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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 56
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Nova POV:
“I can’t blame you” Sophie says quietly, “I would have had the same reaction.”
“I know, but I still feel guilty” I admit as I realise she knew that would have been our first thought.
“Well don’t, please” she says with a small smile.
“So you confronted Hannah?” I ask getting back to the topic at hand.
“Yeah” she sighs, “I told her I was fighting with dad and I needed to let loose for al while. We met at a hotel under the pretence of
going out to a club for the night. But I said I fancied some food first so I drove to a quiet diner and suggested getting some fresh
air with a walk to clear my head. She suspected nothing” she chuckles darkly. “I restrained her and told her I knew who she was.
She was terrified, she told
“What do you know?” I ask interested.
“I know your grandfather knows Caroline is here, I also know he has 3 spies, all high
up and they tell him everything there is to know about you” she admits.
“Anything about dad?” I check concerned.
“No” she says shaking her head, “I lied about where i lived whenever i spoke to Hannah about home, it was part of the
agreement of dad allowing me to go to
college. But also i never told people the truth of where we were, I grew up not trusting others and it was dad’s strict instructions
to never expose our whereabouts.”
“So why didn’t grandfather do anything if he knew where I was?” I ask.
“Because he knew one day dad would find you, and he’s been waiting for that day” she says quietly.
“Anything else?” I ask calmly.
“I know how many hunters there are under his control and I know he’s planning an attack on you. But if they find out what
happened to Hannah that may change” she
admits wincing.
“Do you think they will in the next week” I ask quietly.
“I don’t think so, I had the idea to send a text off of Hannah’s phone saying she was spending 10 days with me and that in that
time she can’t risk being found so she
wouldn’t be contacting them” Sophie says.
“Impressive idea” I praise her making her blush slightly.

“Well it was common of her to disappear for a little while and then report back her findings I realised once I looked through her
phone. I’m confident they won’t suspect. anything, she has no trackers on her phone either I checked” she says a little
flustered from the compliment I paid her.
“Nice” I smirk. “You’ve done a good job Sophie. Admittedly would have liked to know beforehand but I know you were protecting
us and for that I’m thankful. Are you ok though? I can imagine today has been a long day.”
“I’m nervous to face Luca, what if he hates me” she whispers.
“Why would he hate you?” I exclaim.

“I spent time with your parents killer, she was involved in the attack Nova. It was there on her phone” she admits looking scared
to tell me. “I have it with me for you to look.
“You didn’t know Sophie, you were used do you hear me? This is not your fault” I
comfort her. “Luca will have been worried for you, yes at first he was angry when we
discovered the photo but Jax spoke to him..and me. Jax didn’t believe for one
moment that you could betray us.”
“Really?” She whispers surprised.
“Yes. He made some extremely valid points” I explain.
“Nova love are you ok?” Jax links me making me realise I’ve been gone a while.
“Jax has linked me, are you up for going to the office?” I ask.
Squaring her shoulders she nods her head determinedly, “yes, I need to tell them
“That a girl” I wink before going to get my coffee. “D amn” I moan as I pick up my cold cup. “Let me just make a fresh one, I need
caffeine” I say making her chuckle lightly,”
Explanation .

do you want one?”
“Please” she smiles politely.
“I’m glad we got to chat Sophie, I’m sorry we haven’t been able to spend more time.
together but once this has all calmed down we will. I’ll make sure of it” I promise her.
“I’d really like that” she murmurs happily.
Turning with the tray I jerk my head to the stairs, “come on then, I’ll lead the way.”
“On my way up love, I’m not alone. Don’t let anyone react badly” I warn him.
“Ok..?” He asks through the link fishing for more details.
“See you in a minute” is all I say as we head up the stairs.
Opening the door I smile reassuringly at Sophie, “look who found me” I say lightly ast
we walk into the room together.
“S...Sophie?!” Luca exclaims in shock as he stands from the sofa. Seeing everyone else pause as they take in my relaxed
stance I smile lightly.
“Sophie has a lot to tell you, but I’m going to make it clear as I can tell that Luca is itching to check on his mate. She did not in
any way betray us, she did what she did to protect us” I say clearly as relief spreads across my father’s face.
With a sigh of relief Luca rushes to her and wraps her in his arms holding her tightly to him, “I thought you’d left me” I heard him
“I’m so sorry Luca” she says into his chest whilst reaching an arm around to stroke his back comfortingly. “You’ll never lose me.”
“Sophie are you ok?” Dad asks stepping forward looking concerned.
“Yes dad, I’m ok. I promise” she says with conviction.
“Why don’t you sit down Sophie and tell them everything you told me” I say gesturing to the sofa. With a nod she turns to sit
down but Luca pulls her down onto his lap in

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Seeing Jaxs bewildered face I walk over and sit on his lap as well dropping a soft k*ssi on his lips, “just listen, you were right.”

As Sophie sits and explains everything she has done today and the decisions she had
In make i sem averyone’s faces go through a range of emotion. From confusion, to worry, to being impressed and finally to pride
“You’re just like your sister Thear Laurence chuckle as she finishes her explanation”
Logical and here edy protective of those you love”
With a smile stretching nemss her face at his words she blushes and tucks her face
into Lucas chest much to everyone’s amusement
“I’m so proud of your darling, your mother would be as well” my dad says quietly making a few tears escape her eyes
“Thanks dad” she whispers.
“I didn’t mean to betray your trust with the tracker he starts before she quickly
“I’d rather have it than not dad” she says looking at him not giving him room to
apologise further
“I wish you had let me mark you Soph Their Luca say quietly, “I just want to protect you, I don’t mind that you can’t mark me”
Stroking his check she smiles, “I know only said no because of today, I knew you would try to find me and couldn’t risk you being
hurt I want you to she tells himn
As he grins widely I chuckle, “remind me not to go near your room tonight” joke
making everyone laugh.
“You can mark him Sophie” Kia links her allowing everyone to hear “Maybe not right
now but you will be able to at some point”
“What?” Sophie asks in shock
“You have a wolf, I can sense her. But there is something stopping her from emerging, Thave a feeling it has something to do
with when you were born, maybe the hunters had help then and wanted to stop another wolf being allowed free” Kia says making
Sophie gasp
“Really?” she asks excitedly
“You smell like a wolf Sophie, if you were born without one you wouldn’t smell like

one” I point out. “We will figure this out for you.”
“You can mark me” Luca grins against her lips looking excited.
“Oh go upstairs you two, you’ve agreed to stay another night haven’t you?”I chuckle,” maybe you can help her wash” I suggest to
Luca wiggling my brows.
“Yes Luna” he smirks before leaping up with her in his arms, “well that’s my cue, good night all” he smirks before racing from the
“That’s my daughter” dad says grimly.
“Part of life dad, don’t pretend you’re innocent” I smirk making him chuckle.
“Fair point” he shrugs.
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