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Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 665
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Finley was not in a hurry to return to NY immediately. Since he wanted to stand up for Sofia this time, he had to

send this tone down for Sofia, otherwise the grievances he had

suffered before would be in vain.

Finley regretted how he had heard Ellie’s words and sent Sofia to prison, and even after Sofia was released from

prison, he ignored the humiliation of others

He kept on remedying his mistakes, even using self–mutilation to give an explanation, but the more he made up for

the damage, the more he did not expect those people to grasp his weakness as Finley and do something to him.

In fact, Finley has already guessed something. At this time, anyone who does anything to Sofia must also be

slapping Finley’s face. He thought about it and could make him do it as soon as possible. There is definitely a

behind–the–scenes reason. He will never think that Noah What do you hate to this point, after all, in his heart, he

always feels that people are good or appreciate something. It is because of appreciation, so he let Adelaide appear

in front of Noah that day, which completely messed up the Noah. It can be seen that if there is no other reason,

Noah will never do that kind of pediatric, or even the next three things. What was the video of him learning to bark

in front of the guests in the past is once again released Can let it out

Finley thinks that unless he can pick up this person, he is crazy, but he and Noah have been fighting for so long over

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the years, as if the woman could be crazy.

Chapter 65

It wasn’t just the phone that rang it was Justin calling.

“Sir, that woman has arrived.”

“Bring it in.”

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Soon, uh, the door to Finley’s study was slowly pushed open.

Justin walked in with a pale–faced woman. Although the woman did not wear makeup, she still showed delicate

eyelashes. At that moment, she was really similar to something.

However, Finley frowned after seeing this woman for the first time. Although she looked like something, her

expression was far from the charm.

If Sofia faced such a situation, he would definitely not be scared like this. He would definitely have his own way and

judgment, and maybe he would be able to counterattack and find his own home court.

But now the woman raised her head and looked at Finley, her eyes were as wet as a deer. Although it could arouse

the man’s great desire, it seemed a little empty and boring on the path, no different from other women.

Adelaide carefully looked at the man sitting behind the desk. The man just gave him a cold glance, but this made

him feel uncomfortable all over, and his body trembled slightly, as if he had been captured by some crazy beast.

Platinum made him unable to move.

He was very afraid of getting married before, but he didn’t expect that there was a man in front of him, more

frightening than Noah, 10 times a hundred times this person gave people

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Chapter 65

the feeling that he really wanted to be harmonious. –

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“Sir…” Adelaide saluted by locking up the money from Finley Litre.

On the side, Justin glanced at Adelaide and said slowly, “Say what you have to say. You don’t have to hide it from

Mr. Stwart. If you hide a word, it will cause bad consequences.

Adelaide’s body trembled slightly, and he nodded hastily, “. These days, the lawyer from my hometown found me

and told me to give me 5 million and make me retract my confession in court.”

Adelaide lit up slightly, this subtle change could not hide from Finley’s eyes, Finley’s brows furrowed fiercely, and

there was some contempt 5 million in his heart, which shook the woman.

Chapter 66

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He could still laugh, “. Why do you have the intention to rebel?”

“No, no, Mr. Noah, absolutely not. I have always kissed you and did as you instructed. You asked me to hug me

tightly, and I did.

Adelaide froze to death and cried out in a slightly choked voice. He did lose the most precious thing of a girl,

although Finley had told him all the causes and consequences before and after, and might even tell him that he

could lose weight. After seeing him, he will easily ask him if he is willing to do it this time. If he is willing, Finley is

sure, his parents and his younger brother can rest easy, and even help his younger brother treat his illness. In

addition, he will give them millions of dollars for their family. Sent them to another country, give them a new look at

their identity, and let them live a

prosperous life.

Finley’s words were so tempting that Adelaide agreed directly without even thinking about it, so Pei and Finley

played such a role in front of Noah. At this time, he cried in front of Finley, making Finley frown.

“Okay, don’t pretend. I told you about the consequences back then, and you agreed.”

Adelaide hurriedly stopped crying, and suddenly found that he had indeed acted in some process, and the sour

feeling in his heart calmed down a little.
