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Her Graceful War Song by Summer's Blaze

Chapter 200
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Chapter 199 Carissa's voice softened, losing the earlier sternness and coldness." Your Highness, I wish you a long life that's as enduring as a mountain." Eleanor's gaze slowly shifted away from Carissa's face, and the rising resentment and thoughts were gradually suppressed. "Thank you, Carissa. Bring the gift forward. A servant stepped up to receive the scroll.

Jessica remarked coldly, "It seems the gift is a painting or calligraphy. I wonder which master's work it is. I hope it isn't something casually bought from the street." Carissa smiled faintly. "Even if it were something casually bought from the street, it is still a token of my sincerity. Just as when my father and brothers sacrificed their lives, Grand Princess Eleanor sent my mother a symbol of chastity. It was also a gesture from your heart, wasn't it?" No one had known of this particular event, but Carissa's words sent shockwaves through the room. The crowd's expressions varied, but no one dared to speak out.

The thought that a royal princess would send something so cursed was chilling.

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Hector had died for the kingdom. How could the grand princess bestow such a thing to his family? Helen gasped, unable to contain herself. "A symbol of chastity? What a cruel curse! Are you condemning the ladies of their family to be widows for generations?" Others might not know, but Helen was aware that Rafael was to marry Carissa. The symbol of chastity was something only a +15 BONUS widowed woman would use, as it was to commemorate and celebrate widows who did not remarry, often as a symbol of their loyalty and virtue.

In this case, it seemed like a curse against Rafael! Despite her fear of Eleanor, Helen couldn't help but voice her outrage.

Eleanor's gaze turned icy as she addressed Helen. "Helen, do you speak without understanding the situation? Have you seengive Melanie a symbol of chastity?" Helen hesitated and glanced at Carissa, uncertain whether it was true or not.

Eleanor's gaze then returned to Carissa, her eyes cold and her tone stern.

"I have no grudge against the Duke of Northwatch's family. I don't understand why you would accuseof such things in front of everyone. If you have that symbol of chastity, show it. If not, accusingis a serious matter, and I will hold you accountable." Eleanor's eyes were a fierce and menacing glare, as if she intended. to devour Carissa alive. For someone of her stature to direct such a look at a mere orphan from a noble house should have been intimidating enough to make Carissa retreat.

But Carissa was not intimidated. She even managed a smile.

"My late mother had received your good intentions, Your Highness. If any of the ladies wish to see it, they are welcto visit my family. estate another day..

"As for whether it was sent by Your Highness, that is something only you would know. Whether you admit it or not, it's a fact that can't be erased. Finding the original carver should not be difficult. I fear that such a sinister item is unique in all of Starhaven." "How dare you!" Eleanor's anger flared, When had she ever been so offended? "Are you trying to forceto admit something? Talk of sinister Items and the like-what nonsense! think your family is the one that brought about-" "Brought about what?" Carissa stepped forward, her gaze as cold as ice.

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"You say the Sinclair family has brought about sinister fate?

Countless lives have been lost at the hands of my family, but those were all enemy soldiers.

rs. That you can enjoy peace in the capital and host grand birthday celebrations every year, it is thanks to the sacrifices made by the Duke of Northwatch's family.

"As a royal princess, you should honor the contributions of those who have given their lives. Yet you speak of them being sinister so casually-if word of this spreads, how will the soldiers of Starhaven. dare to go to the battlefield to defend the kingdom?" "How dare you!" Eleanoe's face turned purple with rage at having such a heavy accusation thrown at her, but she didn't dare continue. the topic.

"What nonsense are you spouting? Why are you bringing up war and state affairs? It seems you're not here to sincerely celebrate my birthday at all!" Her gaze fell on the scroll, and she snapped, "Open it. Let's see if it's meant to curse me."

Carissa's audacious remarks and the mention of the symbol of chastity in front of the gathered nobility were seem as an affront. It was clear she was using her military achievements to seek revenge, making her gift likely to be filled with insults. Although it was not immediately possible to verify the matter of the symbol of chastity, if Carissa dared to present a cursed itern, Eleanor could be condemned on the spot..

It wasn't only Eleanor who thought so-the noblewomen present shared the sbelief. Swho disliked Eleanor thought to themselves that while Carissa was indeed a tough opponent, she was also unfortunately quite foolish Like RICH WOMEN? These women desperately want a mature men! JOIN NOW *Waming* these rich women will persue you.