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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design Chapter 96
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Chapter 96


Wade Moon was my pack?” The ground slipped from under my feet in shock as

the photo and diary dropped from my hands.

How could Wade Moon be my pack? The first pack to fall victim to Dark? And my

parents were the Alpha and Luna of Wade Moon? But weren’t they just normal

Omegas serving Alpha Benjamin, leading a seemingly ordinary life?

My head ached and everything seemed chaotic as my focus was still on Reuben,

but the shocking discovery in front ofwas drivingcrazy. Sky collapsed

right in front of me, while Bix snapped out of his shock and grabbed the photo

and diary from the ground, quickly examining them. He suddenly stopped at a

certain point.

“Da m n! Everything is a mess,” he muttered, casting a concerned glance at me.

“Take a look,” he handedthe diary. Instead of text, a legal document was

nestled within the pages, which Bix unfolded forto read.

As I scanned the names inscribed on it, I was confronted with undeniable

evidence. The document dated back twenty five to thirty years, establishing

Alpha George as the sole owner and founder of the Wade Moon Pack territory.”

My mind went blank. Wade Moon truly belonged to my parents. If the document

in front ofwas true, then how cAlpha Benjamin was now the Alpha of

Wade Moon? Why had he never toldabout my parents being the leaders of

Wade Moon? Why had he toldso many lies and always keptin the dark?

Had I been living my entire li in a web of lies spun by Alpha Benjamin? Suddenly

everything aroundseemed fake, even my existence seemed questionable.

Bix observed my betrayed expression and clenched his fists, “that old Alpha

turned out to be a snake! I will inform Reuben immediately…” he attempted to

mind-link him but Failed.

Reuben was taken away for execution by Alpha Prince Black,” I whispered, my

heart pained.

WHAT?!!” Bix’s eyes widened in shock as I recounted the story.

Crown Prince Black?!” he couldn’t believe his ears. I nodded. “Reuben is being

framed! He’s not responsible for the mysterious attacks,” he snarled. “That Dark

guy is behind it. That f u ck e r is…


Chapter 90

He stopped abruptly, remembering what I had just told him, his eyes locked

onto mine “Did you mention that Black’s aura felt somewhat similar to Dark’s?”

I nodded, “Lately, I have been experiencing hallucinations. So when he

appeared in front of me, I didn’t panic so that I would not alarm Reuben.

However, I had mind- linked informed Reuben about my hallucination of Black’s

aura resembling Dark’s. The hostility in Black’s eyes caughtoff guard,

especially since I had never met him before. Moreover, his facial features and

eyes did not match the Dark I had seen just a few days ago,” I elaborated.

“Black is undoubtedly Dark! Why else would he suddenly appear with an

imperial decree?” Bix exclaimed, his eyes burning with anger. “He devised a

clever plan to get rid of Reuben and separate the two of you. Given his

mysterious powers, he might be capable of changing his appearance or

something. We had already deduced that only a royal could possess the powers

Dark exhibited. It turns out the psychopath responsible for decimating werewolf

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packs was none other than the Crown Prince himself!” Gritting his teeth, he

approached me, “The execution cannot take place before five in the evening. We

have approximately two hours to act. We must rescue Reuben!”

I shook my head, “Neither Reuben or Oran are in the pack. If you cwith me

the pack will be left with no leader to manage it. My children and all innocent

members are now in your hands, Bix. You have to stay and protect the pack,” I


He frowned, opened his mouth to argue but in the end he knew if Reuben were

here, he would also want him to protect the pack first.

He reluctantly agreed, “Okay I will stay with the pack but what are you planning

to do? When it comes to the royal family and their affairs no one can interfere,

especially when an imperial decree is issued!”

“I am fully aware of that but I also know what I have to do from here,” I replied

firmly, passing him the diary, papers, and photos. “Now Sky is also in your

hands. Please take nim inside, get him treated, and protect him.”

I understand don’t worry but,” he held my hand and put his trust in me, “Can I

trust you to bring Reuben back safely?” His heartbeat was so intense in its panic

that I could hear it.

stared into his eyes that were full of worry for his friend’s life. If he only knew

what he was asking to protect was my own life. Without Reuben how could there

be Willow?

I promise,” I whisper, “Nothing will happen to Reuben.”

Six nodded slightly. I took a step back looking at Sky once before getting into

my car


Chapter 96

and driving away at full speed. All the way to the Wade Moon Pack I continued

unsuccessfully make a connection with Reuben. The twas slipping through

my fingers like sand. Where could Black have taken Reuben?

Reuben, where are you?” I whispered, biting my lip in an attempt to control my

emotions and tears. Crying meant I did not believe in Reuben. He had promised

myself down but once the Wade Moon packhouse cin front ofall my

emotions morphed

into anger.

Getting out of my car, I slammed the door behind me, and stormed into the

packhouse, “Alpha!” But what greeted my eyes terrifiedto the extent that I

felt my limbs being paralyzed on the spot.


Tie him securely, or we’re dead if he… the man binding my wrists with a silver

chain choked in horror on his words when I opened my eyes slightly to look at


“F u ck k…” he pulled away at lightning speed, leaving the chain to drop on my

tied hands behind my back as his back hit the car door. “His monstrous gaze is

terrifying!!” He cursed.

‘Luckily, he’s under the effects of wolfsbane,” someone else commented.

With my blurry vision, I glanced at the four wolves sitting in the car that seemed

to be moving along a rough path. They were royal warriors who had captured me

with silver chains back at the packhouse. Now I found myself in a car that

clearly wasn’t headed to he palace.

Don’t tellthe royal laws have changed and now my execution is being

carried out n the unfamiliar back woods,” I murmured.

The person next tosmirked, “I’m amazed your mind is still functioning under

the nfiuence of wolfsbane,” I sensed a hidden message in his words.

Villow’s panic and intense fear of losingwhile she huggedand tried to

connect with my wolf fiashed through my foggy mind. The idea of her being

scared for omeone else while I was with her, the tears in her eyes for me,

shattered my omposure as I stared at the wolves in the car emotionlessly.

Got a cigarette?” I inquired of the young wolf smoking by the window. They all


o facesimultaneously, “Do you mind if I have one?” I raised an eyebrow.


Chapter 96

He smirked, “You seem to have watched a lot of movies. Don’t tellyou’re

contemplating taking action, beating us, then using that cigarette as an excuse

to escape, they all chuckled.

I lazily rested my head back on the seat, “I’m not into cliches. I’m all about plot

twists, L whispered. gazing straight ahead. Their puzzled looks followed my line

of sight only to see a large brown wolf sprinting towards the car at full speed.

“S h i t! Who is that?!” they all exclaimed in surprise.

young wolf “Your death, f u ke r s!” I retorted, swiftly bringing my legs up to kick

the smoking by the window, causing his head to collide with the glass. The

window shattered, and his lifeless b*dy slumped to the side. Without giving the

others a chance to react, I grappled with one using the silver chain around my

wrists and subdued another with my legs. Finally, I managed to push open the

car window and leaped out just as the brown wolf intentionally rammed into

the vehicle, sending it pathetically tumbling into a drainage ditch. In a matter of

moments, the car crashed into a tree and erupted in fiames with all the wolves

trapped inside.

Breathing heavily, I stood up and leaned against the tree, my hand still tied

behind my back as I gazed at the brown wolf. “Bix will be irate when you return

with those severe injuries,” I remarked as Oran transformed into his human

form, his entire b*dy covered in blood from his actions.

“He manages to look handseven with those expressions,” he chuckled,

struggling to open his eyes due to blood loss as he slowly slipped into

unconsciousness. “I have to heal myself and look handsbefore seeing him,

so I am taking a nap to heal…” he murmured.

“I never imagined that you had a contingency plan,” Black appeared, cigarette in

hand. Ever since Willow had warnedabout Black’s aura resembling Dark’s, I

had alerted Oran to remain vigilant for any dire circumstances. Yet, I never

anticipated this extrof an action on his part that would lead to self-injury

for my sake.

“Don’t tellyou actually thought I’d be kidnapped by a pitiful fool like you,” I


He stared atsilently for a while. “I intended to grant you a less agonizing

death, but it appears you are quite into the bl o o d y and messy way,” he

mused, taking a puff off of the end of his cigarette, the surroundings gradually

darkening aroundout of the blue.

haut for core” I emirked

Chapter Do

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Gore?” he muttered, taking another drag from his cigarette, “What a coinci

planning to be gorey each tI am with her, he grinned.

My expression fell instantly as I stared at him, blankly. He grinned, walking to

me. “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” he raised an eyebrow, squatting a

hand away from me.

“It’s just I am thinking, how long you are going to continue your pathetic act,” I


“What do you mean?” he glared.

“Did you really think you will play slittle tricks and scare my mate, I will

believe that you are Dark?” I raised an eyebrow. His face turned white and his

face turned pale when he saw my hands behind my back were no longer tied

with a silver chain. “You… your hands were free all the time?” he panicked and

immediately raised his hand to punch me. I blocked his punch with both of my

hands, right away.

“Of course, I have been playing with you, a s s h ol e,” I glared at him with my

wolf’s eyes between the gaps of my fingers before I grabbed his throat and

slammed him into the ground.

“F u ck! Letgo! Let me…” he struggled to break free.

“I was expecting Dark to cto my doorsteps very soon but I was definitely

not expecting you,” I tightened my grip on his throat, “So what are you? Dark’s

toy?” I raised my brows in disdain.

“I AM NO ONE’S TOY!!” he yelled in between coughing.

“So you are tellingyou are f u ck in g Dark?” I dug my claws into his n*ck,

pulling him up to my face, “I have no t f u cki n g seen him but I can tell that he

is not someone who would cwith wolves a group of wolf at his back like a

weak b i like you. If you were really Dark, the Emerald Bright Pack would have

been burning in fire. If you were really Dark, you would not have taken me, it

would have been Willow,” I growled lowly on his face.

“If you…” he struggled to speak and in breath, “if you understand him that well

then you should know that…” he gasped for air in my grasp that I did not bother

to loosen at all, “that… now he is not chasing after his prey,” his face was

fiushed red as blood as he smirked, “The prey has to walk in his mouth on its


As he said that, I let go of his throat in shock. He rolled on the ground coughing



Chapter 96

“His prey has to walk into his mouth on its own?’ I murmured realizing the

meaning behind it. All of these things had been done to separate Willow and

me. It was an easy guess that Willow would panic if something happened to me

so I was taken away resulting in her going to…

I paused, my mind went blank, did Willow go to… Wade Moon?!

Unknown toin Wade Moon Pack, Willow found herself standing in front of

her worst nightmare, Dark.