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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 70
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Nova POV:
“Good morning Luna Nova, so to begin I would like you to confirm if what Alpha Axton has said is accurate and include any other
relevant information you have” Elder Martin says looking at me with an expressionless face.
Nodding I sit up straight and look around the room before setting my eyes on Rose who’s face is contorted with anger.
“I can confirm that what Alpha Axton has said is true. The three days leading up to me leaving the White Mountain Pack and
relinquishing my role as Luna was long and painful. I suffered betrayal pains throughout the meeting initially but as I left the pain
increased in strength, I ended up passing out and the next thing I knew I was in the hospital. My mark was inflamed and angry
due to Alpha Axton and Rose having marked one another. However from waking up the following day It meant I didn’t suffer any
more pains from them both” I say clearly my voice strong. “I left hospital on day 3 and returned to the pack and offered my
goodbye to those present. That is when Alpha Axton came down with Rose, he was angry however Rose did attempt to attack
me. She wasn’t successful” I smirk looking at her as she growls at me.
“She attacked you?” Elder Martin repeats.
“Yes. The pack members were shouting “long live the true Luna” not at my request may I add. They weren’t happy with the way
Alpha Axton and Rose had treated me, however I explained now the contract was null and void I was no longer required to stay
and help Rose adapt to the Luna role as I had agreed when we signed the contract. I still requested Elder Angela to train with
Rose to help her. Her initial attempt at attacking me was after I said I would not stay to train her. The second time was as I was
walking away I reminded them of the pain they had caused me. She lept at me from behind and I turned and grabbed her brown
wolf’s throat and pinned her to the floor. There I reminded her of the pain I could inflict if wanted and turned and relinquished my
“Did you warrant the attack?” Elder Martin asks.
“No. I didn’t warrant any of the events that took place those few days but I will always
protot malwhen someone wants to cause harm. Even to a pathetic wolf like Rose “say with a cold sole discoted at her as she
snarls at me
How do you wake after 3 days? Marking another can cause someone to die but PAYMENT SOnyone interjected from the
Raising my brows at Martin he shifted uncomfortabhi “it’s up to you to answer that as it wasn’t an official question from myself.
However people will wonder”
Because I’m a strong wolf” I say simply
Hearing a few sniggers from the audience I smile softly before clicking my tonque Don’t test me
“Did anything else happen between Rose and yourself?” Elder Martin asks swiftly

moving on
“She made judgemental comments when she visited our pack alongside my brother and Alpha Axton She also arranged for
Alpha Jax and to stay in separate rooms when we visited them pack I say “Mine was to be opposite Alpha Axtons and Roses
room, which was my room that they decided to originally pa k in. Whilst Alpha Jax was staying on a different floor. My brother
and Alpha Axton didn’t agree with her idea so I was showed to the room with Alpha Jax. She wasn’t happy with it. Then there
was the meal..she jumped on Alpha Jaxs lap so I threw her across the room.”
“So you didn’t initiate anything?” Elder Martin verifies.
“Not once, she tested my patience continually but I never once initiated anything” reply calmly
“LI ES” she snarls whilst baring her teeth at me.
“You’re not worth me lying” I coldly reply.
“Why would she be so set on causing you pain?” Elder Martin asks with a certain
gleam in his eyes.
“Well I only was told yesterday that Rose is Alpha Jacob’s daughter, I do believe it was
due to me turning down Jacob’s mateship proposal a few years ago” I say whilst
leaning forward. “I clearly insulted the man’s ego and he couldn’t move past it.”

Hearing him snarl I raise my brow and laugh softly, “would you like to deny it?” I ask
“You kicked me” he snarls from beside his Beta.
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face and
“I did” I laugh at the memory earning a few shocked looks before I set my glare at him, “but maybe you should have accepted my.

polite refusal of your proposed mateship like a gentleman instead of getting angry and grabbing my arm painfully. If you hadn’t of
laid a hand on me I wouldn’t have had to retaliate.”
Hearing that I hear muttering around the room. “There were also many witnesses there for that event including your own Beta” I
“And you say you didn’t know Rose was his daughter?” Elder Martin asks.
“Not until you told me yesterday. I knew she was an Alphas daughter from a few comments Alphas Axton and Luca made
however I never questioned it further. Again..she wasn’t worth my time” I say coldly.
“You w***e” Rose hisses making me laugh softly.
“Oh Rose dear, I’m no w***e. Although like I said to you before, I’m sure you’re no stranger to spreading your legs.”
With that she stands and tries to lunge for me but I don’t even flinch as her restraints
hold her back.
“Is there any other information you’d like to share?” Martin asks.
“Only that as Axton said, the moment I saw they were fated I knew my chosen mateship was over I was just waiting to follow the
official steps. I was no threat” I
“You were a threat to Rose clearly” Elder Frost pipes up making my attention turn to
“Please explain” I say slowly.
“You were mated to her fated mate. She would see you as a threat of course she would” he snarls slightly at me.
“I agree, she would initially assume I was a threat. However I pushed for Alpha Axton to greet her, I left them alone to head the
meeting and I have always stuck to my word. If she had been patient enough to hear Alpha Axton out and trusted her
176 Pranda

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supposedly fated mate then she would have seen that. I also was the one who included the clause to ensure she had adequate
training, both for her benefit and the packs benefit. Those actions don’t strike me as someone who was a threat” I say loudly as I
feel my temper flare at his attitude.
“But you were still mated to her fated mate” he points out angrily.
“Yes I was. And who may I ask requested the mateship between Alpha Axton and
myself?” I snap.
“The council..” Martin answers.
Clicking my fingers I throw my hands up in frustration, “exactly. I didn’t love Axton at
first. I did it to help the pack and to stop advances from other men. I did grow to love
Axton yes but that was from his treatment to me and the way we ran the pack
together before he met Rose. I also had a fated out there, I was never going to stand
in their way.”
“Alpha Axton” Frost interjects coldly as he has no answer to what I’ve said.
“For someone who doesn’t remember my title Elder Frost you have a certain issue. with pointing out whenever it sk ips my mind”

I smirk at his pettiness.
“Luna Nova never has to refer to me as Alpha Axton, she does so of her politeness” Axton suddenly pipes up earning a few
surprised looks.
“Why is that Alpha Axton?” Asks Martin who looks amused by the situation.
“For one I would never expect someone I was previously mated to and was my equal then feel they were below me because of
my actions. Nova showed me complete and utter respect when we were together so I would never ask her to call me her Alpha.
Secondly..” and with this he flicks his eyes to me with a certain look in them, “why would I ask someone who is much more
powerful than myself call me the Alpha. She may be Luna by title but we know she is more of an Alpha than anyone present here

Hearing a snort of laughter come from Jacob and his Beta I look at them with an
unreadable expression.
“Is something amusing you gentlemen?” I ask quietly.
“Oh s**t” I hear Luca mutter.
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“May I remind you I am here to answer Elder Martins questions however I have answered many more politefully. Do not
disrespect me” I say glaring at the two men.
“Why is it amusing?” Elder Martin asks turning to look at the men, “it’s true.”
Snorting Jacob’s and Beta look between themselves, “we sincerely doubt that. She is a weak, small woman who is only good for
bedding men.”
Hearing that Kia moves to the front and snarls loudly at their comments, releasing a little of my aura I stand up and slam my
hands on the table in front of me. “Come here “I command as everyone in the room submits in shock. Seeing they can’t fight my
order they stumble to in front of me whilst I begin to scent fear from them both.
c*****g my head slightly i smirk and take a deep inhale, “ahh I can scent your fear. Are
you telling me that this small, weak woman is causing that?”
They don’t answer as I glare at them before his Beta stutters out “h..how?”
“Because as I pointed out to you, and you stu pidly didn’t believe..I am a strong wolf. You disrespected me multiple times and Kia
didn’t take too kindly to it. Now because you thought that me kneeing you in the balls was humiliating before, when you were
the one that was disrespectful and out of line, I am going to show you how lenient I
was with your disrespect.”
“Magnificent” I hear Jax say in awe as I step out from behind the booth. I release my aura further and my voice joins with Kia as I
look at them with a grin.
“KNEEL” with that command they both drop to their knees with their necks.
“Tut tut...an Alpha submitting. Whatever next” I laugh before I go and stand directly in
front of them.
“You messed with the wrong she-wolf” I snarl as Elder Martin stands by with a wide
smile. “Now you know, I was lenient before..but if you ever disrespect me again I’ll
have you dancing n*ked in front of a crowd..or worse. It’s your choice.” With that I

reign my aura in and they slump to the floor whilst I motion for the guards to drag
them away.
“Does anyone doubt me now?” I ask raising my head and glaring around the room.
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