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Her Precious Baby

Chapter 84
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Angeline felt guilty when she thought about what had happened earlier. So, she had Francesca pack some food into

a lunchbox before heading upstairs with it.

The door to Evander’s room was half open.

Angeline lifted her hand and knocked on the door. When no one answered, she pushed the door wide open and

entered the room.

The interior of the room was of a minimalistic style with a gray color scheme. Apart from a few necessary pieces of

furniture, the room wasn’t furnished or decorated with anything else.

Angeline looked around the room, and her gaze eventually landed on the bed. Then, she saw a figure standing in

front of the window from the corner of her eye.

She gasped sharply and quickly covered her eyes. “Ahh! You scoundrel!”

Evander, who was about to throw on an undershirt, paused when he heard Angeline’s scream. When he saw her

panicking, he pulled the shirt over his head with a slight smirk playing on his lips.

“Why are you screaming?” he asked in a husky voice.

Angeline had her back to him, her face burning from embarrassment. “W-Why didn’t you c-close the door when y-

you were c-changing?” she stammered incoherently.

She heard Evander’s soft footsteps against the carpet as he walked toward her slowly.

His cold yet teasing voice was right next to her ear. “I don’t think I need permission from you when I want to

change my clothes. In addition, you were the one who barged into my room. Were you trying to do something to


Angeline was rendered speechless.

I can’t believe he just twisted the truth so blatantly!

Angeline’s ears were tinged pink with embarrassment. “Please don’t get me wrong, Mr. Golding. I don’t harbor any

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special feelings toward you at all.”

For some reason, when Evander heard her words, anger bubbled within him and instantly burst into raging flames.

He looked at her with an icy glint in his eyes. “That’s good, then.”

With that, he grabbed the blazer that was hanging on the chair and headed outside, sulking.

“Hold on. I packed up some breakfast for you. Have some on your way to work.” Angeline followed after him,

shoved the bag into his hands, and backed away several steps to keep some distance from him.

Seeing how she was avoiding him like the plague, he got even more enraged. He grabbed her arm and yanked her

toward himself.

The sudden pain in Angeline’s shoulder caused her to snap back to her senses. Yelping in surprise, she stumbled

and was pinned to the wall by Evander.

With their faces merely inches away from each other, he said in a cold voice, “You say you don’t have any special

feelings for me, but you prepared breakfast for me. Are you playing hard to get?”

“You’re overthinking it, Mr. Golding.” Angeline frowned as she stared back at him with shock. “I just feel bad

because I’m staying in your house and even soiled your pants,” she hurriedly explained.

“I don’t really believe that.” Evander grabbed her chin and scoffed coldly. “If you think you can gain my attention by

pulling tricks, here’s some advice for you. Give it up because it’s never going to work on me.”

Angeline’s face was deathly pale, and all she felt was the extreme pain coming from her chin, which was almost

crushed by his grip. At that instance, her heart brimmed with aggrievement.

“If my actions have caused you to misunderstand me, I will leave right away. Sorry!”

Evander frowned and loosened his grip on her chin. Why did I get so upset just now?

Meanwhile, Angeline seized the opportunity to push him away and dashed out of his room.

As he watched her escape from his room in a panic, he somehow felt dejected. Subsequently, his gaze fell upon the

lunchbox that was packed full of delicious food, and it was a long while before he snapped back to his senses.

Angeline ran back to her room, closed the door, and leaned against it, panting heavily with distress.

It took her a long time to calm down. However, the fury in her heart had yet to be extinguished, and she gritted her

teeth in anger.

I knew it. Living under someone else’s roof sucks. I have to find another place and move out as soon as possible.

Just then, the phone in her pocket rang. When she pulled it out, she saw that it was a call from Wilfred and let out a


He never calls me on a normal day, but here comes his call when I’m currently in a crisis. His intention is as clear as


She swiped the answer button and put the phone a little distance away from her ear.

To her surprise, she heard Wilfred’s hoarse voice traveling from the other end of the line when she was fully

prepared to be reprimanded.

“Come to the house before noon today.”

Right after getting that sentence out, he went into a coughing fit. It seemed that his health was deteriorating.

Angeline furrowed her brows. What’s going on? Is his beloved granddaughter Joseline not taking care of him?

“You—” Before she could say anything, Wilfred ended the call.

Angeline tightened her grip on the phone before slowly putting her hand down. A frosty look surfaced in her eyes.

What was I hoping for? He has never thought of me as his granddaughter. He’s just summoning me back home to

ridicule me. I wouldn’t go back at any other time, but this time…

She suddenly remembered that her parents had transferred the ownership of a mansion in Willowbank to her while

they were still alive.

However, she had left the Sorelle residence in disgrace back then, so she forgot to take the title deed with her.

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At that thought, Angeline’s eyes lit up. If she could get that mansion back, she would have a place to stay.

When she finally left her room, Evander had already left for work. She felt a lot more at ease without him around.

Floretta was seated in the dining room after finishing her breakfast, obediently drinking the milk that Francesca had

heated up for her.

When she noticed Angeline, she tossed the milk bottle aside, climbed down the chair, and threw herself at the

woman. “Angel, the weather is so nice today. Can we play on the swings in the courtyard?”

Angeline squatted down to look Floretta in the eye as she said apologetically, “Floretta, I’ll be busy this morning. I’ll

play with you once I get back, all right?”

Floretta pouted, her eyes gleaming with tears of reluctance. However, she stared back at Angeline and nodded.

“Okay. Bye, Angel.”

Surprised by how sensible Floretta was behaving, Angeline’s gloomy mood immediately improved.

She patted Floretta’s head and asked in a gentle voice, “Why are you such a good girl today, Floretta?”

“Daddy said that I can’t disturb you if you have serious matters to attend to. Otherwise, you will be upset. I want

you to be happy every day, Angel.”

Evander told her all that?

Angeline’s expression darkened, and a hint of confusion flashed across her eyes.

How did he know that I have serious matters to attend to?

Angeline left the house and arrived at a residential area half an hour later. She parked her car in front of a mansion

that was located halfway up the mountain.

The butler standing at the front door was still the same butler years ago, and he recognized her right away.

“You’ve returned, Ms. Angeline.” The butler, Edwin Ziegler, approached her, gazing at her affectionately. “I haven’t

seen you for a few years, and you’ve become even prettier. If your mother was still with us, I’m sure she would be

very pleased to see how you’ve turned out.”

As he spoke, he wiped the tears streaming down his face.