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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 87
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Unexpected Guests
Nova POV:
Storming out the hospital I head to a bench hearing Jax following close behind.
“I could kill her” I snarl as my temper rises
“She was trying to get under your skin Nova” he says his deep voice helping calm me as he wraps his arms around me and
brings me to his chest.
“Do voi
you think it’s true about my mother?” I ask after a moment.
“I think it’s a strong possibility, but that doesn’t mean there is no coming back for her” he says quietly. “I think she has been
moulded by your grandparents to cause the ultimate damage to you and your father so it’s best to be prepared either way. But
that doesn’t mean you should give up on her.”
I don’t say anything as I nod in agreement.
“Life isn’t fair” I mumble into his chest as he k*sses the top of my head softly.
We stay that way for a few moments before we hear “ALPHA” being called. Turning our heads we see Axel running towards us
brandishing a phone in his head.
“Yes?” Jax asks not lessening his comforting embrace on me.
“Hannah’s phone..there is a new meeting scheduled, Monday and it’s only 25 miles from here” he pants.
“Really?” I ask in surprise as he holds the phone out for us to see. “Do you think it’s at
genuine one or a trap if they have discovered what’s happened to Hannah?”
“Why do you think it might be a trap?” Axel asks inquisitively.
“Well what if they’ve discovered Hannah’s b*dy?” I ask.
“I doubt it, but there is a chance, I can arrange for it to be checked if I speak to Sophie
about the location” he says slowly. “Beta Laurence is going to go scout out the meeting place now with Ga mma Theo and 5
“Do you think Hannah had a tracker in her arm also?” I suddenly ask Jax. “Luca!
Where is he?” I ask Axel before Jax can reply.
Unexpected Guests

“In the lounge with Sophie” he says.
“Let’s go” I order already jogging towards the packhouse.
“LUCA” I shout as I head towards the lounge. Seeing him stand as I walk through he looks at me questioningly.
“You called?” He says with humour, seeing my face is serious his eyes harden and he refers to his Beta mode. “What’s up
Dr Norton mention anything about trackers and the hunters?” I ask.
“No..but we didn’t ask anything like that” he says furrowing his brows.
“Caroline had a tracker in her arm, I wondered if it was the case for all hunters who

work for Charles” I explain.
“I’ll call Elder Martin now if you’d like?” He suggests.
“Yes please do” I say, “go to the office and do it, his number is in the office phone.”
“On it” he says before dashing from the room.
“Sophie did Hannah have one do you know?” I ask.
“Not that I’m aware of but I didn’t look for one, i knew her phone had one and that was it” she says before Axel pulls her to one
“Alpha Jax there are a convoy of cars coming down the drive” a warrior shouts as he
dashes into the room.
“What? And the gate guards haven’t mentioned it because?” He fumes as he storms. out the room his eyes blazing. Trailing
behind him my heart starts beating loudly at the unknown as I scent wolves in unfamiliar with.
“Relax Nova, it will do you no good being so on edge” Ki says soothing me.
Pushing the pack house doors open Jax jumps down the steps before taking a powerful stance in the middle of the drive with me
by his side. Seeing the cars drive up his lips thin and pull back revealing his fangs.
“What the f**k” he snarls, “5 blo ody cars and the gate guards don’t even bother to link me. I’ll be having words.” As he says this
a group of 15 warriors come to stand behind us in a fighting stance. .

Unexpected Guests
The cars pull up quickly and the back door of the leading one swings open as a tall gentlemen gracefully stands up before
walking round to open the other door. Holding his hand out he helps a beautiful lady elegantly stand up and they link arms before
the walk slowly towards us.
“Oh the little..” Jax says as he relaxes his stance immediately.
The man whose bright green eyes bore through us as power radiates from him lifts his lips in a slight smirk, “I wouldn’t finish that
if I were you Jaxon” he laughs.
Shaking his head Jax waves the men behind us to stand down and looks at me, Alpha..”
“King” I finish as it clicks.
“You got it, come my Luna” he says taking me hand and leading us to meet our
“Alpha King, Luna Ophelia” Jax says with a genuine smile as he bows to them, “it’s a pleasure to have you here.”
Uttering my greetings also I graciously bow to show my respect. Standing upright I see the Alpha King looking at me closely.
Smiling calmly I link my arm with Jaxs.
“Are you going to introduce us Jaxon?” The Alpha King asks with a smirk.
“Of course..this is my mate, Luna Nova” Jax says with pride as he hugs me close to
his side.
“It’s lovely to meet you” Luna Ophelia says in a soft tone with a warm smile. “How nice to see Jax has his true mate by his side at
“Thank you Luna Ophelia” I say with a polite smile.
Suddenly the Alpha King and Luna Ophelia bow low to me whilst I stand in shock at their actions and others behind us gape in

“Um..” I say lost for words. Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“We know who you are Nova, and we want to pledge our loyalty to you and your Alpha
the Alpha King says as he stands looking at me clearly as gasps echo around us. We felt your power and then after speaking to
Elder Martin we knew we needed to come quickly. This is a time of need and we will be by your side until the threat of the
Unexpected Guests
hunters have been terminated.”
“Oh my goddess..” I breath and I look at Jax who is stood looking proudly at me.
“I, Alpha King Alexander, swear my loyalty to Luna Nova, our Guardian, through life there are challenges but together we will
face them and come out stronger. You have
the support of the Northern Packs and a lifetime of loyalty from myself and my Luna Ophelia” he says as his aura ripples around
him making everyone else bow but Jax and myself.
“Don’t worry Nova” he says with a smile as I stand frozen in shock, “I’m still your Alpha King. But I respect your position in this
world and I know the nature of you and your Wolf, I will support you and your mate to strengthen and protect us all.”
you Alpha” Jax says bowing his head as I mirror him. “This is quite a surprise.”
“I bet” Alexander says with a chuckle.
Suddenly Kia forces a shift for the first time since shifting and before I know it she is stood tall proudly looking at the Alpha King
before she bows low to both him and his
“It is a pleasure to meet you both” she links them as they smile showing no surprise at her voice, “I vow to always protect those
who are pure and aid those in need. I will offer my advice, support and love wherever I can and I will always..always fight for
those who deserve it.”
She walks closer as everyone watches on quietly before nudging her nose into first
Luna Ophelia’s open palm then the Alpha Kings. Turning she looks at Jax who is
standing with a large smile on his face and walks up before bowing, “my Alpha” she purrs to him making him rumble in approval.
Nudging his side as she passes she lopes to the packhouse side before shifting and allowing me to change into some
spare clothes.
“Could have warned me” I mumble to her.
“You seemed rather shell shocked” she says to me rather matter of factly.
“I was” I laugh, “best redeem myself.”
Walking out I hold my head high and stride towards Jaxs side.

Unexpected Guests
“I apologise Alpha Alexander, Luna Ophelia after the past few weeks I was rather shocked by that” I admit with a soft chuckle as
they join me, “but your loyalty and faith in Kia and myself means a lot. Would you both like to come inside and I can arrange for
some drinks and food to be brought through. I think perhaps it’s time for Jax and I to explain what has been going on.”
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