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Hello Mr. King

Chapter 198 - Yun Xiangxiang’s Acrobatics
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Chapter 198: Yun Xiangxiang’s Acrobatics

“Your performance of acrobatics is mediocre. It only stands out because of its scarcity,” Yun Xiangxiang wasn’t shifting her anger toward Liang Xinrong because of Lu Huanong. It was because the former’s plate-spinning [1] had nothing that stood out.

Of course, since it was a talent show, Liang Xinrong’s performance was admirable to those who didn’t know about the art.

But Yun Xiangxiang knew about the art of plate-spinning. Before entering the entertainment industry, she was an apprentice in an acrobatics troupe for three years. She was only expelled by the troup because of being slandered and ostracized.

Plate-spinning was her best talent in her past life. That was the main reason why Lu Huanong wanted to shoehorn Hua Xiangrong into this.

Hua Xiangrong only showed her skill of plate-spinning in her first drama, where she played as a female assassin who would perform plate-spinning in one scene of the ancient era drama.

Not many knew she could spin plates. Lu Huanong was one of them.

“I think plate-spinning is difficult. Xiangxiang, you might not understand this,” In Yun Xiangxiang’s past life, Lu Huanong tried it once at Hua Xiangrong’s place.

“Sorry to disappoint, but I do understand plate-spinning,” Yun Xiangxiang retorted unceremoniously. “What I don’t understand is who did Teacher Lu think about to trigger such a show of emotions? We are trying to select great talents here. I hope Teacher Lu would not be affected by personal emotions.

Yun Xiangxiang made a heavy accusation. If Lu Huanong gave Liang Xinrong a high score, Yun Xiangxiang would be doubting Lu Huanong’s professionalism and suspecting her of bringing personal feelings into an official event.

As for who Lu Huanong was reminded of, she could leave that to everyone’s imagination. However, she could never say the name directly. Or else she would be labeled as using a dead person to create hype. That would be the end of her.

Lu Huanong didn’t mention Hua Xiangrong on purpose for this. Leaving something to the imagination allowed her some wiggle space.

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But Yun Xiangxiang blocked that space now. Lu Huanong couldn’t understand why Yun Xiangxiang wanted to go against her, but she had to gain some ground, “Xiangxiang, since you say you understand it well, then you should perform for us. That will be more convincing.”

“Sure, I can let you see what we call amateur plate-spinning,” Yun Xiangxiang agreed quickly.

The change of events happened so fast, Li Man and the emcee who were going to be the mediators couldn’t say anything before Yun Xiangxiang stood up, tied her hair, and went up to the stage.

Upon the stage, Liang Xinrong was holding four plates in each hand, making the total eight. Yun Xiangxiang only took six, “I only want this much.”

Her choice stunned everyone. It was common knowledge that the more plates the performer held, the harder the plate-spinning was. She was at a disadvantage in numbers.

“”Spring Snow,” thank you,” Yun Xiangxiang asked for a classical melody from the emcee.

The emcee stepped back and gave the stage to Yun Xiangxiang. After relaying Yun Xiangxiang’s request, a relaxed, upbeat tune started playing on the scene.

Yun Xiangxiang was wearing a white tracksuit with pastel colored sides today. Her hair was tied up with a pastel colored headband, but now it was tied up in a bun.

As soon as she took the plates, everyone knew she had skills in the art. As the plates spun in her hand, they rattled softly like the lotus leaves swaying in the wind. They rattled like the flapping wings of the dragonfly standing on the water’s surface.

She was trying to get familiar with the sensation at first. Even though she was moving with the tune, she did not do any difficult movements.

After she became familiar with the sensation, she did a split as she spun the plates. They still spun steadily. That won her an applause.

She then stood up and slowly did a squat. Both of her hands nearly touched the floor. Her shoulder made contact with the floor’s surface first, followed by her back.

As she did a handstand, the plates in her hand still rattled steadily like the moving petals touched by a breeze. In this life, her body commanded more flexibility. These movements that seemed to be difficult were simpler for her.

The crowd gasped and clapped. After performing all of Liang Xinrong’s difficult movements, she went to the long bench prop with plates still spinning.

She changed the three plates she was spinning with her left hand to her right. The spectacle of her spinning all sic plates with one hand stunned everyone.

Some among the audience who loved to watch acrobatics performances knew some experts could control all seven plates with one hand, but those would be grandmasters.

Yun Xiangxiang spun all six plates with her right hand, as her left hand pressed against the bench. With her left hand as the axis, she started doing a single hand handstand. The plates on her right hand slowly rose into the air and formed parallels with her legs.

This difficult movement excited everyone in the crowd. Even Liang Xinrong broke into a thunderous applause. She looked at Yun Xiangxiang with admiration.

“I am an amateur after all. I can only perform this much. I hope I didn’t embarrass myself,” Yun Xiangxiang stopped after performing the hardest movement.

“Marvelous, marvelous. I was getting all fired up as I watched,” Li Man praised Yun Xiangxiang after she returned to her seat.

Yun Xiangxiang’s fans knew there would be a live broadcast of her being the judge today. Those who had time tuned in to the live broadcast. They screamed when they saw that scene.

During her performance, the popularity of the discussion kept on rising. When she finished performing, trending on Weibo observed a new hashtag, called #YunXiangxiang’sAcrobatics#.

The clicks on the live broadcast hit their highest at that point. It was on par with the hottest TV drama.

After the excitement brought forward by Yun Xiangxiang’s performance receded, the fans started analyzing the reasons as to why Yun Xiangxiang would perform onstage.

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Their analysis ended up fueling their anger.

[Emmmm, I thought Lu Huanong was already sidelined. Didn’t expect to see her here. A tiger never changes its stripes. She tricked Hua Xiangrong before this, now she’s trying to trick our Sister Xiang.]

[Does she have a bias against the word “Xiang”? She got a problem with every actress that has a “Xiang” in their name?]

[Look at her hypocritical face. Boo hoo, cry me a river. If we didn’t know better, we would think she’s good girlfriends with Hua Xiangrong.]

[Of course they are good girlfriends. If they aren’t, why would she snatch Hua Xiangrong’s man and stab her in the back?]

Yun Xiangxiang’s fans were only complaining in their own fan club. However, of all things they could do, Lu Huanong’s fans went there to defend their idol because they couldn’t stand it.

[Obviously Yun Xiangxiang looked down on someone else first! She started nitpicking first!]

[Hahahaha, the white knight above me. This here isn’t your master’s place. If you want to protect her, go back to her own place.]

[My Sister Xiang did not look down on Liang Xinrong. To my Sister Xiang, Liang Xinrong is just mediocre. She’s only splendid to your ignorant master. Fight me if you disagree.]

[What wrong did the word “nitpick” do to be wrongly used by you like this?]

[Your master even cried when she said she remembered an old friend. You guys scolded Hua Xiangrong a lot in the past, right? This is a slap in your face by your master]

Slowly, Lu Huanong’s fans entered this scuffle, but they were a minority. After all, it had been nearly three years since Lu Huanong’s last work. She had lost the fame she used to have.

Her fans were no match for Yun Xiangxiang’s. All of them were severely chastised.

Yun Xiangxiang didn’t know about the matter that transpired on Weibo. During their half-time intermission, Yun Xiangxiang went to take a drinking glass from the waiting room. Before she turned the corner, she overheard Wen Lan’s strict voice.

“Why did you go and provoke her? Don’t you know who she is? If you annoy He Wei, you can kiss your ambition of making a return goodbye.”

“I didn’t provoke her. She retorted first,” Lu Huanong was frustrated.