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Her Precious Baby

Chapter 297
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Chapter 297

Angeline paused for a while before asking, “Is that true?”

“Why would I lie to you? I'm a very reliable person. Are you hesitating because you're scared?” Jonathan replied


“A little. I suppose...”

Sweat formed on her hand that was clenching the phone.

Previously, when her lawyer said the orphanage couldn't find Sebastian's parentage, she had asked Jonathan in

private to help her build a connection with the orphanage so they could investigate more easily.

However, now she was starting to hesitate.

If Sebastian really never went to the orphanage, that means Joseline lied to me. There will be changes to

Sebastian's parentage!

“When did you become so cowardly? You have to face the music sooner or later. It's not like you to be so weak. You

can pick a time. I will kindly accompany you,” Jonathan advised.

Angeline calmed down a little, and after pondering for a moment, she replied. “Thank you. I will wait for you at

Forrester Group at three in the afternoon.”

“Sure,” Jonathan answered before hanging up.

Knowing someone would be accompanying her. Angeline sighed in relief and pressed her forehead against her

clenched fists.

She couldn't face the result herself. In order not to lose control of her emotions, she thought it was best for

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Jonathan to go along.

That afternoon, after Angeline gave her orders to her subordinates, she left the company and got into the black car

parked in the parking lot.

Jonathan wore white leisure wear and had cut his sideburns. His fringe fell casually against liis forehead, and a pair

of black sunglasses covered half his face. Nevertheless, he was still handsome.

“It's been a while, Ms. Sorelle. Your company is doing so well. No wonder you're no longer in the entertainment

industry,” Jonathan teased as he placed his aims on the steering wheel.

Angeline arched her eyebrows and glared at him through the rearview mirror.

“Shut up. If you're interested, you can work for me.”

If Jonathan joined Forrester Group, he could get lots of resources for them, which would greatly benefit her.

“No, thank you.” Starting the engine, he turned the steering wheel. “I'm very satisfied with my current job.”

Angeline knew his personality, so she did not reply. She furrowed her brows, and a hint of suspicion appeared in her


I don't understand. If he's really an average employee of a company like he said, how can he be so free and have

luxury cars and branded watches?

None of them said a word throughout the journey.

After nearly two hours of driving, Jonathan finally stopped at the entrance of a secluded orphanage.

It was a safe location geographically, as it was at the foot of the mountain.

Angeline and Jonathan got out of the car and stared at the orphanage. Many kids were playing with the teacher in

the courtyard.

“This is the orphanage Ms. Carden said she stole Sebastian from. She said she crawled in through the wall and

carried him away when all the kids were playing.”

Jonathan removed his sunglasses and gazed at Angeline with doubt.

“I don't know what details your lawyer gave you. but if Ms. Carden is wrong, we can return and interrogate her.”

“Thank you,” she replied gratefully, amazed that he could be so thoughtful and well-prepared for all kinds of


“Who are you looking for?”

Just then, the security guard of the orphanage saw them.

“Hello, we have scheduled an appointment with your director. Please tell her that we're here.”

“So it's you two.” Smiling kindly, the security guard waved them in. “Come here and register your details. I'll bring

you inside.”

After they registered themselves, the guard led them into the orphanage, and after a few turns, they reached the

director's office.

The guard left. Angeline stared at the wooden door before her and took a deep breath before reaching out to


“Come in.” A gentle, feminine voice rang out from inside the room.

Angeline pushed open the door and sized up the office. The facilities inside were old. and the colors had faded.

There were various badges hung on the wall.

“Ms. Evans, it's been a while,” Jonathan greeted a curly-haired, middle-aged woman as he walked in with Angeline.

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“Johnny, you're here,” Felicia Evans, the director, replied with a smile before pulling the chair before her. “Come

and take a seat. I remember you said you were bringing your friend along on the phone. Is that right?”

“Yes.” Jonathan glanced at Angeline. “This is her. She came here to ask you about some private matters.”

Immediately, Angeline stepped forward and said politely, “Hello, I'm Angeline Sorelle.”

Holding her hands. Felicia replied with a smile, “You don't need to be so polite. Since you're Johnny's friend, you're

not an outsider.”

“You two know each other?” Angeline asked in surprise.

“Johnny is a big client of all the orphanages in this city. He owns a charity foundation, and every year, he donates to

all the orphanages and buys gifts for the kids. We all know him,” Felicia shared happily, gratefulness evident on her


“There are not many young people like Johnny nowadays who are so charitable.”

At those words, the way Angeline looked at Jonathan changed. Although her face remained nonchalant, her

impression of him had gradually shifted.

“You have so many secrets, Mr. Johnny,” Angeline teased.

So he donates to these orphanages. No wonder he knew so much. He must have put in lots of effort to build liis

connections. After all, nothing is free in this world. We all must make an effort to see a result!

“Well, I'll take that as a compliment.” Jonathan schooled liis expression and placed his hands on liis lap. “Let's get

down to business.”


Angeline gathered her thoughts, and her face turned serious.

Retrieving a folder from her bag behind her, she slowly untied the string and took out an old newspaper.

“Ms. Evans, I'm sorry for visiting you out of nowhere. I just want to confinn something with you.”