to warm her with his body. 1

Doris stood on her shaky legs and took a deep breath. She crossed the cave in three hurtful steps. When

he turned, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his own to finally claim

what was rightfully hers.