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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 45
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Jax POV:
Cradling Nova in my arms I stoke her hair as silent s obs rack her b*dy.
“What am I supposed to do?” She whispers to me her voice full of conflict.
“We will figure this out Nova. First we need to know how he knew Caroline was
coming here today, a few days ago we didn’t even know she was your grandmother. We need to speak to your father” I say
calmly not allowing her to sense the stress I’m
“I’m so sorry Jax” she cries softly, “I don’t want to hurt anyone and now I’m this packs. Luna all I’m causing them is worry and
harm and it’s only been a day.”
“Don’t be silly Nova. Do you think Axton could have been involved in this?” I ask suddenly as I realise we only made plans this
morning for Caroline to be transferred.
Hearing that she looks at me before slowly shaking her head, “I know where you’re coming from I really do. But I wasn’t lying
when he said he treated me well, I was mated to him and I know that man, he is a good man. That’s why I was so upset when he
slept with Rose, it made me think I didn’t really know him at all but now we know why he acted the way he did.” Taking a deep
breath she looks me in the eye, “neither
Kia or myself think Axton is responsible for this.”
Trying to hide the grimace on my face when I hear her praise him I clearly fail as my b*dy stiffens making her reach a hand out to
cup my face gently, “he is not my mate, you are. And I wouldn’t change that for anything, you are mine Jax and I am yours. You
have shown me what true love is and it is the greatest gift of them all. I know it’s not nice to hear me speak about him like that
and I know you’re protective of me after seeing what he did but I will never lie to you. I don’t believe it was him.”
Clasping my hand over hers I smile gently, “I know love you don’t have to explain.”
“We need to go back to the office and speak to Laurence” I say after another moment of holding one another, “are you ok to do
She stands up and holds her head high, “let’s do it.”
“Thank you for your discretion” I say to the nurse as we leave to which she smiles and
bows to us respectfully.
“We will keep you updated regarding Andrew” she says softly squeezing Novas hand.
We walk to the park house quickly thankful that there are not many around so we can progress quickly. Striding in the office I
move the chair for Nova to take a seat and go

to stand beside Laurence.
“Read this” I order giving him the note before turning my attention to Axel. “Any
“Yes, I’ve sent you the vehicles registrations. I can follow them 20 miles then they
disappear. But 6 miles west of losing them a traffic camera has just logged the
vehicle plates again, I am searching cameras on the routes connecting the two but
the time frame doesn’t suggest they made any stops” Axel says as he looks at met
through the camera.
“So what next?” I ask.
“Either we intercept the vehicles or we wait to see where they go and formulate a
plan there” he answers.
“Intercept” Nova says suddenly. Turning my attention to her I gesture for her to
continue speaking. “They cannot have many with them in two vehicles alone, if we
can intercept them before they reach their destination we also have the element of
surprise, and we can have greater numbers. We don’t know where they are going or
what will be there if we let them take Flo.”
“You’re right” I say admiring her quick thinking.
“We can intercept and you can join us at our pack” Axel suddenly pipes up.
“Are you sure?” I ask sharply.

Suddenly I see my uncles face appear off screen, “we want to help. As Alpha of the
Scarlet Moon Pack I know we are the closest to them, the route they are travelling I
estimate we could intercept them in 20 minutes if we leave immediately. You are
further away
and in the time it takes you to catch up it could be too late. You helped us with rogues 4 years ago, let me show this packs

gratitude in supporting you.”
“Thank you Uncle Henry” I say gratefully, “are you able to monitor their route?”
“We will set off immediately, I have 20 warriors downstairs 6 of which are part of the elite squad. I have a feeling they safe
travelling to the neutral territory to the south of our pack but we will be able to meet them either way they won’t get away from us”
assures me.
Knowing they are more than capable of holding their own I nod In agreement, “I’d be very thankful. We will set off to your pack
shortly and keep us updated please.”
Suddenly Nova surges up and comes to stand beside me, “hello Alpha Henry, I’m Alpha Jaxs mate Luna Nova. First I’d like to
say thank you for offering to help, Flo is my sister and I am most grateful. But I also want to let you know these hunters will be
armed, they are after me and will do anything to get me. We know they have silver bullets from the wounds Andrew sustained
and they must have sedatives to have taken Flo. Please watch your backs.”
“Of course dear, thank you for informing us. I’m looking forward to meeting you later I’ve heard good things. We are going now,
Jax have your phone on” he reminds me before disappearing from the screen.
“I’m going to stay here and be their go between” Axel explains as I look at him with raised brows as it’s not like him to miss out
on any action.
“Good plan” I say before sighing and running my hand through my hair. “Laurence. come next door we need to chat, Nova you
too. Axel Laurence will be back shortly.”
Walking in I shut the door before standing to look at my Beta and mate. “Laurence I want you to stay back. I trust you running the
pack in my absence but I also need Theo close to me for Florence. Ensure patrols stay heightened although I doubt there will be
an attack if they are continuing moving away” I order quickly.
“Yes Alpha” he says.
“The note, obviously if we can get Florence beforehand it changes things but we will
deal with that as soon as we are back. Did you contact Kingsley?” I ask him.
“He will be here in 2 hours tops” I assured me.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Ok, keep him close to you. He’s also wanted by them but he has had much longer to learn how to avoid them” I say bluntly.
“Nova we are going to go with Theo and 5 wolves to meet my uncle, I have good faith
in him” I say turning to look at Nova.
“Ok” she replies simply.
With an exasperated sigh I shift my weight uncomfortably, “what’s up Jax?” Noval
asks sensing my conflict through the bond.
“I’m unsettled leaving the pack when we have just got Caroline here, I haven’t had chance to check she has settled or check in
with Luca” I worry.
“Would your father be ok stepping in to help?” Nova asks tentatively. “I know Luca will
be happy to help and will take any orders Laurence issues.”
“That’s a good idea Luna, I would be happy to contact him and get both him and your
mum here. I think a night at the pack house would be a safer option for them anyway
just to be cautious” Laurence says looking for my agreement.
“You are full of bright ideas my Luna” I say making her lips turn upwards slightly.
“Ok Laurence you know the plan. If all goes well we will be back tonight, keep in
contact” I order him seriously.
“You can rely on me boss” he assures me confidently..
“I know” I reply before Nova and I head downstairs to meet the waiting warriors.
“Alright listen up, we are going to head to my uncles pack Scarlet Moon. It should take us approximately an hour and a half to get

there if we go in Wolf form however I
think we should take vehicles. I’m unsure as to how Gam ma Florence has beent
treated so i think it offers us more options for travelling home, if she’s been sedated she may not be able to shift” I explain. “Theo.

and a warrior with your Luna and myself, the rest of you in the other vehicle” I instruct.
“Yes Alpha” they respond before immediately jumping into action making pride flash through me. I open the door for Nova to
climb into the truck before running around and jumping in the truck myself, I wait for everyone’s door to be shut before tearing
down the driveway away from the pack-house with a roar of the engine.
The journey there is a tense one with little spoken, I have Nova sat with the phone.
ready incase anyone makes contact but as we enter my uncles pack we have heard nothing bad a few texts from Laurence.
“Do you think they’re back?” Nova links me suddenly.
“I don’t think so, I assume he would have contacted me if they were” I reply quietly. whilst reaching over and squeezing her hand.
Hearing her sigh softly I pull up outside the packhouse and immediately see Axel is waiting. Theo who has been silent on the
way over here jumps out eager to hear if anything has changed.
“News?” I ask as I open Novas door and help her out.
Without responding Axel points making me turn and see a van driving cautiously up the road. Walking forward I see my uncle is
driving with his son Abel in the passenger. I feel Novas stress build up through the bond so I quickly gather her in my arms as I
spot a medical team arrive on standby.
“Axel come on man, is she there?” I ask quietly whilst rubbings Novas shoulder.
“She’s there” he confirms which causes Nova to gasp as a couple of tears drop down. her face in relief. “She will need medical
attention though I’ve been told” he warns us.
Throwing open his door my uncle steps out, smelling blood on him i grimace as I
wonder whose it is, “Jax I will need a hand” his deep voice calls out.
“Wait here” I whisper to Nova before running down. Hearing her soft footfalls behind
me I turn around with a frown.
“I’m not waiting. I’m her Luna and her sister as well as a trained doctor. I’m not sitting
on the sidelines watching whilst she needs me” she says calmly making me relax as I
know she’s right.
Leaning forward I try to smother my gasp as I see Florence, she’s lying across the
laps of 3 warriors whilst they attempt to stem some bleeding. “She was injured whilst
we extracted her, all the hunters are dead but one managed to stab her multiple times
before we reached her, she was unconscious so couldn’t fight bac

my uncle growls.
“Keep her as level as you can” I order those around me before we carefully lift her from the car. As Nova steps forward and sees
her sister lying there deathly pale and
covered in blood I see her lips tremble before she shakes her head and reaches over
to help us lift him.
“Her wolf Jax...she’s dying” she whispers to me in pain.
Hi all! Hope you are enjoying the book I just want to mention that this book should exclusively be available on the Dreame app. A
few of my readers have mentioned other apps it is availabe on but I can confirm it isn’t myself who has posted it there (many
have the cover cropped to not show my initials as the author). In the last day alone I’ve had to contact 5 other apps to have the
book taken down which they have confirmed it will be over the course of the next few days. It’s so upsetting to see my hardwork
being copied so I’m sure you can all understand my frustration! If you see it available anywhere else I would be grateful if you
could let me know so I can contact and have it taken down. Plagarism is wrong and takes away from an authors hard work as
well as discourages authors to continue creating. I am loving writing this book and it’s such a shame this is happening. I hope
you all continue to support me on here and enjoy future chapters. Thank you, A.G. Xo
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