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Global Awakening: I created the system

Chapter 65 Game release!
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65  Grelease!

[Player ID: Chu Ling

Level: 5(0/1000)

Class: None

Title: Holy maiden of snow






Free attribute points: 5

Talents: leaders aura(S level)

Skills: basic swordsmanship, haste, Rally, voice of courage, ice protection]

[Holy maiden of snow: bestowed by the main god of ice to a traveler from a different world, this title automatically grants the wearer ice protection and loyalty from her believers ]

[Leaders aura(S level): when leading an army to fight the overall attributes of the army are increased by 50% and the user can exert the combined force of the army to deal any blow once

Cool down time: 24 hrs]

[haste: increases troop movement speed by 20%]

[rally: can recall troops even when far away

Cool down t3hrs]

[voice of courage: by stimulating their spirits the user can influence the tide of battle by just their voice alone

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Cool down time: 5hrs

Effective tperiod: 2 hours 30 minutes]

[ ice protection: given by the main goddess of ice to a traveller who cfrom a different world, this passive skill grants it's holder 90% damage reduction from ice attacks]

Looking at her attribute panel although she was already at level 5 and much stronger than before Chu Ling couldn't help but feel her upgrade speed was too slow

Not only that but the absurdly long cool tfor most of her skills made Chu Ling have a headache since thanks to that she had to maintain and average of attacking one or two villages a day

Only in this was she would get caught off guard by any unexpected situations

"Hilda! Let's go hopefully this tthey surrender without any resistance and we can end this quickly"

Shouting to a fully armed and muscular lady beside her, Chu Ling took the lead as her group headed toward the villages center

The person she just called much like the village chief Lin Xiao encountered in the chaos tribe was the matriarch of ice tribe

Opposite of their counterparts, the ice tribe was a female dominated tribe making it much easier for Chu Ling to fit it after being teleported there

Not only that but due to the blessing of the main goddess of ice, each of them could be said to be an unparalleled beauty capable of starting wars on the blue star

And for this, Chu Ling was very welcas she felt their beauty might even play an important part in her future conquests and plans

However it's just that given the current situation it wouldn't be for a while that such a thing would actually be needed

Rather gathering more population, expanding the army and founding a country were what was on Chu Lings mind each of which she had already made a detailed plan on how to go from there

"Yes Divine envoy!"

Shouting at the top of her lungs, Hilda who had been quiet all this while replied to Chu Ling with a spear raised indication she was ready

Now all that was left to do was get into the village and continue their next wave of conquests.


Soon tflew by, and while Chu Ling and the others where at full force trying to play the new world and level up

Ye Tian on the other hand was completely busy as his current actions wee undoubtedly adding more chaos to the already chaotic blue star

'Have you ever wanted to play games all day?'

'Are you an awakened person who wants to get stronger or an ordinary human who hasn't even been awakened?'

'Do you want to be a king who rules over millions of people? A scientist revered through the ages? A god who sits most high or a knight representing honour and valour?'

'Well now you have your chance! With the first ever 100% realistic virtual reality gcalled new world!'

'In this gnot only do you have a high degree of freedom but all the strength gained in gand even sequipment can be taken out!'

'So what are you waiting for! Go to the new world now and achieve your dreams!'

'Note: this  gis completely backed by the dawn guild and gpods can be bought via the new world gcompany!'

'Note: the fits beta is currently being run and those interested can choose to watch it on the games official website in the link below!'

Note: the trabetween reality and in gis one day to one year meaning one day in the real world is one day in the game'

Just now under Ye Tians command this smessage was direct to the screen of all humans on the blue star

Thankfully his hacking skills from his past life hadn't dulled in the slightest making his current abilities hundreds if not thousands of years away from the current blue star

This alone allows him to do things like this and create the gwebsite without fear of being traced or exposed

"Haha but the creating the dawn guild was definitely a great idea on Li Xuehua and the others part!"

Not only does this not solve the expenses needed to launch this plan but as the worlds first guild their reputation alone is enough to allow those skeptical still play the game"

Thinking of this Ye Tian couldn't help but smile when he thought of the future

This tusing the dawn gulled nnot only did he by a few companies to build a svirtual reality gpods but he also had the public in his favour making the next process as easy as it could be

Now all he needed to do was to mark the gaming helmets and pods with soul marks making it possible for people to enter the new world through that

Once that was done all that would be left was to find away to distribute them round the blue star and allow his strength make a qualitative leap

Even at that Ye Tian knew that once a few millions logged into the official site and saw the beginning cutscene his strength would usher in an improvement

Now all that was left to do was wait

"Speaking of strength, I haven't taken a look at my status panel in a while, let's see how these fifty people have made a difference"


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Saying this a familiar transparent panel appeared in Ye Tians front

[Host: Ye Tian

Race: human(99%), ??(0.001%)

Godhead: SuprGod(0.001%)

Subordinates Main goddess of snow Li Xuehua( 5%), main god of archery Melinda(2%), main god of strength hammer(2%), main god of knowledge curie(2%), main god of life Aidric(2%), main god of chaos clown(3%), main god of night hunter(2%), undead goblin lord Kazzak]

Looking at the completely different panel Ye Tian nodded in understanding

First off all his messy other abilities had completely leaving only his race and godhead symbolising his strength

First of although he understood where the human cfrom lbut the question mark made him a little confused

"Could it be from the suprgod best since no knew what it was and they were sure it couldn't be human?"

"If that's the case it seems the origin of the suprgod needs a little bit more adjustment"

Thinking of this Ye Tian decided to study a bit on myths and legends more before coming to a decision

However next he looked at the godhead part

"Godhead this should be representing the ability of the suprgod and since it's omnipotent it makes sense that other messy abilities just merged into it"

"However now what I need to do is find away to increase the percentage of not outside the new world I wouldn't be able to exert most of its power"

Thinking that he could currently only exert 0.001% of the suprgods strength on the blue star Ye Tian suddenly felt like he had a long way to go

Thankfully it seemed that Li Xuehua and the others road would be much simpler since they had already reached actual digits in percentage with Li Xuehua herself reaching 5%

Now all they needed was for the amount of players and the new worlds original population to increase thus making them grow faster

"Ahh~ now that I think of it apart from what happened back in the tower hasn't everything been going smoothly"

"Especially this! Once the gis in large scale production and has a huge amount of players the all I need to do is wait and I'll practically becthe super god both in gand reality"

"What could go wrong?"

Drinking a cup of cola Ye Tian put his two feet on his desk as he scrolled through his phone wanting to see the medias reaction


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