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Her Precious Baby

Chapter 295
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Chapter 295

“I'm telling you all this for your own good. Floretta. As much as you like Angeline, she's not your birth mother. Your

father is the one who loves you the most.”

Floretta was so enraged by her words that she reached out to shove Olivine away, panting heavily as she did so.

“Shut your mouth,” she growled. “You're not fit to say those things about Angel.”

Evander grabbed her arm. His scowl was frightening. “That's enough, Floretta. Under no circumstances should you

ever strike somebody. Apologize!”

Floretta's large, watery eyes were filled with shock. “Daddy...”

“I will not repeat myself.”

Evander allowed no room for negotiation.

Being already fearful of her father, Floretta began to weep piteously from only the slightest display of anger on

Evander's part.

“I-I'm Sony. You're mean, Daddy. I won't speak to you ever again!”

At that, she wiped the tears off her face and ran out of the room without another word.

Evander frowned as he gazed at her departing silhouette. His heart ached.

He was about to inn after her, but his meticulously made plan surfaced in his thoughts. It would not be worth it if I

were found out at this juncture.

That stopped him in his tracks. His features became taut with helplessness.

“Why don't you check on Floretta, Evander? I'm fine,” Olivine suggested gently with an aggrieved expression,

accompanied by an occasional moan of pain.

“No need. Francesca is taking care of her downstairs. We're going to have your injury looked at.”

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Evander's tone was stiff as he helped Olivine out of the room. It sounded as if he had removed himself emotionally.

Still in a daze, Angeline remained rooted to the spot with Sebastian in her arms.

She gave a self-deprecating laugh at the recollection of Olivine's look of glee at her.

How ridiculous. Evander would even abandon his daughter to protect Olivine, so why would he even care about my


Upon witnessing Evander's complete transformation after the events of that day, Angeline became thoroughly


“D-Don't...” It was only then that Sebastian dared emerge from her bosom. Panic-stricken, he lifted a hand to wipe

Angeline's cheek. ”C-Cry...”

With great difficulty, he uttered those words, which roused Angeline from her reverie. She touched her cheek and

discovered she had shed tears without realizing it.

Despite all her spoken resolve, she could not suppress her instinct to care for Evander.

Back then, when Angeline was the subject of public debate and faced the inconvenience of having reporters

swarming over the entrance of her home, it was Evander who had taken her hand without regard for much else to

bring her away.

Evander is protecting Olivine by taking her away just like he once did for me. He is no longer my knight in shining

armor, and it is about time I roused myself from that fahy tale.

“Let's go. I'm taking you away, and nobody will ever bully you again.”

After pulling herself together, Angeline carried Sebastian and hastened to leave.

When she arrived in the corridor, she heard a meek voice behind her.


Angeline stopped abruptly in her stride when she heard tire voice.

Feeling as if her mind had frozen, she turned around slowly and found Floretta hiding behind a door not far away.

Sobbing, Floretta ran to her with open arms to hold her thigh as she asked pitifully, “Where are you taking

Sebastian? Do you not want me anymore too?”

Despite Angeline's efforts to contain her emotions, she still choked out, “Nonsense, Floretta. How could I not want


“Why are you only taking Sebastian away?” Floretta sniffled as she tugged on her sleeve. “You always cast me

aside. Is what Ms. Sherrock said true? Do you not love me because I'm not your real daughter?”

“Of course not!”

Like a knife to her heart, Floretta's words caused Angeline's breath to catch in her throat.

Of course, I want to take Floretta away. However, as I am now separated from Evander, taking her away without his

permission makes it a kidnapping. Furthermore, even if I did take Floretta away, Evander would track me down

within an hour, given his abilities. By then, everything would be irreparable.

“I'm sony, Floretta. I cannot take yorr away right now.”

Angeline bent down to hold Floretta's cheeks with her warm palms and wipe away the child's tears.

“You must believe I will come back and take you away someday. Before then, you have to take care of yourself,

have regular meals, and attend school. Do you understand?”

Being a sensible child, Floretta coxrld tell Angeline was in a predicament she could not discuss, so she pulled herself

together and loosened her grip on Angeline's thigh.

Then she squatted down, lowered her head, and hugged her tiny body. Large droplets of reluctant tears began to

spill from her eyes.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

A single glance at that sight was sufficient for Angeline to feel her heart shatter.

Although she was unrelated to Floretta by blood, the period they had spent together forged between them a bond

stronger than a mother' and her daughter's.

Not daring to look a second longer- to avoid tire inevitable collapse of her resolve, she quickly walked out of the

Golding residence.

The family doctor, newly employed, rushed to the Golding residence, opened his medical kit, and tended to tire

wound on Olivine's leg.

“How is it? Will it leave a scar?” Olivine asked, her gaze filled with trepidation. An ugly scar left on her leg was the

last thing she wanted.

Although she had already controlled her strength when smashing the table, the amount of blood pouring forth from

her leg frightened her.

She had made every effort to capture Evander's heart.

“Don't worry, Ms. Sherrock.” The family doctor gave her a comforting smile. “They're all external wounds, which

are nothing serious. Just remember not to let them come in contact with water throughout your recovery, and you'll

be fine.”

“Thank you, doctor.” Olivine heaved a sigh of relief.

The family doctor bandaged her leg and prescribed her several boxes of ointment before departing the Golding


Olivine studied the bandages on her leg with disgust.

After so much effort, including banning myself, Evander must surely be moved.

“There's nothing wrong with my leg, Evander. Don't feel bad.”

Smiling, Olivine turned around but found Evander standing before the tall windows with his unfathomable gaze

studying the scenery outside.