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Her Precious Baby

Chapter 88
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“All right,” Sylas replied respectfully as he started the car engine. Suspicion rose in his heart as he peered at

Evander’s expression from the rearview mirror.

Previously, when Evander did not have to attend any social events after work, he would stay at the company for an

extra two hours. However, he was heading home early today. This behavior was unprecedented.

Is it because Delano isn’t important, or is it because Ms. Sorelle is at his place? He’s also been paying extra

attention to her. Even if it was because of Starlight Jewelry’s sales, it’s just way too much!

Sylas came back to his senses at the thought. If I get sacked one day, it’ll be because of my loudmouth!

The black luxury car slid into the mansion’s driveway smoothly.

The mansion was brightly lit. Standing at the entrance, one could hear the sounds of chatter coming from the living

room. It had been a long time since the Golding residence was this lively.

Standing at the entrance, the warm lights bathed the side of Evander’s face, softening his angular jaw a tad.

His expression became slightly dazed as he heard the sound of Angeline’s laughter.

“Mr. Golding, you’re back!”

Francesca hurried over when she spotted Evander opening the doors to the mansion.

“Yeah,” Evander replied faintly. He took off his grey coat and hung it on the clothes rack.

Inside the living room, Angeline sat with Floretta on the carpet on the floor. They were currently playing chess.

When Angeline saw Evander come in, she hurriedly got to her feet and gripped the edges of her clothes awkwardly.

Finally, she spoke up when she saw him come over and pat Floretta’s head. “Mr. Golding, may I have a moment of

your time? I have something to tell you.”

“Prepare a cup of coffee and bring it to my study on the second floor,” Evander ordered coldly. His tone was as

bone-chilling as the winds that blew during the winter months.

Having said that, he headed upstairs.

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Angeline frowned. Did I do something to set him off? What’s with the sudden change in attitude?

However, since he had taken care of the matter of her scandal, Angeline did as she was told. She went into the

kitchen and requested Francesca’s help in preparing Evander’s coffee according to his tastes.

Carefully, she opened the door and entered the study with the coffee in hand. Evander sat at the desk working on

some documents. When he saw her come in, the fingers that had been tapping away at the keyboard halted.

“Mr. Golding, I hope the coffee is to your taste. If you don’t like it, I can prepare a fresh cup,” Angeline said warmly

as she placed the cup before him.

Evander picked up the cup and gently blew on it before bringing it to his lips. It’s surprisingly good.

Just as he was about to take a second sip, Angeline peered at him and carefully asked, “Mr. Golding, does it taste


“It’s all right.”

“Okay.” Angeline’s lips curled. She had learned from the morning’s experience. If he declared it “all right,” that

meant he was quite pleased with it.

Evander set down the cup with a clack and stared at her with unfathomably deep eyes. “Is this what you wished to

tell me?”


Wearing an unusually serious expression, Angeline got straight to the point. “Mr. Golding, I know you were the one

who took care of my scandal. Thank you. I owe you one.”

“There’s no need to thank me.” Evander leaned back against his seat and replied in a deep voice, “I did it for

Starlight Jewelry.”

When Angeline saw that Evander had no intention of turning the matter into a big issue, she inwardly heaved a sigh

of relief. Her tense expression lightened.

She stared at Evander for a moment. Mustering her courage, she gripped her fists tightly and said, “Mr. Golding, I

know you don’t feel comfortable asking me, but I will tell you the truth. I indeed had a child before.”

Evander fell silent.

Although he was not surprised by Angeline’s words, he frowned a little when he heard her speak with such candor.

“Where is the child now?”

“I lost it. Mr. Golding, I don’t wish to go into the details.” Angeline’s voice trembled a little as she spoke, her

expression pained. “However, you don’t have to worry. The child’s father and I have nothing to do with each other.

This matter won’t affect your interests.”

What does she mean by having nothing to do with each other? From her words, it sounds like he’s someone she’s

not very familiar with. Was it a one-night stand?

At that, an unbidden thought rose in Evander’s mind. He recalled the incident from five years ago when a woman

took advantage of his drunken state and climbed into bed with him.

The grip on the pen that he was holding tightened abruptly. With a cracking sound, the pen broke into pieces.

Evander stared at Angeline’s features and suddenly saw the image of the woman superimposed on her.

“Mr. Golding, are you all right?”

Angeline felt uneasy when she saw the way he was looking at her. I shouldn’t have said that. What if he thinks I’m a

promiscuous woman? What if he removes me from my role in “The Journey?”

“Get out.” Having returned to his senses, Evander uttered the words impatiently.

Angeline hurriedly answered, “All right. Please get some rest.”

After saying that, she walked to the door. The door frame made a soft noise as it shut behind her.

Evander appeared to be deep in thought as he stared in the direction Angeline had vanished in.

It was unlikely that Angeline and the woman were the same person. Five years ago, the woman had gone overseas

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after she gave birth. In fact, Sylas even sent me recent pictures of the woman abroad. At that time, Angeline had

been on set shooting “The Journey.” Surely there can’t be such a coincidence.

Knock, knock, knock!

Just then, someone knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

Francesca came into the room carrying a white porcelain bowl in her hands.

“Mr. Golding, here’s some vegetable beef soup.” Francesca smiled respectfully. “Ms. Angeline made this for you.”

A look of surprise flashed across Evander’s cold eyes. “Angeline made this?”

“Yes. The soup contains a lot of nourishing ingredients. The process was quite complicated, so she put in a lot of

effort to make this,” Francesca replied carefully.

“Leave it,” Evander ordered calmly. His tone was indecipherable.

After Francesca set down the bowl, Evander opened the lid. A fragrant scent wafted out. Bits of vegetables floated

amidst the creamy-looking soup, looking extremely appetizing.

The soup went down easy and was not greasy at all.

I didn’t expect a pampered girl like her to be able to make so many dishes. She must’ve learned to make these

while thinking of her lost child.

Francesca smiled gladly when she saw Evander gulp down the soup without complaints.

He had been a picky eater since he was a child. He disliked most vegetables and was picky even when it came to

beef. Floretta had taken after him in that aspect.

However, Angeline had been able to gradually change the father’s and daughter’s habits.

Cheerfully, Francesca took away the empty bowl and exited the study after Evander was done.

The next day, Angeline prepared to pack up her things after making breakfast. Since the scandal had blown over,

she saw no reason to trouble Evander any longer.

Standing at the door, Floretta tugged at Evander’s clothing. Tears welled up in her eyes as she shouted anxiously,

“Daddy, do something! I want Angel to stay with us!”