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Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 193
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Chapter 193

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Now Lisa’s ignorance completely angered Finley.

Finley stood up abruptly, grabbed the documents on the table and smashed them hard on Lisa’s head.

Lisa was

trembling all over, and kept looking at the manager.

The manager was also stunned. He had never seen Finley get

so angry.

However, he still held back his fear and carefully accompanied him with a smile: “Mr. Stwart …”

“you shut up!”

Finley looked at the manager in disgust, this is a dog that the seller wants to honor.

I betrayed Robert at the beginning, and I can betray him in the future.

He had wanted to deal with him a long time ago, but there was no suitable opportunity.

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Now he just wants the dog to roll as far as possible.

“Justin! Give me his HR manager position!”

Finley’s decision stunned both the manager and Lisa.

The manager was about to cry: “Mr. Stwart, Lisa is ignorant, she was cheated by the people from the

Knight family, and I will not stop her from fulfilling her legal responsibilities.”


Chapter 193

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The manager is an old fox. Seeing that his niece’s affairs could not be kept, he gave up this tool.

He has been very aware of his niece’s mind recently, but the person Finley loves is Miss Grey, and now

he has another Miss Campbell in the villa.

Although Robert’s death was not directly related to him, there was an indirect relationship.

As a result, after several years, he is still a manager in charge of personnel, and he still has no share in

the core position of the company. Even the assistant Justin has more power in the company than him.

It is impossible to say that there is no resentment. At this time, things have turned for the better.

The niece met Mr. Knight by chance, and Mr. Knight even thoughtfully sent the niece home, so he had

an idea.

stunned by the news of the tender just now. They didn’t expect Sofia to keep such a hand.

The woman looked dumbfounded, feeling stupid in prison, but she didn’t expect to be so ruthless.

Now I know that Sofia is not the most ruthless, only more ruthless.

Even if they were killed, Sofia actually installed a camera on the computer. They always felt that

someone had dug a hole in advance, waiting for the two of them to jump into it.

At this time, Sofia was still holding the milk cup calmly. The milk in the cup had been drunk, and she

was taking out the


Chapter 193

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tissue in her bag to wipe off the milk stains on the corners of her lips, and even took out her lipstick to

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touch up her makeup.

The tension in the office was like watching a theater for her.

The manager took a breath, pushed the niece out, then looked at Finley with a humble smile and said:

“Mr. Stwart, I am also responsible for this matter. I recruited Lisa. I’m sorry, Mr. Stwart ”

“Lisa made a mistake, let Lisa go to jail, and teach her a lesson.”

Lisa looked at her uncle in disbelief, and suddenly lost control

of her emotions.

“Uncle, you didn’t say that at the beginning.”

“You said that Mr. Knight admired me, and you sent me to Mr. Knight’s bed. Mr. Knight invited me to

dinner and let me steal the design draft of Sky Group this time. You all know it. Now how can it be all

about me? Push it alone!”

“What are you talking nonsense about? I didn’t let you steal the company’s secrets. You didn’t seduce

Mr. Knight on your own initiative. The little girls nowadays are so indiscreet!”

“Are you crazy? You framed me, you…”

Lisa rushed towards the manager, but was blocked by Justin.

Chapter 194