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Heartstrings On Fire

Chatper 806
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Chapter 806

Agnes hung her head low, murmuring, “Jared, you always do this, I’m going to crumble again.”

Jared took Agnes hands in his and replied, “With me around you don’t have to be strong”

A tear threatened to escape Agnes‘ eye, she felt so utterly defeated. It wasn’t the misunderstanding that got to her,

but the feeling of being protected. That feeling that the whole world could betray you, but there would always be

one person standing behind you.

Agnes said, “Jared, thank you”

Jared had started the car as he replied “A kiss would be more substantial than words”

Agnes laughed at Jared’s teasing her mood inexplicably lightened

As Jared’s car merged onto the freeway. Agnes finally asked, “Did you find Sharon?”

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“Yeah, caught her at the cinema. She rented out the whole theater to watch ‘Solitary Trails‘ She said she’s never

watched her own movies in a cinema before”

When Jared said this, a pang of sadness hit Agnes. She imagined the scene in her mind and it felt like a punch to the

gut. Solitude is an incurable disease for some people

Did she see the article?”

Jared frowned. “Seems like she did.”

“How is she holding up now?”

“I don’t know The shrink is consulting her, and Leo’s there too. She said she wanted to see you.”

“So, we’re going to see her now?”

“She’s at Riverview Estate. I’ve explained to her that you didn’t write that news piece, but she still insists on

meeting you”

Agnes and Jared rode in silence.

After a while, Agnes finally spoke up. “You know Sharon has feelings for you, right?”

Jared’s expression didn’t change, but Agnes saw a definite squint in his eyes.

She had her answer, Jared must know. Maybe he’s been pretending not to all this time.

Soon, they arrived at Riverview Estate.

The area was dotted with standalone garden villas. The villas were riverside with superb surroundings.

The car stopped in front of one of the villas, Agnes and Jared got out and entered together.

Leo was sitting on the living room couch downstairs, and he quickly stood up when he saw Agnes and Jared.

“How’s everything?” Jared asked

Leo’s face was stern, “Dr. Ammi says it’s not good. But you know, Sharon seems just like her usual self, she was

even laughing”

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Agries felt a weight in her chest Back in Manhattan, she had interviewed people with depression for months. Some

of them you couldn’t tell by looking at them.

On the contrary, some who seemed normal and cheerful would spend nights slicing their wrists, covered in scars.

Those without depression can hardly fathom their feelings

The opposite of depression isn’t happiness, it’s vitality. They live like zombies, utterly disinterested in everything.

Even talking or walking can feel like a monumental effort.

Breathing is exhausting and this perpetual state of being drains their hope for life

Many contemplate ending it all.

Agnes said, “Let me see her. I’ve spent three months working with people with depression, maybe I can offer some


Agnes went upstairs

As she entered, the psychologist was just leaving