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God of Blackfield

Chapter 41,Part2: Lets End it (3)
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Chapter41,Part2: Let's End it (3)

Kang Chan carefully made his way through the forest but suddenly froze, seemingly unable to move any further.

Seok Kang-Ho was dangling upside down on a large tree, his arms tied behind him.

Is he dead?

Kang Chan’s heart sank upon noticing Seok Kang-Ho wasn’t moving at all.

He didn’t know how long it had been, but if Seok Kang-Ho had been in that state the entire time Kang Chan and Kim Tae-Jin had been driving down from Seoul, then he’d be in a critical state even if he was alive.

There were also three men that looked like security guards tied to the trunk of the tree.

They could be booby-trapped or just used to lure him out, but they were most definitely baits.

How long could a person stay alive while hanging upside down?

It differed for every individual, but four hours was the absolute human limit.

Once blood burst out from the victim’s ear and nose after their eyes bled, it was basically over for them.

Kang Chan wielded his dagger in a reverse grip.

Step. Step.

There was no need to walk quietly. The tied-up security guards profusely shook their heads when they saw Kang Chan.

Blood had dried in Seok Kang-Ho’s hair, and they had put a gag on his mouth.

“Seok Kang-Ho.” Kang Chan called out to him before doing anything else.

“You’re here?”

He couldn’t talk properly, which meant his vocal cords couldn’t move due to all the blood concentrated in his head. He also probably couldn’t think or make sound judgments.

“Your family is safe.”


Among the shadows, there were guys crammed up on all sides apart from where Kang Chan came from.

“You should leave, Captain. Kill all of these sons of bitches for me later.”

Seemingly having been lying in wait, more than ten guys with katanas stepped into view.



“Did you forget who I am?”

Seok Kang-Ho didn’t answer.

“Jeez, this is so piteous I can’t watch anymore,” one of their opponents said out of nowhere.

“You thought you’d gotten rid of us, didn’t you, Kang Chan? This is your and that fucker’s grave. Then it’ll be Oh Gwang-Taek’s grave. Do you understand, you son of a bitch?”

Kang Chan sharply glared at his surroundings.

There were more than fifty men, and among them was someone he recognized: the guy that said he’d twist his neck one day in front of the school.

Kang Chan cracked his neck from side to side as he smirked.

He planned to kill all of them as quickly as he could.

That was the only way to save Seok Kang-Ho.

“Huhu. We were told you’ll definitely come alone if we capture that teacher by using his family as bait, but I didn’t think you’d really come. I’ll acknowledge one thing, though: your obnoxious guts.”


Sharlan was clearly backing these fuckers.

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Kang Chan slowly walked forward, watching his opponents lift their weapons up.


Kang Chan then burst into a charge.


The guy in front of him swung his katana downward.



Kang Chan narrowly avoided it, then sliced the guy’s neck with the bayonet.

Clink clank.


Kang Chan’s victim grabbed his neck, his blood seeping through his fingers and bursting out of him like a fountain.


Just like what the guy was doing, long, bladed weapons needed to be swung diagonally to minimize the areas one could use to dodge.

Kang Chan jumped backward and immediately pounced on him.


He grabbed a wrist that was in the middle of moving up, then headbutted the guy.


Afterward, Kang Chan ended his new target’s life.


Kang Chan slammed into the guy whose blood was gushing out and shoved him forward.

Slice! Slice! Slice!

Having been stabbed thrice, the guy started to lose consciousness, leaving only the whites of his eyes visible.


At the same time, Kang Chan pushed back the head of the man he previously used as a shield, then stabbed the nape of the enemy right behind him.


Slice! Slice!

While his knife was still embedded in his target, Kang Chan pulled his target toward him and used him to block two attacks.


Kang Chan turned as he thrust the dagger deep into the chest of the guy beside him, then charged onward, pushing him along.

“Agh! Aaaagh! Aaagh!”

With his lungs pierced, the man screamed desperately.


Kang Chan twisted the knife, and the guy swiftly lost strength.


The right side of his back stiffened.

Pow. Pow. Pow.

Kang Chan grabbed the guy that still had a knife embedded in him and used him as a shield.

Stab! Stab! Stab! Stab!

Four knives swiftly stabbed into Kang Chan’s meatshield.


A filet knife then flew toward him, which he grabbed the inner part of with his left hand.


He caught the blade’s inner edge right in his hand since he had wrapped it with wire.



Right after, Kang Chan stabbed it into the guy’s forearm and yanked on it.

Humans were adaptable creatures. When Kang Chan used their crew members as meatshields a few times, his opponents no longer attacked recklessly.


As soon as Kang Chan pulled the knife out of the guy’s forearm, he rammed it into the inside of the guy’s collarbone.


“Be quiet, you son of a bitch,” Kang Chan growled into the guy’s ear, causing those nearby to flinch.

It looked like the guy was in Kang Chan’s arms.

Kang Chan moved his left hand to his right, which was still stabbing the guy, and quickly untied the wire. Kang Chan then wrapped the end of the wire around his current victim’s neck in front of the bound security guards, who watched him in bewilderment.

“Let’s go!”

After pulling the knife out of the guy, Kang Chan violently pushed him forward. Two of his opponents tried to catch his victim in return, and three of them pounced on him.


Kang Chan violently pulled on the wire.



The guys running toward Kang Chan got caught on and tangled with the wire and the man it was tied to.

Stab! Stab! Stab! Stab!

In an instant, Kang Chan stabbed the guys four times.


He then cut off the wire.

Stab. Slice!

At that moment, Kang Chan started to feel pain in his left waist and his right back. He felt like those parts of him were burning.

Slice! Slice! Slice!

Kang Chan sliced the arm that had stabbed his left waist three times, then stepped on the guys that fell and ran forward.

If he turned around just because he got attacked from the back, then he would just get attacked from the back again.

Pow!?Slice! Stab! Stab! Stab!

He grabbed onto the arm of the guy that pounced on him, sliced his neck, then stabbed the guy beside him three times.


At the same time, someone slashed his right shoulder.


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Kang Chan stabbed the side of the guy in front of him and threw him to the side.

Stab! Slice!

Kang Chan narrowly avoided two katana slashes.

Slice! Slice!

In retaliation, Kang Chan sliced the forearms of the two guys that pounced on him, then leaned his back against a tree.


With that, his physical condition had returned to when he was still a mercenary.

But he felt like he was gradually losing energy due to the stab wounds on his side.

He wasn’t aware of it since they were wearing black suits, but the upper bodies of the security guards tied to the tree were also covered in blood.


Kang Chan cut the rope tied around the security guard closest to him.

The guys hesitated as they carefully looked out and approached Kang Chan’s surroundings. It looked like there were still forty of them left.

“Release Seok Kang-Ho when I lead them away,” Kang Chan whispered to the security guards, then twisted his head from side to side.

These fuckers weren’t interested in Seok Kang-Ho or the security guards. But they could kill them if Kang Chan went too far away, so he made sure he wouldn’t go any further away from them than ten meters.

“Come at me, you insect-like fuckers!” Kang Chan yelled.

Kang Chan looked around his surroundings as he grated on their nerves.

He had to provoke them so they would focus on him.

“You garbage motherfuckers. There are so many of you but you still can’t kill me! Are you shitheads scared, huh? Little sons of bitches are afraid of one man?”

“You fucker!”


One of them swung his katana diagonally at Kang Chan, and Kang Chan simply bent his upper body backward, efficiently dodging it. Scared, the guy didn’t pounce on him.


Kang Chan pounced on the guy, hugged his waist, and thrust his knife into the guy’s side.



It would be troublesome if he managed to summon up his strength. Hence, Kang Chan twisted his weapon while it was still inside, causing his opponent to lose all strength.

Kang Chan got rid of the guy after he ran for about three steps, and while that happened he even got stabbed in his back two times.

When he stood up, his enemies lined up in front of him to block him.

“Huhuhu,” Kang Chan laughed strangely and smiled at those approaching him.

Behind his foes that had taken up arms out of spite, he noticed the three security guards had stood up.

Now he just had to keep his opponents’ eyes on him until the security guards had freed Dayeru.

At that moment, Kang Chan heard footsteps from behind him. Nervous, he quickly looked over.

“The police took action.”

Kim Tae-Jin had arrived at Kang Chan’s side. There was someone else with him.

“Jeez, this looks just like a battlefield,” Suh Sang-Hyun spoke, seemingly dumbfounded.

The guys that stood facing Kang Chan appeared flustered and unable to pounce on him.

“Didn’t you say that it was going to be a predicament for you?” Kang Chan asked Kim Tae-Jin.

“I couldn’t endure it. My blood was boiling.”

Kang Chan smirked, then glared straight ahead.

They’d be able to keep Seok Kang-Ho alive with this.