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Her Sweet Revenge by Authorfavour

Chapter 18
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Chapter 18 Danger

"How dare you try to seduce my fiance?!" She yelled and before she could get to Elle. Jason got up

and blocked her.

"What do you think you are doing?" He asked her and she smirked.

"What am I doing? Why are you even here? And can't you see through her schemes, she's trying to

seduce you!" Giselle yelled and he scoffed.

"Oh really.." Jason said and then grabbed her arm.

"Let's go. You can see she's not doing well now.." He told her but she fred his hands from hers.

Elle just scoffed watching them.

"Why did he get such a stupid fiancee for himself? I'm sure he doesn't even like her.." She thought to


"And why should I go? Can't I be open about her shameless ness. She stole one of the biggest

contracts in my life. I'm the main face but then she stole that from me too, now we both have to be the

main face of it. Jason, I'm sure she slept with one of the managers and she's trying to do so with you!"

Giselle said and Jason Jason sighed, clenching his fists angrily.

"Jason, I…"

"Shut the hell up!" He yelled at her and Giselle stopped talking, surprised at his sudden outburst.

He was always cold and rude to her but this was the first time he was yelling at her.

"I've had enough. Get the help out of here and don't you ever show your face to me!" And saying that

he stormed off.

Elle smirked as she watched Giselle's expression.

"You are that threatened by me. First the contract and now, your fiance…"

"Oops, ex fiancee, I doubt if he even likes you considering the way he behaved with you.." Elle laughed

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and Giselle glared at her. She walked out angrily.

Elle laughed loudly as she could.

"It serves her right.." She mumbled.

The door swung open and Damien walked in.

"Hey, pretty..:

"You're late.." She rolled her eyes. Damien sighed and sat at the edge of the bed.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked.

"Not again.." Elle groaned and got off the bed.

"I'm fine.." She said and tried taking her phone from the bed but the pain hit her hard and she groaned.

"I told you to be careful.." Damien said and took the phone from the bed.

"Let's get going. I'm sick of staying in this hospital.." Elle said and Damien stood.

"What's the next plan now?" He whispered and she smirked.

"I want to figure out his every moves. All the illegal businesses he has. I want to know them all. That

would be a major key of taking him down.."

"What about Tyson? Is he still useful to you?"

"Of course, he is. I'm yet to make him fall madly for me. But then, I really need to find a way to install

the cameras and tracking devices. It would make my.."

"Elle.." A voice was heard from the outside and both Elle and Damien gasped.

"It sounds like Tyson.."

"Quickly, get under the bed.." She hurriedly said to Damien. Damien nodded and in a second, he was

under the bed. Elle cleared her throat.

"Tyson, are you there?" She asked.

"Yeah, I thought you might making an important call or anything, I decided not to come in.." Tyson said.

"Oh! My mum wouldn't let me rest with calls…"

"That's why. You can come in.." Elle said. The door opened and Tyson walked in, with a handsome

smile as usual. His smile faded when he saw her standing. He rushed towards her immediately.

"Why are you standing? You should sit.." He said.

"I'm fine now. I'm actually feeling suffocated here. I want to go home.." She pouted her lips and Tyson


He pinched her nose gently.

"I'll take you home then.." He said and she smiled.

"Thanks a lot bunny.." She smiled and held his collar tightly then she gave him a peck.

Tyson blushed heavily.

"You are making me go crazy.." He mumbled.

Damien who was watching everything just scoffed.

"Foolish guy, she's just using you.." He said and in an attempt to adjust himself. His leg hit the iron

causing a sound.

Tyson furrowed his brows.

"What's that?" He asked no one in particular.

"Did you hear that sound?" He now asked Elle.

"What sound?" She asked.

"I just.." He tried to bend himself to see what he heard.

But Elle pulled him up.

"I'm really feeling queasy here.."

"Let's just go, please.." She winced and Tyson immediately nodded.

"Okay, fine.." He mumbled.



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Kiera was seen crying on the couch, holding a doll. Last red who was beside her sighed.

"Princess, I told you your mum is fine. She didn't get injured so badly.."

"But she was shot, Mamita. You didn't even tell me. What if I hadn't seen it in the news?" Little Kiera

yelled angrily and Mamita sighed.

"Baby, I'm sorry. Please stop crying. It can be extremely dangerous for your health. Please.." Mamita

begged but Kiera refused to budge.

"I want to call my mummy, I want to call my mummy.." She yelled and began stomping her feet on the


"I want to see my mummy. Can't she just come home? I miss mummy so much. Mamita, I want to call

my mummy?!" Kiera continued crying. Lady red sighed and reached out for her phone. She called Elle

immediately, after ringing for a few times, Elle rejected the call.

"What?" Lady red said and sighed.

"Princess, your mum is not answering the call.." She said,

"I won't listen. I want to talk to my mummy. Tell her to come back home.." Kiera yelled again with tears

and Mamita sighed again.

"Princess.." She called trying to move closer to her but Kiera adjusted herself.

"I won't speak to you unless my mum comes home.." She snapped at her.


Suddenly Kiera started gasping for breath. Her breathing became heavy and tears rushed out of her


Lady red's eyes widened as she saw that. She immediately reached for her inhaler and rushed back to


She placed the inhaler in her nose and her breath became steady but then her eyes closed, she

passed out immediately.

"Kiera! Kiera! Oh goodness! I need to take her to the hospital.."

"Israel, Israel, come help me out here.."