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God-tier Farm

Chapter 3859 Full power upgrade_3
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Chapter 3859  Full power upgrade_3

  In fact, if Song Wei and Ling Qingxue cultivated the "absolute beginning Heart Sutra" alone, the effect would be average. Only when they cultivated together with Xia ruofei would their cultivation efficiency be worthy of the title of a top - tier technique.

  However, everyone did not enter the seven stars Pavilion to cultivate, nor to increase their cultivation. Therefore, in comparison, the "absolute beginning Heart Sutra" was the highest grade cultivation technique that Song Wei and Ling Qingxue had mastered. Cultivating this cultivation technique was the most likely to obtain the recognition of the weapon spirit. The swas true for the others.

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  Of course, this was just a precaution.

  In fact, Xia ruofei had already made up his mind to use the weapon spirit to get in through the back door. However, he did not tell everyone and even urged everyone to cultivate the martial arts that they were best at after entering the seven Star Pavilion. They did not have to do anything else. On one hand, this was to prevent the back door from failing. On the other hand, he did not want everyone to think that it was too easy to improve one's talent. Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

  Tpassed by. Tʜe sourcᴇ of thɪs content ɪs ɴo(v)elFɪre.ɴet

  Song Wei and her group of six were in their own individual spaces, sitting cross - legged and concentrating on their cultivation.

  Xia ruofei couldn't sense any changes in them either. In fact, when Xia ruofei was in the seven Star Pavilion, he couldn't feel it himself. Everything happened silently. Now, he naturally couldn't sense anything.

  However, he knew that the artifact Spirit wouldn't go so far as to cheat him of a bottle of liquefied elemental essence. Since the chubby kid's Artifact Spirit had promised to do his best to improve the talents of Song Wei and the others, there was a high chance that he would keep his word.

  Xia ruofei still believed in the weapon Spirit's integrity when it cto such matters.

  In a corner of the rear Hall's garden, Chen Nanfeng was still continuously transferring Yuan Qi. He could faintly feel that the opening of the seven Star Pavilion this tseemed to conshis Yuan Qi faster than before.

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  Chen Nanfeng couldn't help but be surprised. According to past experiences, the more people that entered the seven Star Pavilion, the greater and faster their Yuan Qi would be consumed. However, only six people had entered this time, which was much fewer than any other tthe seven Star Pavilion had been opened. Why was their Yuan Qi being consumed so quickly?

  Chen Nanfeng immediately thought of another possibility. This was also a rule that he had concluded after opening the seven Star Pavilion many times. The more disciples who obtained the opportunity to improve their talent, the more energy he would conswhen opening the seven Star Pavilion this time. Especially when a disciple's talent improved greatly, his energy consumption would also increase accordingly.

  Chen Nanfeng thought to himself,'could it be that fellow Daoist Xia's friends have all received an opportunity to increase their talent by a large amount? How was that possible?

  In fact, Chen Nanfeng's guess was correct. However, he had never expected that the artifact Spirit had already received the reward - the bottle of liquefied elemental essence that Xia ruofei had given him. However, the artifact Spirit still spared no effort in absorbing his vital Qi, hoping to earn more.

  If Chen Nanfeng knew that the artifact Spirit could actually control how much vital Qi it absorbed, and that it would absorb a lot more every time, he wondered what Chen Nanfeng would think if he knew that the artifact Spirit was completely treating this as a business.

  Before he knew it, half an hour had passed.

  Chen Nanfeng felt his Yuan Qi consumption gradually slowing down. He knew that no matter how many people's talents were improved, the opening of the seven Star Pavilion should be coming to an end ...