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God of Blackfield

Chapter 66.2: I’m Being Sincere (2)
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Chapter 66.2: I’m Being Sincere (2)

When Kang Chan returned to the school, the bullies’ classes had already ended. He talked about what happened last night with Seok Kang-Ho and exchanged jokes like ‘fine clothes made the man.’

“Let’s talk for a moment,” Heo Eun-Sil called Kang Chan after changing.

This bitch’s guts deserved to be acknowledged, at the very least.

Seok Kang-Ho inconspicuously left them alone.

“Sit down,” Kang Chan said.

“Buy me coffee.”

When Kang Chan's eyes narrowed down, Heo Eun-Sil quickly looked at his right hand.

“Come to our neighborhood and buy me coffee from a coffee shop so the group of bullies and the oppas from Kwang-Min University would see us. We still can’t go outside once we’ve gone home from school. We’ve been keeping our promise to work hard, but we also want to go out.”

She was afraid, but she again didn’t avoid his gaze.

On one hand, it seemed like she was being sincere. But on the other hand, she also seemed like she was lying.

“Buy me coffee!” Heo Eun-Sil yelled.

Kang Chan didn’t really have any appointments to attend to right now, but something always happened whenever he got involved with this bitch.

‘I did notice she's been really quiet lately..’

While Kang Chan was silently staring at her, Heo Eun-Sil dropped her gaze to the floor.

Of all things, why did he remember her getting beat up at Tron Square? She still took a firm stand even while her breast was twisted and while she was getting brutally slapped.

“Heo Eun-Sil, are you really confident you can rid the school of bullying when classes resume?” asked Kang Chan.

“I already told you that I’m confident as long as you stop the kids about to be discharged from the hospital.”

Yoo Hye-Sook even took medicine to send her kid to school. How come this bitch is so twisted?

“Alright. Call the others,” Kang Chan told Heo Eun-Sil.

“The others?”

“Since we’re doing this anyway, wouldn’t it be best to have them join us?”

“I don’t want to.”

When Kang Chan smirked, Heo Eun-Sil again looked at his right hand.

She was quite a steadfast bitch, even while she was this scared.

“If we do that, then the group of bullies won’t believe it. Let’s just go with the two of us today. And make it so the group of bullies and oppas really think we’re close,” Heo Eun-Sil said while leaning on one foot. She looked weird since she wasn’t wearing any makeup.

If this bitch was a boy, Kang Chan thought he would’ve either beaten her to death or they’d become close friends after beating her to his heart’s content.

“Alright. When are we going?” asked Kang Chan.

“Right now.”

Kang Chan nodded and got up from his spot. He thought this was worth doing. After all, he did tell them that he was going to protect them under the condition that they get rid of the bullying at school.

Kang Chan told Seok Kang-Ho that he was going home first, then left the school with Heo Eun-Sil.

They rode the bus.

It’s not like he did this on purpose, but she was like Kim Mi-Young. This bitch never looked away first when her eyes met someone else’s. Still, her delinquent personality showed in how she walked, her posture when she stood, and even in the way she grabbed onto the bus handle.

After about twenty minutes on the road, they got off the bus.

Across the street, there was a neighbourhood with nearly identical villas all lined up in a row.

Heo Eun-Sil walked toward a specialty coffee shop, the smoking area’s folding door of which was wide open.

“What do you want to drink?”

Kang Chan ignored Heo Eun-Sil’s question and walked toward the counter.

“I’m going to drink iced coffee. What about you?” asked Kang Chan.

“I’ll have the same.”

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After Kang Chan paid for their drinks, they sat down on the terrace that was connected to the smoking area. When the buzzer rang a moment later, Heo Eun-Sil brought over the coffee.

“Would I also be able to live a normal life?” Heo Eun-Si asked Kang Chan. The latter had just opened the lid and was drinking coffee.

“What should I do for a living?”

Earlier that day, a gangster asked the same question as this strong-willed bitch.

“Ho-Jun said he’s going to join the Yoo Bi-Corp, and all of the eleventh-graders are planning to do the same. What about me?” Heo Eun-Sil asked again.

Dumbfounded, Kang Chan couldn’t help but smile.

“I’ve become disgusted with the Jeongja bitches after seeing what they do. Those fucking bitches are acting dramatic and silly after joining the group of bullies right now. Watch what I do to them once they come back to school.”

Heo Eun-Sil’s eyes filled with spite but soon regained composure. Was that what people called a monodrama?

“Don’t treat me harshly when we go back to school, and help me when I look for you,” said Heo Eun-Sil.

Kang Chan didn’t know what to reply to that, so he drank his coffee instead.

Soon, he noticed Heo Eun-Sil’s gaze looked past him, then dropped to the ground.

“Long time no see?” someone asked.

At this point, it would've been weirder to hope that nothing would happen while he was with this bitch.

Kang Chan looked over his shoulder because of the sarcastic tone, finding two guys wearing dickhead-like clothes—specifically body-hugging t-shirts and tight-fitting workout pants. They looked nasty. Standing close to the table behind them, their eyes alternated between Kang Chan and Heo Eun-Sil.

“You’re ignoring me? It seems like you got a bit of courage because you’re not beaten up.”

Heo Eun-Sil turned her head toward the road. Even those fuckers probably wouldn’t be able to compete with this bitch in terms of guts.


Kang Chan got up and turned around upon sensing someone approaching him from behind.

“You fucker…” The guy swore at Kang Chan.



The guy that was at the back reflexively threw a punch.

Kang Chan countered by pulling the guy’s arm and placing it over his shoulder.



Fighting weak opponents had become tiring for him.

The rebellion in the eyes of the guy Kang Chan had just slapped made the latter smirk.

On his workout pants, the words ‘Kwang-Min University’s combat club’ was inscribed in red. These university students acted so childishly.


It was hard to grab his head since he had an athlete’s hairstyle.

Fucking amateurs.

Kang Chan grasped the guy’s ear.


Screaming, the guy’s shoulder flinched, a clear indication he was about to throw a punch.


Kang Chan slapped the guy’s face.

The guy looked at Kang Chan in surprise.

He’s still able to focus enough to see my face, right?

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!?


Kang Chan loosened his grip when the lower part of the guy’s ear ripped. He wasn’t on a battlefield, so there was no need for him to tear off his opponent’s ear.


“Be quiet.”

The guy with the broken arm glared sharply at Kang Chan.

Kang Chan smirked, then grabbed onto the guy’s broken arm with his left hand and pulled.


“Didn’t I tell you to be quiet?” asked Kang Chan.

When Kang Chan pressed his inner arm on the guy’s broken arm, the guy’s eyes widened.


When Kang Chan loosened his grip, his opponent dropped hard enough to break his tailbone.


"You’re still being so loud, you fucker?" Kang Chan asked

“Ugh. Urgh.”

With his eyes glued to the ground, Kang Chan’s enemy struggled to get as far away as possible from him by kicking against the floor to push himself backward. His butt was exposed because his workout pants had dropped halfway through.

When Kang Chan glanced inside the coffee shop, the people around them quickly avoided his gaze.

The guy that was holding and leaning onto the terrace’s railing shook his head, trying hard to come to his senses.

People had two ears.

Kang Chan reached out and pulled on the university student’s other ear, which made the latter quickly get up.



When Kang Chan reached out and grabbed the guy’s ear again, the latter hastily wobbled up.


He glanced at Kang Chan, but Kang Chan didn’t answer.


His ears, nose, and mouth were already a bloody mess.

Kang Chan reached out and pulled his opponent’s ear again.

“Ah! Ahhh!”



Kang Chan smirked.


Kang Chan hit the guy’s face hard with his right elbow.

The impact caused the guy’s waist to hit the terrace’s railing. The momentum then sent him toppling over the railing and out of the coffee shop’s premises.


"If you go to a university, hang around the university you go to instead of fucking around in front a high schooler."

The guy with the broken arm had his head hanging and about half of his butt out to the public.

At any rate, Kang Chan had never met any bitch that attracted as much trouble as Heo Eun-Sil before.

Just as Kang Chan was about to sit back down, a patrol car stopped in front of the coffee shop. Two police officers in full uniform got out of the car and each approached a student Kang Chan had just fought.

Kang Chan took out his phone as the police officer looked for and spoke to the person that reported the incident to the police inside the coffee shop. The police officer then turned his gaze to Kang Chan.

- Mr. Kang Chan.

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“I apologize for bothering you, but I got into a fight and the police are here.”

- Alright. Please put them on the phone.

Kim Hyung-Jung didn’t even ask anything.

At that moment, the police officer approached Kang Chan.

“Did you assault the two men over there?”

“Please answer the phone.” When Kang Chan offered his phone, the police officer frowned.

“Please answer us first. Did you assault them?”

Kang Chan put his phone back on his ear.

“He said he’s not going to answer.”

“This person is really making things difficult for us.”

The police officer looked displeased. Soon, the detective in full uniform outside came inside.

-Mr. Kang Chan, please ask them what police station they’re from.

Kang Chan put his phone down and asked, “I did assault them. Now, which police station are you a part of?”

“A young fellow like you is really doing this right now when you’re about to get arrested?”

Kang Chan was swiftly filled with annoyance.

“I’m going to ask again. Which police station are you from?”

“We’re from the Seocho Police Station.” The police officer that later came in answered as if he was going to call Kang Chan’s bluff.

“One of the cops said they’re from the Seocho Police Station.”

- It’ll only take a minute.

When Kang Chan hung up the phone, the police officer in full uniform smiled, seemingly finding Kang Chan’s behavior absurd.

“ID,” The police officer said, then held out his hand.

Kang Chan took out his driver’s license from his wallet.

“Huh? you’re a minor? Look into him.”

Just as the police officer was handing over Kang Chan’s ID to his colleague, who was beside him, his phone rang.

“Hello? Yes. Yes. I’m Sergeant Lee Chul-Ho of the Seocho Patrol Division. Yes! I am currently on the scene. Yes. Pardon?”

The police officer glanced at Kang Chan.

“Yes! He’s in front of me. Yes. I'll do as you say. Yes, sir!”

The police officer hung up the phone, took Kang Chan’s ID away from his colleague, then handed it back to Kang Chan.

“We weren’t aware those guys threatened you first. We apologize for causing an inconvenience.”

The guy with the broken arm looked at the police officer with a confused expression.

“Take those two to the police station,” Lee Chul-Ho told the other police officer.


“Do as you’re told.” When his partner failed to follow his order, the police officer held up the other arm of the guy who had sunk to his knees.

“You both are under arrest for committing violence and making threats.”


The guy screamed as he got up but quickly closed his mouth when he looked at Kang Chan.

After getting the two university students into the patrol car, the police officers drove off.

Kang Chan had just sat down and was looking at Heo Eun-Sil when his phone rang.

- Mr. Kang Chan, your residence card and National Intelligence Service ID are ready. How about we have dinner later?

Kang Chan accepted the offer and hung up the phone.

“You’re cool,” Heo Eun-Sil complimented.

Crazy bitch.

Kang Chan smirked, but he soon felt his heart sink. Heo Eun-Sil’s eyes were heated up the same way Michelle’s eyes would whenever she was worked up.