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Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 83
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Chapter 83

Daisy felt that it was their fault, so she didn’t care about it. Moreover, after going through this life and

death parting, she suddenly felt that her personality had become peaceful.

She should compensate, apologize, and after handling everything, she went to the underground boxing

ring at the address Sofia told her.

She has been running on this matter for the past few days, and she went several times in a row but

couldn’t see the person named Ace until yesterday evening that person finally answered.

Daisy helped Sofia walk by the flower bed under the hospital, and sat on a chair to rest when she was

tired from walking.

Even so, the two men that Finley sent were almost standing next to the chair to watch.

Sofia frowned, and winked at Daisy, Daisy followed Sofia to get up, but turned to the bathroom on the

first floor of the inpatient department.

The two bodyguards rushed to follow, but were scolded by Daisy.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“I said, what are you two big men doing here?”

“See clearly, this is the women’s restroom, girl! Do you know? Follow me, I’ll call the police!”

Daisy had a loud voice, and when she yelled, the expressions of the two bodyguards became

extremely embarrassed, and there were people around, pointing and pointing at them.

Daisy snorted coldly and dragged Sofia into the bathroom.

At this o’clock, twelve o’clock in the noon, it was the hall on the first floor again, and there were almost

few people.

The two stood by the sink and turned on the faucet to wash their hands. The sound of the water flow

was so loud that it cut off the conversation between the two.

“Sofia, I got news from Ace yesterday.”

“Meet someone?” Sofia’s eyes flickered with surprise.

Daisy looked around and said in a low voice: ” I didn’t see anyone, but someone told him that we were

looking for him, and it was about Finley and the Campbell Family.”

The news came from Ace, he wants to see you in person, next Sunday night, the underground boxing

ring, let you go in person.”

Sofia frowned slightly, she knew that any shrewd person would not promise or promise Daisy anything

just relying on a woman’s message.

It is reasonable for people to meet her, negotiate, and gain benefits.

She has no chips. As early as three years ago, in the duel with Finley, the chips in her hand were all

gone. There was not even a hole card left. No, there might be the last hole

card, which was herself. up.

Sofia,” Daisy glanced at the door, “next week, you will be discharged from the hospital, but those two

squatting outside are watching you, how can you meet the person you want to see?”

Sofia stared fixedly at the water sprayed everywhere, and took a deep breath: “I’ll think of a way.”

She looked at the water splashing down above the pool, forming gully–like water streams along the

countertop of the sink, and her eyes lit up immediately.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Sofia turned her face to look at Daisy : ” Daisy, I have a solution.”

A week later, Paul checked Sofia’s body and was barely able to leave the hospital for the time being.

She got out of the hospital bed with almost nothing to pack.

He was sent to the hospital by Finley at the beginning, and then it was first aid, followed by a long

hospitalization period.

During the hospitalization, Finley covered all kinds of food and clothing.

Now she didn’t bother to tidy up, just after signing the discharge procedures, a tall figure walked in from

outside the ward.

Before the pen in Sofia’s hand fell down, she met the familiar figure. She subconsciously clenched the

pen tightly,,

and her knuckles turned white because of too much force.

Finley walked in with a large bouquet of carnations, picked up the bouquet and pestled it casually in

front of Sofia, the expression on his face was still terribly cold, giving the impression that looking at

Sofia was killing him, the bouquet was also his Finley’s handout.

Sofia pursed her lips tightly and didn’t answer it. In Sofia’s eyes, Finley’s overture was like performing a

farce, and she just thought it was ridiculous.