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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 89
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Jax POV:
Nova briefly disappears to organise drinks and food to be brought to the private. lounge on our floor leaving me with Alex and
Luna Ophelia.
“So this was a surprising visit” I say to them as they look at me with wide smites.
“As soon as we felt her power Alex became restless, he was about to call the council when elder Martin reached out. Alex was
too impatient to call you and thought the best idea was to just head here straight away” Ophelia says with humouras she looks at
her mate. “Learning she was your mate was a lovely surprise though I have to admit.”
“Why don’t they sense Kingsley?” Zeus asks me suddenly.
“I think it’s part of his protection by the Moon Goddess perhaps, it’s worth locking into “I reply to him.
“Do you realise how incredible it is to have a Guardian Wolf alive in our lifetime?”-Alex asks us with amazement,
“Elder Martin didn’t say she was my mate?” I check.
“No, he said she resided in your pack and that was enough for me, he said you’d be reaching out as you had a problem anyway
and I thought to hell with it, we are coming to you” he says with a shrug.
“Well I’m glad you have” I sigh, “there is a lot going on and a lot we still don’t
“Alpha? Can I have a quick word?” Axel calls as he knocks on the door.
“Yes come in Axel” I shout before he opens the door and freezes at the sight before.
“Alpha King, Lady Ophelia it’s an honour” he says bowing low. “I’m sorry I’ve been in the office l appear to have missed you
“Hello Axel Alex says stretching out his hand for him to shake.
“Congratulations on your upcoming ceremony Nova” Ophelia says as she steps.
forward to k*ss her cheeks softly. “We can’t wait to celebrate with you.”
“Thank you” Nova says with a soft blush, “I have a room being prepared for you both if
you’d like to stay here?”

“We won’t be leaving anytime soon Nova, I meant it when I said we would stay by you throughout this” Alex says as he guides
Ophelia to sit beside him. “I would appreciate
being told more?”

“Of course” I say instantly as Nova sits beside me also.
For the next 20 minutes we sit there and explain in detail everything that has happened thus far as they sit and listen attentively
without asking questions. Once
we have finished Alex leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees with his chin
on his hands.
“That’s a lot” he comments.
“I did warn you” I chuckle.
“Can I offer my advice?” He says.
“Please do” Nova replies quickly.
“I think finding Charles is top priority, what Caroline said about your mother finding
you I think could also be true. She has had 25 years with her parents now, to her knowledge her mate betrayed her and their
mate bond, I think it’s a strong possibility she doesn’t know of her parents involvement in that” he says. “I do believe she will
have been conditioned but I also believe that can be broken, seeing her daughter and
her mate once more could be what’s needed for that to happen. I’m not saying let’s hang around and wait but there are no leads
on your mum, she is a ghost in this.
Which is exactly what your grandparents have designed.”
“You’re right” I say quietly. “We need to find the hunters.”
“The meeting that is scheduled is the perfect time, I don’t suggest attacking however.
I suggest we scout it out and follow them from there, we can find their base, see the
routes they take and more” he says with confidence. “My only concern is they will
know the traitors have been found, it could be a trap because of that. Although from

the sounds of it none of the traitors were told about the meeting otherwise Elder
Martin would have told you by now so I believe there is a strong possibility this is a
genuine meeting”
“Things are amping up now I say leaning forward with anticipation.
“They are” Alex agrees. “Once we know more on Monday I think it’s best to react quickly and not give them time to act.”
“Definitely, we go to them instead of them coming to us” Nova says.
“Exactly” Alex agrees. “I do have one suggestion though, if it is a genuine hunters meeting on Monday then we leave them a
“A gift?” I ask already having a feeling I know what he’s going to say.
“Caroline’s b*dy, left for them to see” he says with a dark smile. “She has no use to us

“Brutal but a good idea” Nova agrees making Ophelia look at her slightly in surprise
which doesn’t go amiss.
“I apologise Luna Ophelia, I know it’s surprising for me to say that but I have to admit Kia quite likes action” Nova says quietly.
“She isn’t afraid of blood or fighting, it only
pushes her more.”
“I see” Ophelia says with a smile, “very unlike me.”
“Darling you don’t have to be like Nova, you are perfect for your role” Alex says
comforting her.
“Oh I don’t mind Alex” she says with a giggle, “I don’t have the stomach for it I know
that. But I commend you Nova on being a warrior, it’s not for the faint hearted.”
“Thank you” Nova says with a soft smile. .

“I have an idea though, leaving her b*dy at the meeting would panic them. They may not lead us to their base or anywhere else
of importance. I suggest once we have
found the base then we leave her b*dy. Then they will be scared and have lost their
advantage” i interject.
“Definitely” Nova agrees with a smile thrown my way.
“A warrior?” Alex asks with interest still hung up on a comment from Ophelia.
“Yes Alpha” Nova smiles, “I trained with the Elite Warriors when I was younger and I
organise the training programs for it to this day as well as the council guards training.
“Could we spar?” He asks eagerly.
“Dear..” Ophelia protests.
“It’s okay Luna, I’m happy to spar if Alpha Alex is also” Nova says reassuringly.
“Jax?” Ophelia says looking confused as to why I’m happy for my mate to spar with
the Alpha King.
“I’m not worried” I shrug, “we can go now if you’d like?”
“Don’t hurt her Alex” Ophelia murmurs to him as he chuckles.
“He won’t” I say making them both look at me in surprise. “But you’ve asked to spar
now..can’t back out” I laugh as I eagerly lead Nova out the room.
“Please kick his as s love” I chuckle, “he hasn’t been beaten in a long time.”
“Just for you” she winks.
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