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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 95
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Ophelia’s Curse
Ophelia’s Curse
Jax POV:
“How was training love?” I ask as Nova walks into the office in her workout gear the following morning.
“So good” she exclaims happily, “I had a new group today and I have to say I’m
impressed! Everyone was highly motivated and listened to my suggestions eagerly. Yeah...brilliant!”
“They like having you there for training” I comment as a light blush stains her cheeks.
“Really?” She asks shyly.
“Really” I confirm.
Hearing a knock on the door I stand up knowing it will be Alex and his mate. “Come in
come in” I say gesturing for them to enter as I open the door.
“Hello Alpha Alex, Luna Ophelia” Nova says bowing politely. “How are you both finding.
your stay?”
“Lovely” Ophelia says happily, “the welcome package was delightful Nova, I could tell
it had your touch. I forgot to mention it earlier.”
“Welcome package?” I ask confused.,
Throwing me a glance Nova chuckles nervously, “oh yeah..um I think it’s nice for
guests to have a little welcome basket for when they stay. You know, some wine,
food, bath salts, movies..those kind of things.”
“Thats awesome love” I say my heart warming at her gesture.
“It is..it’s a Lunas touch” Alex comments as he crosses his legs and reclines in his
chair. “The room is lovely though, and everyb*dy at the pack has been delightful.”
“Glad to hear it” I smile.
“I actually requested we come and see you” Ophelia says nervously wringing her hands together.
“Oh?” I ask confused.
Ophelia’s Curse
“Yes, it’s not common knowledge but as Nova discovered it at the sparring I wanted to address it fully with the both of you” she
says nervously.
“Sorry am I meant to know what this is about?” I ask looking at Nova slightly lost.

“No love, I’m sorry but it wasn’t up to me to disclose” Nova says softly her eyes. looking to Luna Ophelia who is looking back
gratefully as my eyes widen in understanding.
“Ophelia’s wolf is dying” Alex says shortly, the pain evident in his voice. Hearing that I look at her in shock and then to Nova who
is looking at them both with worry.
“Dying?” I repeat slowly.
“Yes” she whispers with tears silently falling down her face.
“Oh sweetheart” Alex whispers as he pulls her onto his lap and cradles her lovingly. “I’m so sorry Luna” Nova says, her eyes full
of empathy.
“Is there anything that can be done?” I ask quietly not wanting to cause more upset.
Alex sighs deeply in response as he takes a large breath in of his mates scent before stroking her hair and looking up to me.

“She’s been cursed by a witch.”
“s**t” I exclaim, “but what witch?!”
“We haven’t found out” he growls, his anger at the fact evident as his eyes flash with those of his wolf.
“We were visiting a pack a couple of hours from home just over two weeks ago and there was a rogue attack, they came from
nowhere and Ophelia helped protect the young. She was taken for 4 hours and in that time she was subject to being beaten and
then cursed by a witch” he explains his voice low and pained.
“Rogues?” Nova asks confused.
“I know what you’re thinking, and after meeting your father I know it has nothing to do with him. They were turning feral anyway
so I know for certain they are not under your father’s rule” Alex says answering our unspoken question.
“So it was planned then” I comment as he simply nods in agreement.
“Definitely” Ophelia says looking at us with watery eyes. “I heard them mention

Ophelia’s Curse
“master will be pleased.”Ever since it’s happened I’ve been unable to shift and my
communication with Zina is getting less and less.”
“Master?” Nova gasps.
“Charles?” I growl at the same time.
“I fear so” Alex says slowly.
“But why have they targeted you?” I ask genuinely confused.
“I fear they have something big planned..what I’m not sure. But there is no way that they have been tracking Nova, have
infiltrated the council, and attacked the Alphal
King and his mate for no reason” Alex says.
“It’s too much of a coincidence I agree quickly.
“They’re targeting the strongest” i realise suddenly after a few moments of silence.
“Explain” Alex says looking at me with interest.
“If you take out the strongest it leaves the weak, they fight amongst themselves, gain
a new hierarchy and it is also easier for hunters to attack” Nova says playing with her
hair as she bites her lip, lost in her thoughts.
“But why me? I mean I may be mated to the Alpha King but I’m no warrior, I can fight
and I will always fight when needed to protect the vulnerable but it’s not my strength”
Luna Ophelia asks with confusion.
“You’re Alex’s weakness” I explain gently.
“Similar to why they may have waited for me to turn 25 and find my mate” Nova says
quietly, “if Jax dies..then I die.”
“You said two weeks ago?” I ask quietly.
“Yes, just over” Alex agrees. .

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Looking at Nova I see the understanding in her eyes. “No..” she whispers.
“No?” Ophelia asks.
“We found out we were true mates at that time” I say.
“So it could be linked” Alex says slowly as he looks between us.
Ophelia’s Curse

“f**k sake” I mutter. “Why does it just keep getting bigger.”
“I’m sorry” I hear Nova whisper making me turn to see her lips quivering as she fights
to stop herself crying.
“No love” I whisper as I move to crouch in front of her, “none of this is your fault. Your
are an amazing woman and our pack and I could not wish for a better Luna. What your have accomplished in your life is
absolutely amazing, you’re amazing. Please don’t
ever apologise again or feel guilty for this. It’s the actions of others that are to blame,
their decisions and their fault.”
“He’s right Nova” Ophelia says from behind me, “I would never blame you for this. I only met you recently and I know you are as
pure as one can be. Don’t let that guilt spread.”
“Don’t” I whisper as I look into her eyes. Nodding her head she squares her shoulders and takes a deep breath.
“You’re right” she murmurs with an embarrassed smile. “I apologise I didn’t mean to get emotional.”
Pointing at the tears streaming down her own face Ophelia chuckles, “darling that was hardly emotional.”
“Ophelia cry’s at everything” Alex adds in with a wink at his mate who squeezes his
“True, but do I need to tell them about Marley and me and a certain Alpha King?” She asks coyly lighting the mood slightly.
“Don’t” he gasps as she laughs lightly.
“My lips are sealed” she whispers before they k*ss one another lightly.
As Ophelia returns to her chair Nova looks at her curiously, “is there a way to lift the curse?”
“Yes” Alex says slowly.
“I’m sensing a but” I wince.
Nodding he looks at me sadly, “it can only be lifted by the one who cast it. We have spoken to our packs advisors and they are
certain of that.”
Ophelia’s Curse

“Ah f**k” I curse quietly.
“I can help you” Nova says quietly.
“What?” Ophelia asks in shock.
Nova takes a deep breath before her eyes turn to that of Kia showing she has moved to speak.
“I may not be able to heal your wolf but I can certainly lend her my strength. It will slow down the effect of the curse and hopefully
give us enough time to figure this out” Kia links us all as we all look at Nova in amazement. “I would like to speak to our uncle
Johnathon before we try which we will do at the Luna ceremony, just to confirm it’s safe for me to do so.”
“How do you know you can?” Alex asks her curiously,
“I just know” she responds, “it’s instinctual but im certain I can. Do you trust me?”
“We do both Alex and Ophelia say immediately.
“Thank you Kia” Ophelia adds on softly.
“You are deserving” is all Kia says before she retreats and allows Nova to have control
once more.
“Amazing” I whisper as Nova smiles shyly.
“Truly amazing” Alex agrees relief in his voice.
“We will get to the bottom of this” I say comforting them.
“We know” Alex smiles, “but for now we all should concentrate on your Luna Ceremony. We need some lightness in our lives.”
“Definitely” I chuckle.
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