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Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 43
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Chapter 43

“That freak Finley, the last time he broke into our rental house, I almost thought he was going to kill


Sofia’s heart trembled a few times, and just as she was about to say something, Dr Luis’ call came.

Dr Luis is the attending doctor of Sofia’s mother, and Sofia quickly picked it up.

“Hi, Dr Luis.”

“Miss Campbell, please come to the hospital quickly. Your mother’s condition has been relapsed, and

the condition is not very good.”

Sofia’s face turned pale with fright, she hurriedly answered and hung up the phone.

“What’s wrong with Auntie?” Daisy was also a little. panicked.

Samantha’s condition is supposed to be stable all the time, and she has recharged the medical card

every month, and the medical expenses and nursing expenses have never been cut off. Why did the

sudden change happen?

The two hurriedly took a taxi to the Queens County Hospital. When they arrived at the inpatient

department, they saw Dr Luis, who was pushing Sofia’s mother, Samantha, to rescue her.

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Sofia hurriedly signed, and waited outside the emergency room with Daisy.

This kind of rescue has been experienced several times before, and each time is a torment for Sofia.

It took two hours before Dr Luis left the operating room.

“Dr Luis!” Sofia hurriedly greeted Daisy.

Dr Luis’ forehead was covered with sweat. He looked at Sofia with a bit of sympathy in his eyes. This

woman is also very unlucky. The family has suffered such a big change, and a close relative even got

into a car accident, and her head is almost covered with blood. The patient needs to remove the

congestion regularly, and has undergone six-stage surgery, but the situation is still not very good.

He brought Sofia to the office: “Miss Campbell, let’s talk privately behind closed doors. Your mother’s

condition is not very good. The main reason is that our domestic research in this field is slightly behind

that of foreign. countries.”

“Plus, your funds are limited, so you can only procrastinate like this. The congestion cannot be

effectively removed, and it will be a big trouble in the end.”

Sofia’s voice was a little choked up: ” Dr Luis, please, give my mother the best medicine first, and I will

find a way to solve the problem of money.”

“Be sure to use the best medicine!”

Dr Luis was a little embarrassed: “Imported drugs are


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indeed too expensive, are you sure you want to use imported drugs to maintain?”

“Sure! Sure! I’ll figure out a way with the money!”

Dr Luis sighed, and immediately opened an order and sent it to Sofia.

Sofia looked at the amount on the list, and it would cost two to three thousand a day. She took a breath

and went to pay for the medicine, and the money she had with her was only enough to buy the

medicine for three days.

of Dr Luis’ office, Sofia and Daisy were dumbfounded.

Thousands of dollars a day, tens of thousands a month, or even a hundred thousand dollars is not


But if this drags on, the frequency of today’s dangerous situation will increase in the future, until the

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Samantha was sent back to the ward. Although the medical condition of this hospital is not very good,

the dean once had the support of Sofia’s father.

dean built the Queens County Hospital, Sofia’s father funded it.

Later, something happened to the Campbell Family, and he didn’t dare to visit Sofia in the prison due to

the pressure. from Finley, but it was a good deed, that is, when Daisy sent Sofia’s mother over, he tried

to arrange a single ward, and ordered Dr Luis, who is more medically virtuous in the hospital, to try his

best to treat him.

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The initial operation fee was also paid by the dean in advance from his own pocket, and he was really

unwilling to intervene in the follow-up.

He didn’t think he could offend Finley for Sofia.

At this time, Sofia had just turned the ward when she saw the dean hurriedly leading a group of people

out of the door of the treatment area. Some important person must have come to see the doctor, and

he went to greet him in person.

Sofia walked to her mother’s single ward without looking away, and Daisy went back to the rental

house to withdraw money, bank cards and the money Sofia made from selling stalls these days.