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Her Sweet Revenge by Authorfavour

Chapter 103
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Chapter 103 He saved her
"What? Don't tell me you are falling for him now?" Katrina yelled and Amber sighed.
"Of course not, I'm still protecting my heart from another heartbreak. I finally ended things with Michael.." She said and Katrina
hugged her.
"You did well my love. I never expected you to do it so fast..' Katrina said and she smiled.
"Surprisingly, I feel so free. Less burdened after I broke up with him..' Amber said.
"Yeah, he should stay with his baby mama. They both fit each other.." Katrina said and they both laughed.
"So why don't we celebrate this?" She asked and they both nodded.
"Let's go shopping. Shopping relieves stress and everything.." Amber said and they stuck their palms together.
Jason and Damien stood waiting for someone.
"Do you recognise her face?" He asked Jason who nodded.
"She's Nick's sister. She's going to stay here for the meantime. For two months I think. Nick had to go back for some urgent
business.." Jason replied to him and he nodded.
"Oppa!" They heard a feminine voice. They turned to the direction they heard the voice from. It was a young beautiful lady
running towards them, her hair was flying as she did. Both Jason and Damien looked at each other. She rushed to embrace
Jason and then she pecked him on his right cheek. Damien's eyes widened.
"What the hell is she doing?' He thought.

"Hey, Paisley. How are you?" Jason asked and she smiled and linked their arms together.
"I'm fine Oppa.." She blinked innocently and Damien scoffed angrily..

She was acting way too clingy for his liking. He doesn't like ladies like that.
"What's Oppa? She's been calling you that?" Damien asked Jason.
"Well, she is a k drama addict. Oppa is used by females for their older brothers or lovers.." Jason explained.
"Oppa! You are still so handsome as ever!" She gushed.
"Thanks. How's Nick?' He asked.
"He's fine. He was sad that he had to leave you here but I'm here. I came because of something urgent I had to do for the
company but I also came because I missed you. I missed you a lot.." She said and Damien rolled his eyes.
"Jason, we need to get going. Remember we have something to do.." He said and Jason nodded. They entered the car and
drove off.
At a deserted place.
A bungalow was located around that area. And inside the house was Senator Leo seated on a couch, he was loading his gun
with bullets. One of his henchmen walked in.
"You called for me boss.." He said with his head bowed slightly.
"That bastard James called me. He wants me to get him out of Jail. If I don't, he's going to rat this hideout to the police.." He said
and looked up at him.
"He's going to be transferred to the city Jail in two days' time. Get him out of there. Help him escape and once I do that, I will end
his miserable life.." He said and the henchmen nodded. He bowed slightly and walked out.
"Woah! This gown would look good on you.." Katrina said and Amber smiled.

"Of course. I look good in anything.." She said.
"I'll go check the other side. You should check the ones here."Katrina said and Amber nodded. She walked away while Amber
continued to look dresses that suit her taste. Suddenly someone hugged her from behind. Her eyes widened and she gasped.

"Babe, you can't break up with me. Please. I love you very much. I love you. And I know you love me too. Please stop acting like
this. Stop playing hard to get.." He said and Amber struggled to get off him but his grip on her was too tight.
"Let me go! Michael! Stop this!" She yelled and he smiled.
"I won't until you accept me.." He said. Suddenly he felt something hit his head and he let her go.
"She says you should leave her. Stop forcing her.." He heard a male voice say. He scoffed and turned back. He saw a guy who
was putting on a nose mask and a face cap.
"Who the heck are you? And why are you interfering between me and my girlfriend?" He asked and the guy scoffed.
"If you are really her boyfriend, you won't have to force her to hug you. It's proof you are nod.." He said and Michael charged
towards the guy. He punched him hardly and he fell on the ground. The guy stood up and faced him. He grabbed Michael's collar
and punched him hardly then he pushed him to the ground.
"Baby girl, what's going on here?" They heard Katrina's voice. Michael groaned and then stood up.
"I will come back for you Babe. I promise you.." He said and ran off.
Amber heaved a sigh of relief and faced the guy.
"Thanks a lot for saving me.." She said and he nodded.
"Wait, can I at least see your face?" She asked.
"No need.." He said and made to go but then, she grabbed his hand and then quickly pulled off the mask off his face. Both their
eyes widened and she gasped when she saw him.
'You!" She said surprised.
'Don't get the wrong impression. I'm not stalking you. I.." He could not finish his words when she hugged him.
"Thanks a lot.." She said and his eyes widened the more.
"Thanks .." She said and broke the hug.