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Heavenly Demon Cultivation Simulation-Novel

Chapter 63.2: Arrival of the Private Guards Captain (2)
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How annoying. He’d just recently gotten into so much trouble and now it was back, as if to mock him.

<Choose an option from below.> ▶ (´▽`)ノ (Available) ▷ *˘◡˘* (Available) ▷ Kiss (Available) ▷ /-//-- (Unavailable) ▷ /=/!!## (Absolutely Not Available)

However, the choices were extremely confusing.

▶ (´▽`)ノ (Available)

This was even weirder than the “—.”

▷ *˘◡˘* (Available) ▷ Kiss (Available)

Hug was gone, but kiss had stayed. He couldn’t choose any of the options below that, so they didn’t matter.

▶ (´▽`)ノ (Available) ▷ *˘◡˘* (Available)

One of them had to be a trap—but how could he tell?

5… 4…

They looked like human faces. The first one looked like it was raising its hand.

<You have chosen "(´▽`)ノ">


Seol-Hwi nodded. “Right, you are—ugh!”

Seo Ryeong’s slap almost ripped his mask off.

“Your perverted mind hasn’t changed.”

<Seo Ryeong's favorability has decreased by 99> <Favorability has changed from "Curious" to "Disgusted">

It was hard to believe their relationship was in the pits again.

<Seo Ryeong's favorability> (Before) 5% [Curious] → (After) -94% [Disgust]

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“I hope we never meet again.” She spun around on her heel and walked away—she even used some footwork to get away from him faster.

“Wow…” Seol-Hwi was still reeling from being called a pervert.


Seol-Hwi went back to his residence and pulled off his sweaty mask.

“Don’t need this anymore.”

He’d been wearing it for Seo Ryeong so he could meet her in different circumstances, when he was stronger.

That hope was dead now. She despised him.

“For such a little thing…” Seol-Hwi slumped into his chair.

The system always tested him, but the absurd situations it created and its performance turned out excellent. If there was a reason it gave him the mask, it wasn’t just because of Seo Ryeong.

“There was a reason why time stopped in front of those two people…” Was there something he didn’t know?

[Do you want to save?]

This seemed nice, after all the days of work he’d put in.

◻ Year 95 of the Heavenly Calendar, Chapter 2-1: Three Choices from the Earth Demon. ◻ Year 96 of the Heavenly Calendar, Chapter 3-1: [Became a Core Warrior] Year Two of Bonus Story ◼ Year 95 of the Heavenly Calendar, Chapter 3-8 [Became a Core Warrior] Year One of Bonus Story. [Are you sure you want to overwrite this slot?] ◻ Year 95 of the Heavenly Calendar, Chapter 2-1: Three Choices from the Earth Demon. ◼ Year 96 of the Heavenly Calendar, Chapter 4-4: Part 2: The Private Guards Captain Appears ◻ Year 95 of the Heavenly Calendar, Chapter 3-8 [Became a Core Warrior] Year One of Bonus Story.

Seol-Hwi eyed the new entry as he laid in bed.

So why the mask? Seol-Hwi didn’t know, but it felt like he was beginning to put the pieces together.

Seol-Hwi felt a little bit of energy outside the door from time to time. He went over to check, and, as expected, the captain of the Private Guards was outside.

[Would you like to meet The Private Guards Captain? Yes/No]

The man had to have a reason to attack him here, but Seol-Hwi did just kill his subordinate. They couldn’t fight blindly, being from the same squad, but he was definitely here for Seol-Hwi.

<You refused the meeting. Where would you like to hide?>

▶ Under the bed ▷ Under the desk ▷ In the wooden box ▷ In the wardrobe

The empty wardrobe. Like the wooden box, he wouldn’t have to lay down but he also wouldn’t have to close the cover. It’d be comfortable, and none of the other options really compared.

<You have selected "In the wardrobe">

Seol-Hwi’s vision immediately darkened as he hid in the wardrobe.

He heard something from outside, but didn’t respond. There was a long silence, and he assumed the person had left.

And then the door opened. Bigun walked in.

“Come out.”

<Seol-Hwi, hiding in the wardrobe like an idiot, has been found>

[Would you like to wear the mask?]

There had to be a point to this now.


Seol-Hwi wanted to hide himself again as soon as he walked out. Good thing he had the mask.

“Sit down.” Seol-Hwi guided the man, although he wanted to rebuke him for coming in without permission.

Bigun [Captain of the Private Guards] Health: 5.5 million Internal Energy: 4.2 million Combat Power: 6.37 million (+12% when enraged)

After seeing the other man’s power, Seol-Hwi decided not to press the issue. Since he’d already introduced himself, he went straight in.

“What did you come here for?”

“Try guessing, command unit captain.” Bigun crossed his legs.

Seol-Hwi’s expression went stiff. Bigun had introduced himself, but Seol-Hwi hadn’t. That meant he already knew who Seol-Hwi was.

“Well, since you asked, I have two ideas.”

“…And they would be?” Bigun raised an eyebrow.

Seol-Hwi frowned thoughtfully. “First of all, my mask looks really cool—otherwise you wouldn’t have come here.”

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Bigun’s eyes narrowed; whether in anger or irritation, Soel-Hwi didn’t know. At the very least, he wasn’t happy.

“And the other…”

It didn’t matter what he said, he just wanted to provoke Bigun. Seol-Hwi avoided him because he made him uncomfortable, not because he was afraid. If he was afraid, he wouldn’t have killed those men.

“…you want to be friends with me!”

“Hah. Haha. Ahahahaha.”

Seol-Hwi knew what that laugh meant. So he waited.

“Seriously…” Bigun’s face held no trace of humor. “You’re a funny person.”

“I hear that a lot.”

The room went silent again. Unlike before, Seol-Hwi felt the atmosphere change.

Just seeing him like this made Seol-Hwi feel warm.

“…Actually, the reason I came… Recently, one of the captains killed one of my beloved subordinates. While investigating, we discovered that one of your unit’s members was involved.”

Seol-Hwi listened intently.

“And we found out that someone close to them stepped in and killed my man, so I came to find out if you knew anything.”

“Before that,” Seol-Hwi calmly said, “I want to ask you a question.”


“Did the man wear a mask?”

Only Seol-Hwi and someone who was there would know that, and Bigun couldn’t afford to show all his cards right now.


“Someone must have used it.”

What Bigun thought he knew, Seol-Hwi could use too.

“There are people who want to take down not just my command unit, but the entire Hidden Truth Corps as well.”