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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 122
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Nova POV:
“Well..there is a way we can locate the use of dark magic. There is a spell we are
strong enough to do together that will give us the location of where it is being used, but it will leave us drained” Esmerelda
“We would need rest after that so we wouldn’t be able to go to them immediately”
Corina adds.
“Laurence have you managed to get anything from the rogue in the cells?” Jax asks suddenly.
“No, he’s pretty banged up as well” he admits. Turning his eyes to me he speaks quietly, “I was going to ask you to speak to him
but I needed you to regain your energy
“I understand” I say with a smile. “I’ll go there after, I’m strong enough now.”
“Kara” I hear Corina whisper making me spin to see her sat stiffly upright her eyes milky as she stares blankly at the space in
front of her.
“What’s happening?” Jax asks moving to stand before Alex’s hand shoots out to stop
“She gets visions of a kind” Alex mutters so everyone can hear in the room. “They’re not as clear as Esmereldas nor as they as
informative but they are always definite. If
we can understand them.”
“Just wait and see what she saw” Alex says quietly as we stay still for a moment.
With a deep gasp Kara slumps as his mother and aunty hold her arms from either side of her keeping her straight as she regains
her bearings.
“You need to speak to the rogue” she says turning her eyes to me, “you are the only one who will get the information from him
that we need.”
“What did you see Kara?” Alex asks.
“I saw a full moon and I felt pain, an unimaginable amount of pain” she shudders.
“That’s it?” Luca asks through the video link.

“Luca” I hiss throwing him a look which immediately has him looking embarrassed.
“I apologise that was wrong of me” he says looking to Kara who simply shrugs it off as if she is used to it making me feel for her.
“The full moon is in 3 days..” Jax says looking thoughtful. “Do you think Charles is planning an attack for then?”
“He could be” I admit looking at him quietly. “The full moon could be important, it’s when our wolves yearn to be free and ou
emotions are heightened yes? Such as the need to protect or be there for one’s mate is almost overwhelming.”
“Yes” Jax agrees before turning to look at my father.
“So if we are right in our assumptions about Lizzie it could be incredibly risky for my
father” I point out.
“But that’s what Charles wants isn’t it, he wants to target you when you’re at your weakest. Drake will be more vulnerable on the

full moon especially after being apart from his mate for so many years, the need to protect and reunite will be heightened”
Alex says.
Seeing Kara looking pale I stand quickly and go to get her a glass of water before taking it to her. “Here have this Kara” I say
gently as I squeeze her shoulder in comfort. As soon as my palm comes into contact with her shoulder however my b*dy stiffens
and Ki rushes to the forefront of my mind as my head snaps back.
“Ahhhh” I moan before my vision goes black and I hear a rushing sound in my ears.
Suddenly everything goes silent and shapes begin to form in front of me, blurry and faint at first I try to focus on what I can see.
Seeing the full moon above me I gasp before my eyes dart around taking in the solidifying shapes of clashing wolves and
humans alike around me. Turing my head slowly I see Zeus standing protectively over a small form on the floor with the pack
house looming behind him, but from here I’m unable to make sense of who it is he’s protecting from the rogues prowling towards
them. Trying to move closer I find I’m stuck as I desperately look around watching the
chaos unfurl in front of my eyes.
Hearing a heartbreaking scream I turn to see myself stood facing Charles a look of

devastating loss on my face as I move forward menacingly.
“For all to live one must fall” I hear a mystic voice whisper in my ear as everything
around me begins to evaporate before I’m thrown back into the present staring at
Kara’s wide eyes in shock.
“What?” I whisper in horror as she whimpers at me.
Seeing the hair on her arms static and bristling I wince as I pull my hand away. “I’m so
sorry..I don’t know..” I splutter out as she stands and hugs me abruptly.
“You cannot tell anyone” she whispers barely loud enough for myself to hear. “To tell may change the future and we cannot risk
that, find out their numbers from the
Pulling back she shoots me a warning glance before I feel Jaxs strong arms rip me
back and into his chest.
“Nova? What was that? Are you ok?” He asks rapidly as he once again steps back to
check me over.
“I’m fine” I mumble looking around and seeing everyone’s shocked faces. “I just saw
what Kara saw before..I’m not sure how.”
Seeing the slight nod from Kara at my reasoning I gulp as I hate lying to my own
mate. “I will talk to you after” I link him without looking at his eyes, knowing I will have
to explain slightly more to him.
“Are you feeling alright Luna?” Laurence asks coming to stand in front of me as I see
Luca pacing on the screen,
“I’m fine honestly, I feel like I did before there is nothing to worry about” I say calmly to everyone in the room with a reassuring
smile. “The attack will take place on the night of the full moon. We need our allies here..now.”

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“Now?” Jax asks sensing my urgency.
“Now” I confirm my voice strong and steady. “Dad do you have those that you could
bring here? Your pack witch?”
“I have warriors ready waiting for my orders, I will notify them immediately and they

can camp in the woods if that is acceptable for you?” He says looking at Jax and
“Camp? If they want housing to stay in we have spares?” Jax says furrowing his
“I think it would ease everyb*dy if they camped” Kingsley says, “I trust them and I know you will also but i know it will take time
for others to trust them themselves. It’s
fine and my warriors are understanding, trust me they are just happy to have a
second chance.”
“The witch?” I ask hopeful..
With a regretful shake of his head he looks at me apologetically, “I cannot risk taking.
her and her daughter away from the pack. They are what cements the orders I give
and I need them there, if anything happened to them then what I have worked so hard
to achieve could begin to fall.”
“I understand” Jax says with a sharp nod. “We don’t want to upset the growing peace you have amongst your pack. It’s not only
beneficial for you but for all other packs.”
“You do not need more than us” Esmerelda says knowingly, her eyes sparkling with
“Ok this meeting is adjourned” Jax calls loudly. “Axton, Luca id like to formally request
your presence along with those of the warriors you can spare?” He asks turning to the
screen where they agree immediately.
“We will be there by mid morning tomorrow” Axton confirms.
“Laurence and Alex if you could come with my Luna and I we need to contact the other packs who swore allegiance” Jax
instructs before turning to his Gam mas and
“Can you gather the warriors and run emergency training. Tell them a war is coming and we will address the pack tonight, you
know what to do” he says looking to Theo .

and Flo who immediately stand with a bow and rush from the room with the twins
close behind them.
“Amelia and Mila, please can you go and get Naomi and Alice?” I ask them as they
look to me in confusion. “We need to arrange for all pups, anyone that is vulnerable
and the elderly, anyone that cannot fight really to move somewhere more secure. Mila
id also like you to go to the pack hospital and notify them that they will need to be on emergency standby for battle casualties.
They need to be ready for the night of the full moon. Amelia if you could speak to Omega Brea and ensure there will be plenty of
food for those that are coming to help I would be grateful.”
“Here?” Mila whispers.
Taking a breath and looking at everyone who is left in the room I speak loudly, “they are coming to us. The battle will take place
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