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Get Spoiled after Travelling into A Novel

Chapter 278
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Chapter 278 Ballet Video

Lucius stood impassively behind her, his gaze inscrutable and unreadable. Even though Milly had steeled. herself

for this encounter, she still trembled under his unwavering scrutiny. “I... | didn’t mean to...” she stammered, her

voice betraying her anxiety,

His eyes darkened, his tongue pressing against his check, and with a sudden, deliberate step forward, he closed

the distance between them. Instinctively, Milly stepped back.

“You're afraid of me,” he remarked.

Milly forced an awkward smile, a chill running down her spine as his intense gaze remained fixed upon her. She

wished to explain, yet words cluded her. “T...”

In truth, her reaction was pure instinct, a reflex she could not suppress. Who could remain composed when faced

with such an unnerving presence? She could not dare to label him a pervert to his face, lest she invite his ire and

find herself in an even more precarious situation.

As Milly hesitated, considering whether to fabricate a harmless lie to diffuse the tension, a melodious and gentle

voice interrupted her thoughts:

“Milly, Lucius, what are you two discussing? You seem so engaged, mind if | join?” Stephanie’s voice, sweet and

soft, broke the moment's tension.

Stephanie's presence, though outwardly graceful and serene, concealed an eagerness that Milly could sense.

She had hoped for such an intervention, and now it had arrived. Hearing Stephanie felt like hearing an angel,

and her eyes filled with gratitude, though in the past, she would've mocked her.

“Ah, Stephanie, how fortuitous! Lucius and | were just speaking of you, and here you are! Truly a stroke of fate!

Allowto introduce you both properly; you two ought to have a deep conversation.”

She stressed deep conversation’ intentionally, hoping Stephanie would grasp her intention.

Stephanie's eyes narrowed slightly, a flicker of disbelief crossing her features. Since when had Milly becso


Yet Milly, oblivious to Stephanie's suspicion, basked in her own relief. It seemed her task had been effortlessly

accomplished. She had pondered how best to introduce Stephanie to Lucius and now, by sserendipity, the

opportunity presented itself without any exertion on her part.

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As long as the two met, following the narrative’s trajectory, Lucius would undoubtedly lose interest in her and

becenamoured with Stephanie. They would then form a perfect union, allowing Milly to escape from the

clutches of the psychopath.

However, one lingering concern plagued her mind. She surmised that Stephanie had been reborn, yet the precise

moment of her rebirth remained a mystery. If her rebirth preceded Lucius’s imprisonment of her, she might

approach the situation with less wariness. However, if it followed the imprisonment, she would certainly be more


Yet, observing Stephanie’s eagerness to converse....

Surely she remained unaware of Lucius’s actions in her previous life. If she knew, she would undoubtedly flee as

far as possible!

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Chapter 278 Ballet Video

Once they met, the story would inevitably progress as it was destined to.

Milly pressed her lips together, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. “Lucius, this is Stephanic. She

attended Crestwood High. She was quite the darling there, often performing ballet at school celebrations.”

Milly recalled her assistant mentioning that Lucius’s interest in Stephanie had been piqued by a video of her

ballet performance. Concerned that Lucius might not hear her clearly, she almost shouted the word ‘ballet.

As expected, Lucius’s brows furrowed in thought. Milly nodded, satisfied that his attention had finally begun to


Yes, good.

“Stephanie, this is Lucius.”

Introducing Lucius to Stephanie needed no elaboration. They were not strangers; the introduction served merely

to avoid misunderstandings among the other students.

However, Stephanie interpreted it differently. Upon hearing Milly's casual introduction, suspicion flickered in her

eyes. She believed Milly was intentionally keeping her away from Lucius‘ family.

Despite Stephanie’s assumptions, the Scathings and Burnett families had a relationship that spanned

generations, dating back to their grandfathers’ time. While Stephanie did not frequently interact with Lucius,

they were not complete strangers.

Stephanie cast a sarcastic glance at Milly, who remained puzzled by her reaction.

Uh, is she sick in the head? How'd | cross her this time?

Composing herself with a grace befitting her lineage, Stephanie turned to Lucits with a coquettish smile. “It's

been a while, Lucius. Remember me?”

Her tone implied a shared history, an insinuation of familiarity and camaraderie.

Lucius, however, remained unyielding, his expression carved from stone. “I do not know you.”

Stephanie's cheeks reddened with embarrassment. “How can that be? We often crossed paths at family

gatherings, and you even visited our estate recently.”

His voice remained as frigid as the winter winds. “I have no interest in inconsequential individuals.”

Silence ensued.

Stephanie's humiliation deepened; her desire to vanish from sight overwhelmed her.

D*mn. If | didn’t have to butter up to your family, I'd never have let this happen!

She suspected a collusion between Lucius and Milly, designed to degrade her publicly.

Milly, equally bewildered, could not fathom Lucius’s dismissive stance. They had indeed met recently.

Had he suddenly becforgetful?

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Sensing Stephanie's distress and her

on the verge of crying(Ehesdught'to

mend the Situation. If Stephanie lost

all hope in Lucius and refused to talk

to him, it would veer off from the plot.

Milly would be in danger. The content

is on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

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Chapter 278 Ballet Video

| need to salvage this situation.

Clearing her throat to draw attention,

Milly displayed a video on her phone,

showcasing SEs ballép

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prformarice. Ltcius, you have quite

the sense of humour. Observe

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Stephanie's dance; it was rather

. en

acclaimed. You must have seen it.

The ballet performance had

captivated many, its elegance and

grace undeniable. Eyeqhedireetor

hed qonsiderd Stephanie fora

significant role. Surely, the Lucius of

this narrative could not remain

indifferent to such artistry. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there! B

After all, he couldn't forget about Stephanie thanks to that dance.