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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 99
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Not Welcome
Jax POV:
I stand looking at my previous Luna in complete shock, hearing Zeus growl loudly in my head I look down slightly as I feel Nova
stiffen in my arms.
“Are you going to introduce me?” Genevieve asks me raising her brow. As I narrow my eyes at her she chuckles slightly before
turning her eyes to Nova, growing colder as she does so.
“I’m Genevieve, Jaxs chosen mate” she says holding her hand out for Nova to shake. Seeing Nova look at her hand for a
moment before chuckling she reaches out and shakes it lightly.
“I’m Nova” she says calmly her face unreadable.
“My true mate” I say causing Genevieve to smirk.
“Why are you here?” Laurence growls as he comes to stand beside us.
“I was invited” Genevieve says simply making my brows furrow.
“You were definitely not invited” I say coldly as she looks at me amused. “You decide
to come here after not seeing me since you ran off and dare to say you were invited?”
“Oh Jax relax” she says patting my chest as I growl and shift away. “I thought it was
time to come home.”
“Home?” Laurence splutters out. “No Genevieve, your home is with your mate.”
When she hears that her expression falters slightly before she shakes it off and giggles lightly, “oh Laurence you are as funny as
I remember.”
He turns to me with a face that reads what the f**k is going on and I shrug in
“I see the pack is doing well” Genevieve comments looking around ignoring the
animosity that is directed at her from us.
“No thanks to you” I hear Florence mutter as Genevieve sends her a discreet glare.
“Why are you here Genevieve?” Nova asks again.
Not Welcome
“Like I said” Genevieve replies her voice harsh, “I was invited.”
“By whom?” I ask confused.
With a shrug she pulls her invite from her bag showing us, “surely you should be telling me that.”
I see Nova look at her through narrowed eyes as she studies her b*dy language. “Genevieve, why don’t you come to the lounge
and we can talk privately” Nova suggests gesturing to the pack house.

“We can discuss it here” Genevieve replies co olly. Seeing Novas eyes flash I bite my lip to not laugh.
“Oh..” Nova chuckles, “it wasn’t a suggestion” She says coldly as Kia moves forward, making Rose startle slightly before she
begins to teeter inside in her too high heels.
“Nova” I whisper as I grasp her hand, “I swear I had no idea. I haven’t seen her since
she left.”
“I know” she replies calmly sending me a reassuring smile, “I have a feeling I know
who’s responsible.”
Hearing those words I relax slightly before we all walk to the lounge in silence. We
enter and watch as Genevieve helps herself to a large glass from the wine bottles we
have ready for guests..
“Help yourself” Laurence says rolling his eyes before standing and crossing his arms intimidatingly. Tinkling a laugh Genevieve
takes a seat and crosses her legs, her dress riding up purposefully to try tempt me to look.

Hearing Nova chuckle again beside me I look down at her to see her watching
Genevieve’s movements.
“Subtle” she links me making me snort out a laugh.
“So..?” Genevieve drawls. “What is the need to come in here?”
“We are waiting” Nova says calmly as I look at her in confusion.
“For?” Genevieve asks.
“If I’m correct the person who deemed it suitable to invite you” Nova says casually as I
Not Welcome
feel my heart sink.
Seeing Laurence look at Nova as she speaks I watch his face as he has the same thought I have.
“He wouldn’t have..” Laurence links me before I shoot him a look. .

“You sure about that? Anyway.. Nova has this covered” I reply as he nods in agreement.
Nova and Genevieve continue to look at one another as we all stand around
“I’m surprised you’re not saying more Jax” Genevieve comments turning her attention
to me.
“What is there to say? You’re not invited, as soon as my Luna has sorted this out you’ll be leaving” I say.
“Oh so it’s for Nova to sort out?” She smirks at me.
“No, but I can tell she wants to” I smirk back as Nova winks at me.
Hearing footsteps approach I breath in a scent I’m familiar with and growl in barely contained anger.
“David” Nova says co oly as my dad stands in the doorway uncertainty on his face.
“Oh David” Genevieve exclaims rushing forwards to embrace him which he returns. rather stiffly under my furious gaze.
Growling again I step forward with burning eyes, “you thought it appropriate to invite.
“I did what I thought was best” he states.
“best because?” Nova asks incredulously.
“This pack needs a strong Alpha.. dad starts as Nova bursts out laughing from beside me.
“But not a strong Luna” she points out smirking at Genevieve as dad looks nervous.
“You’re leading this pack astray” he defends angrily, “you are bringing danger to everyone and they are following you blindly. Can
no one else see that!? This pack

Not Welcome
needs a lady like Genevieve who is kind and sweet.”
“You’re so wrong David” Laurence growls in defensive of his Luna. “Amelia was a

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strong Luna, one who everyone looked up to and believed in, and you know who I see in her..Nova. Not this flimsy blonde
“Laurence” Genevieve gasps in shock.
“What?” He growls. “You left Genevieve, you left Jax and marked another leaving him in a critical condition for 2 weeks. You did
nothing for this pack that was of any value, whilst our Luna here has helped in so many ways. She does finance work, paper
work, helps training, I’ve even seen her help in the bl oody kitchens never mind what she does to help Jax with his other
businesses outside of the pack. I don’t know what David has against her but I can tell you something, this pack is lucky to have
been blessed with Nova as their Luna.”
“Why are you back Genevieve? Where is your mate?” I growl as she looks at us in shock.
“Oh can’t you tell?” Nova chimes in.
“What?” Theo asks confused at this situation. We watch as Nova steps forward and pushes Genevieve’s hair to one side

revealing the scar on her neck.
“Genevieve’s mate has left her” she says softly.
“Why?” I ask confused.
With that I see Genevieve’s eyes flit to my father before he clears his throat and speaks instead.
“Genevieve is here for a reason” he states.
“And that reason is?” I ask in disbelief.
“To challenge the Luna and get my rightful place back at this pack” she says lifting.
her chin in an attempt to appear confident.
I look at her for a moment before bursting into loud laughter as Laurence and my
Gam mas join me. “You think you can be Luna again?” I ask after a moment.
“Yes” she whispers.
Not Welcome
“I will never accept you as my Luna again” I snarl stepping forward intimidatingly
making her step back. “You left, you abandoned the pack and me and lied to us all in the process.”
“She is allowed to challenge me Jax” Nova says quietly from my side. Turning to her in surprise I see the gleam in her eyes.
“You want her to challenge you?” I ask.
“Well it’s a bit of a faff today. Alice is probably worrying about her schedule” she chuckles as Alice nods in agreement. But if it
has to be done then I will” she shrugs indifferently. “I’m not at all worried.”
“She has the right to challenge you Nova” dad says stepping forward.

“I know I did just say that” Nova says simply.
“Oh you’re so f****d Genevieve” Laurence laughs making her look at him in confusion.
“David..” Nova starts as she steps forward. “I can see what’s happening here, your want Genevieve to become Luna because
she is weak and not involved with the pack. She is easily controlled and wouldn’t be as hard to bend to your will as I. You blame
me for your family, your own mate, and others being upset with you when actually it’s your own actions which have caused that
to happen. You are threatened. by the fact that I’m stronger than you and have been welcomed so nicely to the Midnight Sky
Pack and I know you don’t want me here. It is becoming abundantly clear that is the case. This is not going to help you
though..you have invited the ex Luna, the one that betrayed the pack and its current Alpha to challenge the Alphast true mate
knowing she wouldn’t stand a chance against me. She hurt your own son!! really am beginning to wonder just what you gain
from all this.”
“You just can’t let me be dad can you” I say quietly. “You’re threatened by me, event more so with Nova by my side.”
His eyes harden and his jaw clenches but he says nothing.
“Then fine, but let me fill you in on something. Once Nova has won I am sending you to Alpha Henry’s pack, you are no longer
welcome here as you have opposed your own son and his mate. I dread to think what ma would say to you if she was here right.
now” I growl.
Not Welcome
“I’d tell him he is no longer my mate” I hear from behind me.
“What?” I gasp turning to see her standing with clenched fists.
“I returned to our home, i looked through your office David as soon as Theo linked me
to say who had arrived. I just had this feeling..” she says coldly.
Holding up a piece of paper I see my dad’s face drain of colour. “You know what I found?” She asks quietly.
“What did you find ma?” I ask stepping forward.
“An agreement with the council, your dad organised your mateship with Genevieve, it wasn’t the councils idea..it was your dads”
she snarls.

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