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God of Blackfield

Chapter 81.2: Let’s Pinpoint Things one by one (2)
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Chapter 81.2: Let’s Pinpoint Things one by one (2)

At around 11 am, Kang Yoo Motors executives and employees visited them.

When they were taking out drinks and greeting each other…


Kim Hyung-Jung came into the room.

“Huh? Mr. Manager,” Kang Chan said.

Kim Hyung-Jung slightly bowed his head, then stood next to the door. As Kang Chan was wondering ‘what’s going on?’, about three to four men with their IDs clipped on their left chest came inside.

Damn it!

The last person to enter was Go Gun-Woo, the prime minister. Yoo Hye-Sook couldn’t even speak, and Kang Dae-Kyung struggled to raise himself up. Meanwhile, the Kang Yoo Motors executives and employees walked to the foot of the bed.

“Hello?” Kang Chan asked.

“Mr. Kang Chan, I happened to be in the area, so I thought I’d drop by. It wouldn’t be very disrespectful since I’ve met your parents before, right?” Go Gun-Woo asked respectfully, then he approached the bed.

“If a patient strains themselves, then that means I, the person who visited you, did something unnecessary. Please just sit comfortably.” Gun Gun-Woo told Kang Dae-Kyung, then looked around him.

The Kang Yoo Motors executives and employees bowed in greeting.

“They’re the executives and employees of my father’s company,” Kang Chan explained.

“Ah! Right, his company is Kang Yoo Motors. It’s nice to meet everyone. I’m Go Gun-Woo.”

The executives and employees went up in order and shook Go Gun-Woo’s hand while bowing deeply. After Go Gun-Woo shook hands with Michelle, who was standing next to Kang Chan, he turned around toward the bed, then said, “Father.”

“Yes, Mr. Prime Minister.”

Go Gun-Woo discreetly looked at Kang Chan, then answered, “Because of my shortcomings, I had to ask your young son to do something difficult.”

Kang Dae-Kyung looked blank.

“Watching their child go through so much has to be hard for any parent, but no one can replace your son and do what he’s assigned to do right now. I’m sorry,” Go Gun-Woo continued.

Gun Gun-Woo turned around and looked behind him afterward. When he did that, the secretary took out a white envelope and gave it to Yoo Hye-Sook. It had a fancy phoenix pattern drawn on its front.

“The President sends his sincerity. He hopes that you’ll make a full recovery soon,” Go Gun-Woo explained why they gave her the envelope.

Yoo Hye-Sook and the Kang Yoo Motors executives and employees appeared to have blanked out as well.

“How’s the foundation coming along?” Go Gun-Woo asked his secretary.

“Its establishment is planned to be announced on Monday.”

Go Gun-Woo turned to Kang Chan upon hearing the secretary’s answer. “I’m sorry, Mr. Kang Chan.”

He was probably apologizing for the fact that Kang Dae-Kyung got attacked. They were in a situation where it would be easy for the people around them to misunderstand them regardless of how Kang Chan answered him, so he found it difficult to hastily answer.

“I hope you make a full recovery soon,” Go Gun-Woo bid farewell to Kang Dae-Kyung, then went outside. Kim Hyung-Jung used his gaze to say goodbye, then followed the prime minister.

The employees of Kang Yoo Motors were still standing at the foot of the bed.

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“Mother?” Kang Chan called Yoo Hye-Sook, causing everyone in the room to snap back to reality. It was as if they had just woken up from a trance.


“Ah! Please have a seat,” Yoo Hye-Sook told the employees.

“It’s okay. We’ll get going now.”

The executives and employees refused Yoo Hye-Sook’s offer to have lunch before leaving several times, then respectfully said goodbye to Kang Chan on their way out.

“Lunch! That’s right—we should have lunch with Michelle,” Yoo Hye-Sook commented. It seemed like she hadn’t completely gotten herself together yet.

“Mother, what would you like to have for lunch? How about I go out and buy something from a nearby store instead?”

“You don’t have to do that—I’m not hungry because I had cake,” Yoo Hye-Sook answered.

Getting herself together took precedence over food. Michelle had the same thoughts, so she decided to eat lunch sometime later.

‘The Prime Minister has this much power, huh.’

Kang Chan nodded at his unfounded thoughts as Michelle made coffee. It smelled even better since they had just finished eating cake.

“Thank you, Michelle,” Yoo Hye-Sook said.

It felt like the warm coffee had calmed Kang Dae-Kyung and Yoo Hye-Sook down.

When lunchtime came, the peculiar smell of food exuded from outside the room.


Did the food get here? Kang Chan turned his gaze, only to find Heo Eun-Sil entering. The athletics club members and the bullies followed behind her.

Dumbfounded, Kang Chan just smiled.

“Hello?” One of the kids asked.

Thankfully, Kang Dae-Kyung and Yoo Hye-Sook were relaxed. The kids started to speak while glancing at Michelle, “We heard you’re unwell, so we decided to come here. We’re all having fun at school thanks to him. Please get better soon. And here…”

Cha So-Yeon sheepishly held out a box of drinks. Perhaps it was because she looked shy, but Yoo Hye-Sook took the drinks while profusely thanking her. Meanwhile, Heo Eun-Sil was blatantly looking at Michelle.

Everything that bitch did made Kang Chan tired.

“Please have lunch before you go,” Yoo Hye-Sook told the students.

“Our teacher said he was going to buy us lunch. We dropped by on our way to the restaurant.”

“Then please at least take drinks and fruits with you when you leave.”

“We’re going to a beef buffet, so we’ll be eating a lot there,” the students responded.

Seok Kang-Ho seemed to be buying them lunch. He clearly didn’t like being alone at home.


After they said that, the kids left.

For the first time since Heo Eun-Sil appeared in Kang Chan’s life, they parted ways without a hitch. Still, he thought it would be better to be careful today.

Kang Chan drank the last bit of the cold coffee.

“Channy, what’s the name of the female student that looked at me because I’m pretty?” Michelle asked.

“Why do you ask?”

They were speaking in French.

“I think that female student is interested in you,” Michelle replied.


“Oh, you clueless boy. How can you be so sharp when it comes to other things yet don’t notice something like that? That girl likes you. I think that she can’t bring herself to tell you, though, and that she feels wronged and frustrated. After watching you guys from the side, it seems like you weren’t aware at all. This is fun. She was cute.”

“That’s horrible. Don’t say something like that even as a joke.”

“It seems like your indifference is making her worried to death,” Michelle said something mysterious, then stared intensely at him. He thought of sending her away with a rough excuse, but the door soon opened again.

“Mr. President!” Kang Chan exclaimed.

Kim Tae-Jin and Suh Sang-Hyun walked in this time. Kang Chan introduced them to everyone.

“This is the first time I’m meeting you two. I’m Kim Tae-Jin.”

Kim Tae-Jin calmly asked them how they were doing, then showed his gratitude toward Kang Chan’s parents while saying that his company was getting a lot of help thanks to him. When he told them he decided to take this opportunity to meet them, Suh Sang-Hyun held out a fruit basket and an envelope.

Kang Chan’s parents refused persistently, but they reluctantly accepted it in the end because Kim Tae-Jin was asking them to take it so desperately. Afterward, Kang Chan introduced Michelle to Kim Tae-Jin and Suh Sang-Hyun.

“Have you had lunch?” Kim Tae-Jin asked Kang Chan.

“We had cake, so I’ll eat a little later. What about the two of you?”

“We actually have a lunch appointment, so we’ll be going now. Let’s see each other again next time. Please take good care of yourself,” Kim Tae-Jin left without doing anything unnecessary.

Suh Sang-Hyun glanced at Michelle so much even Yoo Hye-Sook noticed. He then followed Kim Tae-Jin out with a disappointed look on his face.

Kang Dae-Kyung and Yoo Hye-Sook looked so exhausted it was as if they had done something difficult. They should’ve just stayed at home. Fortunately, there shouldn’t be any more hassles now that most of the people who were likely to visit them already did.

“We’re really busy today, huh,” Kang Chan commented.

“Did you really help all of the people that came to visit today?” Yoo Hye-Sook asked. She looked like she had gotten herself together, at least a little bit.

“I met those people under different circumstances, so I decided to help them.”

Kang Chan examined Kang Dae-Kyung. He hoped Kang Dae-Kyung wouldn’t get hurt.


Stop it already! When Kang Chan quickly turned his head, two French agents came inside. It was Lanok.

Yoo Hye-Sook and Michelle followed Kang Chan and also got up from their seats.

“Channy!” Anne was the first to enter. She limped toward Kang Chan, hugged him, and kissed him on the lips.

Damn it! Damn it!

Her actions would be nothing out of the ordinary to Lanok, who was French, but it wasn’t something that someone should do in front of Korean parents.

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“Doing that in front of parents in Korea is rude,” Kang Chan told her after gently pushing her away from him.

“Hello?” Anne looked at Lanok after she greeted Kang Chan’s parents with poor Korean.

Kang Chan introduced the two of them to his parents, and Lanok greeted them.

As Kang Chan introduced them to Michelle as well, the atmosphere grew strange. Anne and Michelle casually greeted each other—suggesting that nothing was wrong—but Kang Dae-Kyung and Yoo Hye-Sook still observed Michelle’s mood. Lanok recommended a national university in France to Kang Dae-Kyung and Yoo Hye-Sook, then continued on to say that he wanted to give them French nationality, if they were okay with it.

Kang Chan burst out with laughter after looking at Yoo Hye-Sook. It was clear that she misunderstood Lanok’s words as him asking them to accept Anne as their daughter-in-law.

“I apologize for coming here without contacting you, Mr. Kang Chan. I was wondering what we should do since my schedule was too tight to find time to see you, but Anne said that she was going to see you even if she had to come alone, so here we are,” Lanok explained.

“Channy, why haven’t you called me even once?” Anne asked.

“I didn’t because we’ve decided to eat next week.”

Lanok looked happy about Anne’s change, who used to only stay at home.

“Channy, I decided to change,” the small-built Anne told Kang Chan with an attitude that suggested she wanted to brag.

She was acting that way because she only ever stayed at home, which was a distinct trait of loners. In his previous life, when the guys that had lived a lonely life before becoming a mercenary came into his crew and followed him around, they also showed the same look in their eyes as Anne’s.

Kang Chan’s eyes discreetly met Michelle’s. She looked to be having fun.

“Mr. Kang Chan, what’s your schedule for next week?” Lanok asked.

“I can just match yours.”

“Then how about we have dinner around Tuesday?”

“Let’s do that.”

Their conversation ended there.

Lanok passed on an envelope to Kang Chan through an agent.

“Channy,” Anne walked toward Kang Chan. He held her and patted her back.


When Lanok left, Kang Chan felt completely drained.

Yoo Hye-Sook checked Michelle’s mood.

“Channy, did Anne also fall in love with you, by any chance?” Michelle asked.

“I only saw her once. When would she have had the time to fall in love with me? She’s probably only acting like that because I came into her life while she was lonely. She’s going to change in an instant once she meets someone she really likes.”

Michelle smiled as if she found this situation to be funny. “You do know that someone among the agents likes Anne, right?”


Yoo Hye-Sook nervously shifted her gaze between the two of them because she couldn’t understand what they were talking about.

“I’m talking about the man right behind Lanok. The look in his eyes showed he was in love with Anne. Other people likely won’t notice because his expression is so stiff, but he can’t fool my eyes,” Michelle explained.

Louis? Louis was looking at her that way? Why did this situation become similar to some kind of soap opera?

“So. You kissed another woman in front of me, huh?” Michelle then asked.

Kang Chan’s heart sank while he was looking at her smile.

1. The Prime Minister is calling Kang Chan’s father as “father”, because it’s a part of Korean culture to refer to a person’s parents as x’s father or x’s mother, and it would be rude to call Kang Dae-Kyung by his name