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Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 157
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Chapter 157

Sofia didn’t expect Ellie to invite her to their wedding and thought this woman must be crazy.

She held the invitation tightly, as if she was holding a big joke, and nodded: “Congratulations!”

After Sofia finished speaking, she was about to fold into the tea room with her laptop in her arms.

Unexpectedly, Ellie didn’t have the slightest intention to move away, and she kept looking at Sofia.

Ellie smiled slightly: ” By the way, since Miss Campbell is in the design department of Sky Group, I

have already told Finley that I would like to invite Miss Campbell to come and help us design my

wedding dress and accessories.”

Sofia froze there, she didn’t expect Finley to ask her to help them design wedding dresses and


Her brow furrowed, and Ellie finally found the point to hit Sofia, and her smile grew a little stronger.

“Miss Campbell…will definitely come to help, right? By the way, I will send a car to pick you up


Sofia’s current contract with Sky Group is a contract of sale, and Finley wants to control everything

about her.

Now Finley asked her to help his wife design a wedding dress, even if Sofia had to go through fire and

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water, Sofia had to go, there was no way out.

Chapter 157

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Ellie looked at Sofia whose expression had finally changed, and said with a faint smile, “Miss Campbell

won’t refuse?”

“It doesn’t take Miss Campbell much time after all, does it?”

“By the way, I will tell Finley that you will be paid overtime tomorrow! Is that okay?”

Sofia took a breath, nodded her head in agreement, and walked sideways into the tea room.

There were also some independent resting areas in the tea room. She walked in and closed the door

from the inside.

Ellie watched Sofia’s back disappear at the partition door of the tea room, her face sank slightly, with a

hint of sarcasm on the corner of her lips, which was a bit sinister.

Sofia sat on the single fabric sofa in the partition of the tea room, turned on the computer, but her mind

was a little messed up.

She was sick and tired of Ellie, a woman who was always pretending and bad, always inadvertently

putting opponents in a situation where they couldn’t recover.

Sofia had experienced it three years ago. After she and Finley got engaged three years ago, Ellie

bought a gift and came to Sierra Villa to bless her and Finley.

At that time, Sofia didn’t like Finley’s sister very much. What kind of sister was that? No matter what

she did with Finley, Ellie would definitely get in the way.

After she and Finley got engaged, they planned a short–term trip, and they had already booked a

ticket. Ellie suddenly fell

Chapter 157

ill, and it was still an emergency.

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Ellie’s father was found to have gastric cancer in the early stages. Finley had been sheltered by the Hill

Family in his early years, so he had to cancel his trip and come back to take care of Ellie.

In just a few days of vacation after the engagement, Ellie took up all her time.

Sofia hated her, but Sofia had to accommodate.

She was going to marry Finley, and she had to get along with his sister, but something happened that


It was Ellie who provoked her first. Sofia was not as calm as she is now at that time. She was the proud

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young lady of NY. How could she be overwhelmed by Ellie, and the two had a dispute.

Stwart Family members brought by Ellie, the driver, the bodyguard, and they all watched Ellie fall down

the stairs.

Sofia didn’t touch her at all, she could even see the last moment of Ellie’s fall, with a smug smile on her


This woman is too ruthless, and she is also ruthless to herself. She exchanged Sofia’s hand for the

price of falling and three years of imprisonment.

Sofia couldn’t think about it, and when she thought about it, she remembered that innocent child who

died bloody in front

of her.

She took a breath and closed the laptop. Today is not a good day for work, she was about to go down

for a walk, when

Chapter 157

suddenly the phone rang, it was Finley calling.

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Chapter 158