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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 58
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Nova POV:
Rotating my hips I run my nails down Jaxs chiseled chest, my claws lengthening
slightly as I break the skin making Jaxs eyes darken impossibly further as he hisses in pleasure at my touch.
Lifting my hips up I slam down on his shaft riding him hard as he thrusts up meeting me making my t**s bounce in his eyeline. “I
think this is my favourite view” he says huskily as his eyes zero in on my rosey buds. Smirking I reach my hands back to rest on
his thighs as I continue to bounce on top of him. Letting out a string of obscenities he lifts himself up so he can take one of my
rosey buds into his mouth as
he bites down gently making me moan.
Flicking his tongue out he sucks my breast as I watch his every move. Feeling my tummy tighten as my pleasure rises | push his
chest back so he’s lying on the bed and lean forward moving my hips more to increase friction on my swollen cl it. “Ah Jax I’m
s..so close” I moan out as he watches where I’m rocking myself on his hardened shaft. With a growl he moves us quickly so he’s
on top, without breaking our pace he moves my legs so they’re over his shoulders and lifts my hips making him go even deeper.
As he reaches my pleasure spot with each hard thrust I start to shudder in his hold as with a loud cry he pushes me over the
edge once again. Seeing stars my eyes roll back in pleasure ahe reaches a hand out to gently pin my neck as he continues
thrusting whilst I ride out my high.
“I think you have one more in you” he growls as he slows his pace thrusting into me holding off his own release.
“Jax I don’t know how much more I can take” I pant as my b*dy goes limp in his hold.
Smirking he lowers my hips and cages me in between his strong arms, “is that so” he whispers huskily in my ear before sucking
on my mark lightly. Groaning in pleasure as heat pools immediately below he lifts his head and winks at me. Suddenly stopping
his movements he pulls out of me and sits on the back of his heels, “done for the
night then?” He asks me.
Gaping at him I struggle to form words and instead settle for scowling at him as my
b*dy craves his touch.
“No” I whisper biting my lower lip.
“Oh good..because I have an idea” he smiles cheekily at me as he slowly strokes hist
shaft, watching his movements my breathing becomes laboured as my chest heaves.
with anticipation.
“Oh yeah?” I attempt to ask nonchalantly.

“Oh yes” he growls before swiftly rising from the bed and striding to a shelf on the wall and opening a chest that’s locked on
there. Licking my lips I feel my juices run as
I admire his strong back and muscular bum, “you like the view?” He asks smirking as
he turns to face me
Nodding my head I focus on where his right hand is still slowly pumping his big c**k,” you like watching me?” He asks c*****g his
head at me.
“Mmhmm” I hum not moving my eyes.
“Touch yourself” he orders with authority ringing in his voice. My eyes flash to his as I

smirk and snake a hand down my b*dy before reaching my heat. Slipping two fingers through my folds I whimper as they graze
my swollen cl it.
Coming to stand at the bedside besides me he watches my movements, his breath
hitching as my fingers slip inside my wet core.
His strokes his shaft quicker as I see approval in his eyes, “hmm I’ve changed my
mind” he says huskily as I look at him questioningly. “I think you’ve got two more in
you” he says meeting my eyes.
“Only if you do” I murmur as my back arches from the pleasure im giving myself.
“You want me to c*m on you?” He rasps as his eyes focus on my fingers once again.
“Yeah..right here” I whisper as I reach my other hand out to knead my breast.
“f**k Nova” he growls as he begins to pump his d**k furiously his breath coming in soft pants as I plunge my fingers in at a
matching pace.
“c*m with me” I whisper as I pinch my n****e and rub my c lit feeling my release draw closer. Seeing his c**k twitch eagerly in his
hand at my words I let go of my n****e
and reach .

my hand up to grasp his tight balls. As I play with them he moves closer his
eyes still focused on my hand moving below, as I feel his balls tighten and him jerk in his hand I rub on my c lit harder with my
thumb, feeling my walls tighten I moan “now Jax” as my hips lift off of the bed as I hiss loudly pressing on my cli t. Hearing him
growl my name I look up to see his eyes on mine as he jerks his d**k releasing his
warm seed over my boobs.
With a sigh I relax on the bed as I run a finger through his c*m and raise it to my
mouth, sucking it slowly as I hum in pleasure gazing at him. “s**t Nova you’re so
******g se y” he growls as his shaft stays rock hard in his hand.
Seeing my eyes widen as my hand moves to replace his he smirks as he holds up his hand showing a black blindfold, “this Alpha
isn’t done yet” making my heart race.
Grinning he lifts himself over me as I trail my hands down his chest, lifting my head gently he ties the blindfold behind me making
all I see black. Hearing a clinking noise.
I furrow my brows in confusion before twitching as I feel something cold on my wrist,
“relax” he breaths, “do you trust me?”
“with my!
I say clearly.
“Good” he murmurs before pulling my arm gently and with a click my arm is bound
outstretched above my head, he quickly moves to do the same with my other and
then drops a feathery k*ss on my mark making me moan.
Feeling his weight shift back off of me I still as I wait for his next move. Feeling his
hands grasp my hips he lifts me before I gasp as his warm mouth sucks on my cl it.

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Flicking his tongue out he licks though my folds before plunging into my core and
lapping at my juices. Reaching a hand up he squeezes my breast as I writhe at his touch. As he continues his magical assault on
my warm core I find myself begging.” Jax p..please” I gasp.
“Please?” He asks teasingly before sucking on my cl it slightly harder.

“Hmphh” I moan out as I find myself too lost for words. As my stomach tightens with me nearing my release all too quickly he
senses it and gently rubs on my cl it with hist fingers, “oh goddess” I moan before he suddenly moves away leaving me
for more.
“Jax please” I moan again.
“Please?” He asks.
“Let me c’m” I beg.
“Hmm, what do you want my Luna?” He asks huskily as he gently runs a thumb over my swollen lips.
“I need you in me” I moan desperately.
He rubs his shaft through my folds before dipping his tip in moving torturously slow.” Like this?” He whispers as he continues is
slow place.
Rocking my hips I try to lift them to meet his movements but he holds me down, “no” I
“Then what?” He teases further.
“Hard and fast” I barely ge
me quickly.
my words out before he surges forward and pounds into
“YESSS” I scream as he rubs my cli t at the same time.
“You have no idea what this does to me” he growls, “you being blindfolded, tied up
and covered in my seed.”
“Oh goddess Jax I’m going to c*m” I bite out as I feel my walls tightening round his
“c*m” he orders as he slams into me before biting down on my mark making me
scream as my b*dy convulses squeezing his c**k as I c*m hard. Reaching up to his
neck I lick finding his marking spot before I bite down making him grunt as he stiffens and releases deep inside me. As I feel his
b*dy collapse on top of mine I sigh in

“That was so good” I whisper h oar sely as my breathing settles.
He releases my arms and undoes my blindfold where I’m met with his bright green. eyes which are full of love for me, “it was
amazing” he whispers huskily in my ear before dropping a soft k*ss on my lips..
“Wait here, I’ll run us a bath” he says quietly.
“I’m too tired” I moan into a pillow.
“Bath then sleep love” he promises before he moves to the bathroom quickly.
Looking around at the messed up sheets I can’t help the giggle that escapes me, ”
what you giggling about?” He links me in amusement.
“I think we need new sheets” laugh through the link
“Already on it” he tells me laughing also.
A few minutes later he walks through and scoops me up off of the bed which as my legs feel like jelly I don’t protest at
“Hmm you did say I wouldn’t have the energy to walk” I murmur laughing lightly.
“Told you” he winks as he lowers me into the bath before slipping in behind me.
“Relax” he murmurs as he begins to rinse my b*dy, falling back against his chest Flet
sleep consume me.
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