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God of Contracts: Strongest Businessman

Chapter 41 Are you kidding me
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Chapter 41 Are you kidding me

Within the heart of Kamer Kingdom's bustling capital, a man of quiet elegance navigated the grand halls of an opulent residence. His impeccable black suit, tailored to perfection, gracefully complemented his lean frame. His black hair, meticulously combed and styled, framed a face etched with the wisdom of years spent in devoted service.

With measured steps and a composed demeanor, he approached an imposing door and paused, his knuckles poised to rap against its polished surface. A moment later,

Upon entering, he immediately bowed on one knee, his head lowered in deference to the figure seated on the bed. "Here to report, Master," he announced respectfully.

The occupant of the bed, a man of commanding presence, responded, "Look up, Edgar." With a slow, deliberate motion, he rose from his resting place and continued, "I'm listening."

Edgar, having received permission, raised his head and spoke, "The meeting proceeded satisfactorily, with only a few minor setbacks."

The master, taken aback inquired, "Setbacks?" He pondered the situation, his mind grappling with the possibility of mishaps. He fervently hoped that these hiccups were inconsequential, for if they proved significant, he might as well abandon his plans and let the incompetent noble face his demise.

"Yes," Edgar confirmed, his tone almost mechanical as he elaborated, "The Baron lost control of the discussion, leading to several complications." He continued, outlining the first issue, "Firstly, one of them suggested contacting Count Everglen, proposing to secure his assistance in exchange for a monopoly in the region. This proposal caused considerable stir, prompting the Baron to compose a message to the Count, demonstrating that the Count would dismiss their requests."

The master, startled by this revelation, queried, "He actually wrote to the Count?" He was well aware of Count Everglen's reputation as an astute businessman, renowned for his shrewd investments in high-risk ventures that consistently yielded significant profits. If the Count were to receive a request for aid from this lowly noble, the master feared that the Count would exploit the situation to his own advantage, potentially jeopardizing his carefully laid plans.

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Sensing his master's apprehension, Edgar promptly reassured him, "Yes, but he was blocked before divulging any sensitive information." This assurance elicited a sigh of relief from the master.

"However..." Edgar paused, prompting his master to urge him, "Continue."

With a sigh, Edgar explained, "Due to an autocorrect mishap, the Baron inadvertently addressed the Count as 'Cunt' in his short message."

A flicker of amusement crossed the master's eyes as he grappled with the situation. He couldn't help but wonder if the Count would be perceptive enough to understand that it was a mere autocorrect error and dismiss the matter. However, he couldn't shake off the nagging fear that the Count, with his vast resources, could easily trace the message back to its source. If that were to happen, the Count might decipher the Baron's true intentions, jeopardizing his meticulously crafted plans. In the face of this potential threat, the master could only resort to closely monitoring the Baron, ensuring that he never interacts with the Count again. Thankfully, they had already planted spyware on the Baron's phone, which had allowed Edgar to see the message to the Count in the first place.

"Raise the surveillance around Balin. Ensure he never lays eyes on the Count, not even in a picture," the master instructed with a palpable sense of urgency.

"Yes, Master, it shall be done," Edgar affirmed without hesitation. "What else?" the master inquired, hoping that the Baron's blunder was the only significant setback.

"Following the Baron's error, the others expressed their desire to write to the Count themselves," Edgar explained. "Despite the Baron's attempts to dissuade them, they remained resolute. To preempt this, I had no choice but to expedite the plan."

The master heaved a sigh before acknowledging Edgar's efforts, "You handled the situation admirably, Edgar. I'm grateful for your foresight in monitoring the meeting. Without your intervention, those inept nobles would have undoubtedly sabotaged our plans."

He then inquired about the outcome, "Did they reach an agreement?"

Edgar nodded in affirmation, "Yes, they all agreed, although a few expressed reservations about the timing."

"Perfect." With a satisfied smile, the man acknowledged the completion of the first and simplest step in his elaborate plan. Now, he faced the more intricate aspects of his undertaking.

"Edgar," he called before saying, "please arrange for that young noble to pay them a visit."

Edgar, unable to grasp the rationale behind such an action, expressed his reservations with a hint of uncertainty in his voice, "Master, are you certain?"

The man, confident in his strategy, reassured his butler, "Yes, Edgar, I am sure." He recognized Edgar's apprehension, understanding the inherent risks involved, but he had no other recourse but to place his trust in this unconventional approach.

"I apologize for questioning your judgment, Master," Edgar said sincerely. "No need for apologies, Edgar," the man replied, appreciating his butler's concern for his well-being. "You were simply looking out for my best interests."

"You are dismissed, Edgar. Don't forget to convey my instructions," he added.

"Understood, Master," Edgar acknowledged before quietly exiting the room.

Alone in his study, the man allowed a contemplative silence to fill the space. "Let's see how this plays out," he thought to himself, a hint of anticipation flickering in his eyes.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


In the capital, within her office, a woman lay alone in the room and spoke aloud, "So, Sylv, how do you suggest we handle Lys?" Julia shifted from telepathy to vocal communication at Sylv's request.

"It depends on the girl. She's old enough to make her own decisions," Sylv replied while maintaining her invisibility.

"So, all we can do is wait for her to wake up," said Julia, followed by, "How long do you think it will take?"

"Anywhere between one and three days," Sylv stated.

The vast range of Sylv's estimation reflected the intricacy of Lys's condition. Ordinarily, she could predict with remarkable precision, as demonstrated with Elian. However, in an unexpected turn of events, only El regaining consciousness, leaving Sylv baffled and further highlighting the unique bond between the pair. She just hoped that they wouldn't give her another fright.

As if the universe wanted to play a bad joke, she received a call.


"Hello Julia," a voice broke through the silence, "it's Zero One. I'm afraid I have some disconcerting news. El has fallen into a coma. Could you please come check on him?"

Julia's heart plummeted at the revelation, her mind struggling to process the shocking news. "Are you kidding me?" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with disbelief.


Edited by MoonsterDark