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Her Sweet Revenge by Authorfavour

Chapter 13
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Chapter 13 Atttracted to her!

Jason's eyes dilated in shock. He froze and stood still for a second but when his senses returned. He

stood up immediately and then walked out.

Elle also stood up, she grabbed her bag and walked up to Tyson.

"I think I have to leave.." She smiled and before he could say anything to stop her, she walked out.

Tyson groaned and ran his hands into his hair.

"Damn that brother of mine! He's always ruining things for me!" He grunted lowly.


Hours Later.

Madison's Mansion.

Master's bedroom.

Lauren walked out of the bathroom wiping her wet hair with a dry towel. James was operating on his


"So, how was the party hun? Did you like it?" James gazed at his wife lovingly.

"It was really beautiful hun. I loved it.." Lauren replied and sat on the bed, she took her lotion and

applied it on her body.

"And when are we going to start the wedding preparations?" Lauren asked.

"What?" James asked.

"I meant the wedding preparations of Jason and Giselle. It's about time they had their wedding. They

had been engaged since they were both sixteen.." Lauren said.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Your son doesn't want to get married to her. He's still in that childish love of his. He's still in love with

Asanel!" James said with a sigh.

"Don't mention her name. I hate hearing it and I just get reminded of her and her useless parents, even

her ba.." Lauren stopped immediately she realised what she was about to say.

James looked at her, wondering what she was about to say.

"Hm, I just meant that, I hate everything about that girl and her family. I'm glad we got rid of them. They

were like a leech on us" Lauren said and James smiled.

'It's all thanks to you, hun. I'm glad we did so sooner. And about the wedding preparations, I'll try to

convince Jason…"

"You know your son and how hot headed he is! He will never do what you want and considering the

fact that all he got right now, all the riches he has, he worked hard for them and attained them in his

own. He wouldn't listen to you and moreover you and him aren't on good terms. Let's try another

means of convincing your son.." Lauren said and James nodded.

"And that reminds me, what do you think of that lady? Danielle or Elle?" Lauren asked as she packed

her hair into a ponytail.

"I think she's okay. I had her investigated and all is pretty good right now. She will only bring us more

money since she's interested in investing in our business.." James said with a smile.

"That's good. And I think she likes Tyson too…"

"Hmmn.." James nodded in agreement.

"We should be planning another wedding soon and that would be of Tyson and Elle.." Lauren said and

they both laughed.

"It would be such a jackpot. Tyson would be so lucky.." Lauren said again and they both laughed.


Jason's Mansion.

Jason sat in front of his laptop, typing furiously but then he stopped and sighed when the kiss scene

replayed in his memories again.

"Gosh not again.." He told himself and ran his hands into his hair. He stood up and closed his laptop,

then he walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. The shower started pouring on him

heavily, that's he wanted anyways.

He kept on running his hands into hair as memories flashed in his head.

"Argh!" He grunted and then turned off the shower.

"I hate it!" He muttered and walked out of the shower. His manly abs stuck out in the wet clothes he

wore. His wet hair stuck on his face giving him that sexy look.

He took out a towel and started drying his body with it.

Then he walked out of the room to the parlour. He smiled shortly when he looked around. The house

keeper had already done her job. And yes! He had no maids cause he hated the company of ladies. He

just detested it!

Well, you couldn't blame him, since most ladies are interested in his looks and riches, none of their love

for him was genuine. She was the only one who loved him genuinely but she's gone already!

Jason walked to the bar section in the room. Then he picked up a wine and glasscup. He opened it and

poured some into the glasscup and then took a sip out of it.

He closed his eyes and then breathed out in relief. But then he remembered the kiss from earlier and

he sighed again.

"It was unintentional but why does it feel like I betrayed her? It does feel like I betrayed Asanel!" He

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

muttered and took another sip of the drink.

"I must really love Asanel like crazy seeing how it's hard to move on from her. I'm only stuck with her

memories but I still love her! Damn much" He muttered again.

"And worse is, this new lady called Elle or whatever her name is, the worst thing is that I'm getting

attracted to her and it's killing me. It's really eating me up. She even does remind me of Asanel at times

and I hate it!"

"Then, the reason why I feel I'm betraying Asanel is not actually because of the kiss but because I'm

getting attracted to her!" He thought and took another sip of the drink.

"Most times, I really wish Asanel could come back.." He said and his head dropped on the table.

"I really miss her so much.." He muttered and closed his eyes.


Elle's Mansion.

"So, we can go to through that route.." Damien trailed off when he saw that Elle was lost in thoughts.

"Elle, Danielle..' He called and Elle jolted out of her reverie.

"Oh! What were you saying?" Elle asked and Damien sighed.

"What's wrong Elle? You've been acting weird ever since you came back from the party. I know there's

something wrong. What's it?" He asked and Elle sighed.

"Truth to be told, it's Jason.." She blurted out and Damien sighed again.

"I knew and I thought you said, he is not going to be a distraction to you but he's already a distraction to

you!" Damien told her.

"No, no, it's not that but I think I'm doing something wrong here?"

"What?" Damien asked.

"Do you think I'm right keeping Kiera away from him? Should I tell of him Kiera's existence?" Elle asked

Damien who stared at her in surprise.