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Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 252 Bang
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Chapter 252 Bang

It would be a lie if Yu Tong said that she didn't have any feelings toward her daddy. He was her father, and she would always be filial to him as it was a debt she needed to repay but she was seriously getting annoyed by him these days. He whined when he was asked to cook and called her for helping him out, he whined when he had to do the laundry and often complained that they should keep their clothes neat and tidy so that he didn't have to wash them every day. And he whined when he had to the bare minimum, basically apart from eating and sleeping, her father whined at every single thing!

They weren't like Yu Dong who only owned ten mu of land, before separating their family had a lot of family members and Grandma Yu bought the plots of land accordingly. She believed that when she will get old, she will give out every branch of her family proper shares but then her first husband died without saying his last words and her grandpa basically sold his uncle to a faraway village.

Her second grandfather met the same fate, he died of tuberculosis and no one could save him, second aunt died and Yu Dong was kicked out of the house without being given a proper share of the land that their grandmother bought in the past.

Her father and grandad were greedy mers and couldn't bear to give away the plot of lands equally and thus, now the situation was like this - thirty mu of land and only three workers.

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Yu Tong was glad that her grandma smuggled some of the fertile rice paddies in Yu Dong's share before they separated or else, she would have to take care of those as well!

She turned to look at Grandma Yu who was busy planting the rice rootlets and whispered harshly, " it was you who didn't want to give the land to sister Dong and now that you have selfishly kept these lands by your side you don't want to take care of them, is this what you were thinking when you stubbornly refused to let grandma give sister Dong her share? If you can't take care of these fields then let grandma give these to sister Yu to take care of. At least in her family, there are a lot of people who are willing to work in the fields."

" No! What are you talking about?" Qiu Bai's knee jerk reaction to Yu Tong's words was extreme, his gorgeous face almost twisted into a malevolent jeer as he snapped, " how can these fertile land be given to Yu Dong?"

That girl, she actually grew crops on that barren land after fertilizing them. Sometimes, Qiu Bai wondered just what kind of godly fertilizers did that girl found that she was able to grow crops on barren lands! If they give these fertile lands to her who knows what she might do with them.

Yu Tong of course knew that her father will react like this, so she pointed to the rice paddy and strictly ordered, " very well since you don't want to give these paddies and land away help us take care of them. Pull out the weeds and don't even think about running away."

But Qiu Bai did run away, not only did he run away he didn't even return after hours. His excuse was simple, that he was going to help out Grandfather Yu in cooking lunch but even after two hours, she couldn't see a shadow of her lazy dad! That old man —


A loud sound of someone falling followed by a painful screech interrupted Yu Tong's thought and the latter hurriedly whipped around. Grandma Yu was lying on her side as she curled her body in a fetal position. her expression full of agony as she endured the pain.

" Grandma!" Yu Tong hurriedly went to her grandmother's side and tried to help her up but Grandma Yu was too heavy for her. She wasn't used to physical labour and compared to Grandma Yu who was all muscle and bones, she was really weak. " Wait for a second, Grandma. I will call someone for help."

" Calm down," said Grandma Yu even though her features were twisted in a painful grimace she still tried to stand up straight, " I am fine, just a little sprain—-"

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But before she could finish speaking, two hands reached out from behind her and circled her waist as they helped her up from the muddy fields. Surprised, Grandma Yu turned around to look at her saviour and to her surprise, it was her favourite granddaughter. " Dong Dong."

Yu Dong was working in her rice paddies, unlike the fields that were completely barren, these rice paddies were in better condition. Of course, after not being taken care of for so long, it was filled with weeds but still, the condition was a lot better when compared to the barren lands. She knew that these rice paddies were given to the original owner by her grandmother who didn't want her to die without any resources. Thus, the latter silently had the Mu Xuan write it in the separation deed.

She was just praising the original owner's grandmother for being a little more caring and just when she heard a painful shriek and guess the surprise she felt when she realized that the person who shrieked was her grandmother or she should say the previous owner's grandmother.

The fall that she suffered wasn't small and from her scream, it was clear that she was really hurt. Thus, Yu Dong couldn't just turn a blind eye when she witnessed the fall.

" Sister Yu, thank you! Just wait, I will get the village doctor, right now!" Yu Tong was in shock after watching her grandma fall. She was already so old, and this was her second time falling, if they don't take care of her, she might really— Yu Tong shook her head, no, her grandmother will be fine because if something happened to her then the entire Yu house will fall in chaos, with her lazy father and arrogant mother, Yu Tong was afraid she won't be able to survive in that house for even a day!

It was really necessary for her to take care of her grandmother!