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Heartstrings On Fire

Chatper 810
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Chapter 810

Agnes broke the silence, “So, where are we off to now?”

“Where do you want to go?” Jared asked with a playful grin.

“Don’t you have work today?”

“I can skip a day to hang out with you”

Agnes thought for a moment. “Never mind, I’ll tag along to your office. I’m kinda missing the beef stew with

potatoes in the employee cafeteria at Tim Group”

Jared chuckled. “Alright”

But deep down, Agnes was missing something else, or rather, someone – Nocturne

Lately, Nocturne had become a staple at the Tim Group, brought in every day by Jared

Jared had even set up a little toddler bed in his office for him. When Nocturne needed his daily slumber, which was

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at least eighteen hours, he’d be asleep on that bed

Most of the secretanal staff were aware of the CEO’s son’s sleep habits, and everyone adored Nocturne. It had

become a sort of rotation, each taking turns to look after the little guy

Upon reaching Tim Tower Agnes found Nocturne, as expected, asleep in the office.

Jared had partitioned a small room within his office and turned it into a cozy children’s nook

Once Nocturne woke, he would wander out on his own to pick out books to read.

Agnes spent time with Nocturne in the room, which was also soundproofed enough to give them privacy from the

main office area.

When she stepped out after a while, Agnes was surprised to see Valeria in the office with Jared, seemingly deep in

work discussions

Valeria appeared surprised too at seeing Agnes but managed a polite smile. Still, Agnes couldn’t help but feel


Just earlier in the car, Jared had mentioned that the Thomas Group had snagged the Harmony Hollow development

right from under their noses. Now, here sat Valena, the managing director of The Thomas Group, casually engaged

in affable conversation with him. How could they maintain such a friendly rapport after such a cutthroat

business manoeuvre?

Jared stood up and walked towards Agnes, “Why don’t you rest a bit more in the room?”

“I’m a little hungry, can’t sleep,” Agnes replied.

“We can grab lunch soon then, Jared suggested, a casual smile on his face.

“It’s fine, you continue with your work”

Suddenly, as if remembering something. Jared said, “Valeria is now a deputy director in marketing at Tim Group,

focusing on business development.”

Agnes was taken aback, Isnt Ms Thomas the managing director of the Thomas Group?”

Tim Group is big, but compared to the global giant Thomas Group, it’s a league behind. I can’t imagine someone

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trading the managing director position at Thomas for a deputy role at Tim without a significant reason.

Valena stood up, her face a mask of professionalism, ‘I suppose you’re not aware, Ms. Pritchard, Ryder has

assumed the family business, stepping in as the managing director of Thomas Group. When the crown prince

ascends the throne, it’s time for the vassal to step aside

Agnes was flabbergasted Ryder was taking over?

All these days, she had been out of the loop on Ryder’s whereabouts. All she knew was that he had resigned from

Simpson Hospital and returned home. But never had Agnes imagined Ryder would abandon his cherished field of

medicine to take over Cilian Thomas corporate empire

Confusion swirled within her

It seemed to Agnes that Ryder’s decision might be connected to her in some way

Alyssa had given her a month to sort things out with Ryder, to make him willingly step back, promising to reconsider

their relationship if she succeeded.

Agnes had wanted to find the right moment to have a heart–to–heart with Ryder. But now it seemed the impact she

had on him was more severe than she had anticipated.

After a moment of stunned silence. Agnes looked up abruptly and asked, “So, was it Ryder who orchestrated the

takeover of Harmony Hollow