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Her Seven Little Bodyguards

Chapter 1016
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Chapter 1016 Who Was It?

Bryan told Jennifer all about the news on the Internet. "You have to trust me, darling. All of the things written online

are fake." Jennifer was shocked to hear about this at first, but she quickly searched through the news articles

before glancing through them. "I trust you," she replied after that. The news was obviously fake—it was common

for such scandals to surface in the entertainment industry. Bryan was relieved to hear that Jennifer believed his

words. "You can wait for me in the hotel. I'll handle this," he assured.

If Jennifer showed up at the filming site at a time like this, the public would only create more gossip from there.

They would probably come up with ridiculous rumors. 'Bryan Jones' ex-lover Jennifer Watson causes havoc on their

filming site,' or 'Jennifer Watson slaps Minnie Turner on the face' would probably become the next headline.

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"Sure." Jennifer understood the meaning of Bryan's arrangement. "I trust that you'll handle everything. See you


"Alright. I can't wait to see you," he said. It was then that Bryan realized how much he liked Jennifer. She was a

smart and mature woman, and she knew not to cause more trouble during crucial moments like this. Bryan felt a

lot more at ease when he went through the videos once more. Someone had recorded the accidental hug that

happened between him and Minnie, and there was also footage of Minnie walking over to his hotel room to practice

her lines.

The person had recorded every detail of their interaction, and the angle at which the recording had been taken

made Bryan and Minnie seem especially close to each other. Furthermore, Minnie's hair and clothes were messy

when she left his hotel room, which only evoked more inappropriate assumptions coming from the public. Did

Minnie plan all of this? Bryan couldn't help but wonder. How would she benefit from it, though? An article like this

would only affect her career. Who else could it be, then? Is it Yvonne?

Bryan had been suspicious of Yvonne from the start. Things would be a lot more troublesome if Yvonne was the

one behind this, as it would mean that one of Yvonne's people had managed to infiltrate their production team. In

other words, Bryan would be in direct contact with danger. He wouldn't know when he'd end up dead, just like that.

"Send this to Mrs. Luke," he told his assistant. "I've already sent her a copy." His assistant was thoughtful and

experienced enough to know what to do in such situations.

"Do you guys need half a day off?" The director heard about the news, and he was genuinely concerned about

Bryan. The director felt bad for him as he had encountered multiple mishaps ever since he first started the filming.

Indeed, Bryan was no longer in the mood to shoot any scenes after what happened, so he nodded in response to

the director's offer. "Thanks."

Bryan had always been an earnest actor, and the rest of the production team admired him greatly. They were,

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therefore, eager to support him when this issue arose. Bryan was just about to leave when Minnie stopped him in

his tracks. She was sobbing and panicking as if she had lost her mind over what had happened. "I'm so sorry, Mr.

Bryan. This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't gone over to practice my lines with you. This was all my fault," she


She edged closer to him while speaking—she was trying to stage yet another misleading interaction. "How could

those reporters be so mean? I'll go explain myself to them now. I can't have them misunderstand you!" Bryan felt

rather exasperated at the look of her, and he didn't bother to conceal his emotions. "The more you try to explain

yourself, the messier things will get," he grumbled. "I'll handle all of this, so you should just lay low for now."

Minnie was stunned to see the icy look on Bryan's face. "Okay," she replied meekly. Then, she took another step

closer before looking up at him. "Let me know if you need my help, okay? I wouldn't want to just hide around and

not do anything."

Bryan walked off without taking another glance in her direction.