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God of Blackfield

Chapter 302: We Will Have To Live Here (2)
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They arrived at the Seongnam Airfield around five in the afternoon. At the end of the runway, a large airplane slowly turned its head and moved toward the airport terminal.

Outside the window, they could see many ambulances, buses, vans, and cars.

Upon confirming that the hatch had been released, an agent opened the door.

Kang Chan was the first to disembark. Much to his surprise, someone was waiting for him outside.

“Deputy Director Kang, thank you for your service,” Moon Jae-Hyun greeted.

Behind him were Go Gun-Woo, Hwang Ki-Hyun, Jeon Dae-Geuk, and Kim Hyung-Jung.

While Kang Chan and Go Gun-Woo were exchanging greetings, Moon Jae-Hyun shook the hands of each of the men as they gave their names, thanking them for their hard work.

“Thank you.”

“Lieutenant Cha Dong-Gyun, sir!”

“Thank you.”

“Second Lieutenant Kwak Cheol-Ho, sir!”

Afterward, Cha Dong-Gyun introduced himself again while shaking Go Gun-Woo’s hand.

“Thank you.”

“Agent Choi Jong-Il!”

Moon Jae-Hyun then shook the hands of the National Intelligence Service agents. Afterward, Kang Chul-Gyu stood in front of him.

“Thank you for your hard work. From now on, South Korea will no longer turn its back on those who have served it,” Moon Jae-Hyun said, holding out his hand.

Kang Chul-Gyu shook the president’s hand and then made his way to their designated bus.

The members of the DMZ team all looked overwhelmed with emotion.

“Letgo check on the special forces team real quick,” Kang Chan told Kim Hyung-Jung.

“Please do,” Kim Hyung-Jung amiably replied.

Kang Chan headed to the bus of the Jeungpyeong special forces team.

“We’ll be training with the DMZ team soon, so get srest. Don’t strain yourselves.”

On Cha Dong-Gyun’s command, the soldiers saluted him. Kang Chan returned the gesture.

It was crazy. Every single one of them had made their way to his heart.

When Kang Chan stepped off the bus, he saw Oh Gwang-Taek shaking hands with Moon Jae-Hyun. For sreason, he looked like a thug. He also shook hands with Go Gun-Woo and Hwang Ki-Hyun before everyone was introduced to one another.

“What do you plan to do next, Deputy Director Kang?” Moon Jae-Hyun asked.

“I heard the DMZ team decided to stay at the Namsan Hotel. I’d like to accompany them for now,” Kang Chan replied.

“I see. Once again, thank you for carrying out the South Korean agents’ age-old desire.”

Moon Jae-Hyun shook Kang Chan’s hand one more tbefore turning back.

Jeon Dae-Geuk briefly nodded at him before walking toward the cars with Moon Jae-Hyun and Go Gun-Woo.

The severely injured were now being brought out of the airplane.

Hwang Ki-Hyun watched them for a moment before turning away and looking at Kang Chan. “The Jeungpyeong special forces team has been granted special first-class promotions. The order will be given out tomorrow.”

“I have a lot of things I’d like to discuss with you. I would be grateful if you let Manager Kim Hyung-Jung know when you are available,” Kang Chan politely requested.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

After Hwang Ki-Hyun walked away, Kim Hyung-Jung ccloser to Kang Chan.

“Your parents have agreed to move. I will text you their new haddress.”

Kang Chan just blinked. He did hear that they would be moving while their hopeless son was away, but he didn’t expect them to actually push through with it.

Kim Hyung-Jung continued, “One more thing. Please givethe passport of the man named Gérard. It would be best to process his entry to the country.”

Kang Chan turned to Gérard, who was watching from a few steps away, and asked him for his passport.

“I’ll be at the hotel,” Kang Chan informed Kim Hyung-Jung.


Parting ways with Kim Hyung-Jung, Kang Chan hopped onto the bus with Gérard. Maybe it was because they were all wearing plain clothes, but he felt as if he just boarded a service that was taking workers hfrom a construction site.

The bus abruptly started, seemingly surprised by Oh Gwang-Taek’s words.

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“Where are we going to stay anyway?” Oh Gwang-Taek asked.

“Namsan Hotel,” Kang Chan answered.


“We have reservations there. We shouldn’t part ways just yet, and after we get srest today, I’ve got a couple of things I’d like to discuss. That’s why I want us to stay there for a few days.”

Oh Gwang-Taek laughed in disbelief. He probably thought it was funny and strange that he was staying at a hotel he had a stake in.

“Can we go hin the evening?” Oh Gwang-Taek asked.

“You can do whatever. Just remember to keep your mouth sealed about this,” Kang Chan reminded.

“Will do. I have to check in on Do-Seok regarding the camera footage anyway, so I might head out for a bit in the evening.”

A thrum of excitement filled the bus.

Moon Jae-Hyun personally coming out to greet them and having hotel reservations seemed to have spurred the DMZ team on.

“Gérard, you tired?” Kang Chan asked.

“I’m fine,” Gérard said with a grin.

“Then let’s buy sclothes. We can have dinner afterward.”


Kang Chan wanted to introduce Gérard to Kang Dae-Kyung and Yoo Hye-Sook. Hence, he had to make sure Gérard looked neat and presentable first. He didn’t want his first impression to be bad just because of his piercing eyes, sturdy figure, and sharp aura. Moreover, he wanted to do something for him since this was the first tin a while that he had returned to the outside world.

Kang Chan glanced behind him, finding Kang Chul-Gyu looking out the window.

Fortunately, they left right before rush hour, so traffic wasn’t too bad.

Kang Chan pulled out his phone and called Michelle.

- Hello? Channy?

“Yeah, it’s me. Do you have tthis evening?”

- What’s the sudden occasion? Gonnaa present or something?


- My birthday present. I want to prepare myself beforehand if so.

Kang Chan slightly regretted making this call now, but he didn’t know anyone else he could comfortably ask for a request like this.

“Not exactly. There’s this guy who’s…” Kang Chan trailed off and glanced at Gérard. “He’s one of my favorite juniors from France. I was hoping you could buy him a suit, a dress shirt, oxfords, and scomfortable clothes. I was hoping you could clean up his hairstyle a bit too. We can have dinner together afterward.”

- That’s right up my alley. All right. For you, I would turn even the Hunchback of Notre Dinto a gentleman. Are we really going to have dinner together today, though?

“That’s the plan. Can you cto the Namsan Hotel in about an hour?”

- Sure, Channy. I’ll see you soon.

Michelle then excitedly hung up the phone.



Kang Chan briefly explained who Michelle was to Gérard and told him not to talk about his past life and the Foreign Legion.

“Understood, sir,” Gérard responded with a grin.

They arrived an hour later, finding Michelle already waiting in the lobby.

While National Intelligence Service agents assigned the DMZ team members to their rooms, Kang Chan introduced Gérard to Michelle. Since it was just the three of them, he naturally spoke in French.

“Could you give him a haircut then buy him a suit and comfortable clothes? I want to introduce him to my parents. He might stay at my house for a while, so prepare sextra clothes for him too,” he requested.

“Should I just call you when we’re done? It might take a while, though,” Michelle mused.

“Don’t worry about that. When you’re done, we’ll go somewhere nice and have sfun tonight.”

“All right. I’ll call you when we’re about to finish.”

Michelle told Gérard that they should get going in rapid French. Gérard naturally understood what she was saying.

“See you later,” Gérard told Kang Chan, following Michelle out the front entrance.

Kang Chan went to his room and rested for a bit before having dinner at the buffet-style restaurant. He then summoned an agent and asked where Kang Chul-Gyu’s room was.

When he rang the bell, he heard someone inside ask, “Who is it?”

The door opened soon after.

A look of surprise flashed across Kang Chul-Gyu’s face.

“Can you cout withfor a minute?”

“Right now?” Kang Chul-Gyu skeptically asked.

Kang Chan didn’t answer, thinking the old man could be in the middle of something stupid.

Kang Chul-Gyu looked at himself. “Can I go out like this?”


Kang Chul-Gyu turned to his room for a moment, wanting to bring something, but immediately followed Kang Chan out instead since he looked as if he would leave without him if Kang Chul-Gyu took any more time.

The cotton pants he was wearing were so old that the knees stuck out. Because its overall length was shortened, its leg openings ended above his ankles. His shirt was worn and frayed, and his “World Cup” sneakers had to be at least ten years old.

Kang Chul-Gyu didn’t even ask where they were going. He just quietly stood by Kang Chan as the latter pressed the elevator button.

This man’s fighting skills were among the top in the entire world. If he had been born in the United States or Russia, he would have been praised as a hero and gained wealth and honor. Unfortunately, he was standing beside Kang Chan in shabby clothes instead.

The elevator doors soon opened, revealing its empty, mirror-like interior. Its walls reflected them as they entered.

They were dressed comfortably. Since the clothes that Kang Chan was wearing were also wrinkled from the long flight, they looked equally shabby.

When they reached the ground floor, two agents quickly approached them.

“We’re heading out for a bit, so you can cross us off the dinner list. Let the agents upstairs know too.”

“Understood, sir.”

Not wanting to say where they were going right now, Kang Chan went straight to the front door while the agent was quickly radioing others. He felt as if he would lose the courage to get there if he said their destination out loud.

The moment he stepped out of the front entrance, a black sedan stopped in front of him. An agent opened the rear doors for them.

“Get in,” Kang Chan told Kang Chul-Gyu with a nod. He then sat behind the passenger seat.

Kang Chul-Gyu walked around the trunk of the car and got in beside Kang Chan. The agent who opened the doors for them sat in the passenger seat.

“Take us to the most expensive department store in Gangnam.”

The agent in the driver’s seat tilted his head in confusion but still immediately drove off, crossing the Hannam Bridge to Apgujeong-Dong. The atmosphere in the car seemed to be a combination of awkwardness and discomfort. Unfortunately, since it was rush hour and traffic was heavy, it took them nearly an hour to travel that short distance.

It wasn’t even completely dark yet, yet the department store building they had gone to was already illuminated by shining lights, making its vicinity as bright as daylight.

Kang Chan got out in front of the entrance, while Kang Chul-Gyu got out on the side of the walkway. The agent in the passenger seat quickly exited the car and stood beside Kang Chan.

When Kang Chan entered the department store, Kang Chul-Gyu paused for a moment. He then silently followed suit.

What greeted them was a completely different scene from the ones they were familiar with. The two looked completely out of place.

Unsure about where to go, Kang Chan took the escalator up from the first floor. Fortunately, there was a store on the second floor that sold menswear. Its brand was considered a luxury.

Kang Chan entered.

The agent stood at the entrance, while Kang Chul-Gyu awkwardly followed Kang Chan.

He had done nothing wrong. Fighting for South Korea was the reason he ended up like this. Although he should be guilty of what he did to his wife and son, he shouldn’t be ashamed of standing in this damn store.

A clerk cautiously walked over to them, trying to understand the mood.

Kang Chan glanced at Kang Chul-Gyu and then at the agent at the entrance.

“We’d like to buy clothes for this man. Please pick a few comfortable outfits for him,” Kang Chan said.

“I’ll do my best. Sir? Would you please cthis way?”

Kang Chul-Gyu looked at Kang Chan.

“Just do it. Consider this my thanks for your help or simply my way of saying I don’t want to see you in those clothes anymore.”

The clerk awkwardly stood nearby with clothes in hand, trying to read the room.

Kang Chan and Kang Chul-Gyu glared at each other, neither of them backing down.

“Is this what you want?” Kang Chul-Gyu asked.

Kang Chan didn’t respond.

Perhaps leaving this old man alone would have been for the best. He could have just pretended not to notice him, called him up when things got tough, and used him from tto time.

“I want to know if this is what my dead son would want,” Kang Chul-Gyu suddenly said as he walked into the changing room.

Kang Chan was dumbfounded.

“Please try these on,” the clerk told him, handing him a pair of beige pants and a sky-blue shirt. He then closed the glass door and carefully read the atmosphere again.

A moment later, the door opened, and Kang Chul-Gyu walked out, his movements awkward and unnatural.

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“That’s nice. Do you have anything else?” Kang Chan asked the clerk.


“Do you anything else?” Kang Chan repeated.

Kang Chul-Gyu, wearing new clothes, gazed at Kang Chan, his eyes clearly conveying his thoughts.

His eyes were filled with the yearning of an old father who couldn’t ask the clerk to pick out Kang Chan’s clothes because he didn’t have any way of paying for them.

“Try this on, sir,” the clerk said.

Kang Chan exhaled quietly, calming his emotions.

“Go for it. I’ll get sfor myself too,” he told Kang Chul-Gyu even though it was unbecoming of him.

Kang Chul-Gyu awkwardly went back inside.

After a while, the door opened again. He cout looking a little more used to it, albeit still awkward.

“He’s going to leave wearing this, so please pack the clothes he tried on with the ones he was wearing when we got here instead,” Kang Chan told the clerk.


Rather than responding, Kang Chan simply turned to them.

“Yes, sir,” they quickly responded and got to work.

“I already have clothes like those at home. I’ll stop by another store and get a suit instead,” Kang Chan said, giving a lexcuse.

“Please sign here, sir.”

Kang Chan did as instructed. A moment later, the machine beeped and printed out the receipt.

For two pants, a dress shirt, and a cotton shirt, 2.17 million won was a lot.

Kang Chan went into the suit store that Oh Gwang-Taek liked so much and bought suits and two dress shirts for Kang Chul-Gyu and himself.

Next were shoes and belts.

Kang Chul-Gyu must have realized the price, but he didn’t say anything about it. Rather, he said he wanted to try on the suits and the shirts. Kang Chan didn’t stop him.

The two left the department store about an hour later, both wearing the sbrand of suit, shirt, shoes, and belt.

“I’m hungry,” Kang Chan said, almost to himself.

“Let’s eat,” Kang Chul-Gyu replied as if speaking to the air.

Kang Chan asked the agent to take them to a nearby barbeque restaurant.

Impeccably dressed, they walked into a palatial restaurant and ordered sbulgogi. The waitress set juicy meat on a round grill and served it with side dishes and rice.

Kang Chan stared ahead, waiting, so Kang Chul-Gyu lifted his spoon first.

This was their first meal together, just the two of them. Kang Chan couldn’t remember ever sitting down and eating with him in the past either.

After a few spoonfuls of rice, Kang Chul-Gyu stopped eating and just stared at his food.

Kang Chan used his chopsticks to pick up a handful of meat and put it on top of Kang Chul-Gyu’s rice.

Kang Chul-Gyu froze with his chopsticks in the air. Slowly, he looked back up.

Maybe it was because of the charcoal fire or because he was tired, but his eyes were red.

“I can’t call you father yet,” Kang Chan said.

“It’s okay.”

It was a ridiculous response to a random statement.

“I’ll try to speak to you formally.”

Kang Chul-Gyu just smiled.

“Thank you for what you did in Libya.”

Kang Chul-Gyu looked at him as if to say, “What do you mean?”

“I thought of you when I really needed help.”

Kang Chan thought Kang Chul-Gyu didn’t really look happy even though he smiled.

“Thank you,” Kang Chul-Gyu said.

“For what?”

“For buyingclothes and food.”

When Kang Chan grinned, Kang Chul-Gyu used his spoon to scoop up all the meat that Kang Chan had put on his plate. He then ate all of it.

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