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Volume 12, Chapter 4 – Gamers and Guided Ones
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Volume 12, Chapter 4 – Gamers and Guided Ones

Translator: your_pingas

Keita Amano

“By the way, I want to spend a long time with you all alone next weekend, Tendou-san.”


During the lunch break, Tendou-san and I enjoyed our meals in the Game Club room. I suddenly brought this up.

Then, Tendou-san’s cheeks immediately started flaring up.

“Eh, ah, what, well, t-this-“

Tendou-san held her carton of soy milk as she started freaking out. I feel like she’s about to squeeze everything out. So, I quickly said, “Hey, watch out.” After that, she nodded and said, “R-Right.” Finally, she finished all of the soy milk with both of her hands on the box.

After the box caved in, Tendou-san slightly calmed down (but her face is still red) and asked again.

“W-Why…did you ask that? A-Are you inviting me to a sleepover…?”

“Oh, no.”


Tendou-san dropped her shoulders in disappointment. For a moment, this question suddenly flashed in my mind. “Is it better to invite her for a sleepover instead?” However, I ignored it and cleared my throat before continuing.

“Well, it’s not a sleepover. I just want to go on a date with you. Let’s pick a day over the weekends.”

“Hmm? Sure, of course. …But, if that’s the case, why did you say all of that? Spending a long time with me alone?”

I took a sip of my oolong tea and explained.

“This time, I really want to avoid those interruptions.”

“I agree with that!”

Tendou-san nodded repeatedly. I sighed.

“So, for us, …aside from lunch and going home together, all of our major events involved other people, right? Forget about the double date and going out with the Game Hobby Club. People always show up even if we were going out alone…”

“Yeah, come to think of it, I couldn’t think of anything that I completed with Amano-kun alone together. Ah, there was one on the trip…”

“Yeah, …but that’s…too…”


The bitter first kiss and break-up are too complicated for our relationship. So, naturally, we wanted to ignore it.

To remove the subtle awkwardness that’s piling up around us. I cleared my throat and continued.

“So, this time, we can’t let anyone, especially those in the Game Hobby Club to intervene. We must have our perfect date. Let’s think about our options with that premise.”

“I got you. That’s what I think as well. However…”

“Yeah, it’s not easy to think of a place where others can’t intervene.”

“Yes, so, why don’t we just stay in one of our rooms…?”

Tendou-san suggested while blushing. My face flared up as well, but I denied it. “Regrettably…”

“It’s not absolutely safe. We have our families…”

“Yeah, a lot of things happened when my mother barged into our room when you came. Kousei-kun is in Amano-kun’s house too…”

“It’s not just that. Right now, my room…is a cursed dungeon that can randomly spawn a wild Main-san. That person, you can’t stop her even if you closed the doors and windows.”

“What’s with that horrifying room? It’s more of a maze.”

“Yeah, I suddenly woke up in the night a few days ago. I can feel Main-san sitting on my table and playing with her phone while chewing dried squids.”

“She’s treating your house like a smoking area, right?”

“…The demon king’s chewing noises lasted throughout the night. Finally, I slept after a while of trembling.”

“This is the first time that I’ve heard ghost stories where the ghost is actually an acquaintance.”

“Anyway, none of our rooms can provide enough security.”

“Indeed, …but, if that’s the case, we have to go outside. Well, the only place where both of us can be alone is-“

At this point, Tendou-san suddenly blushed even harder.

“-No! T-There is, but…”

“Ah, well, yes, that’s it.”

I can almost understand what she’s trying to say, but I rejected embarrassedly.

“Well, …please don’t make us stay in weird places. Also, it’s not really a date in this case. Honestly, things like singing karaoke in a closed room… aren’t that great.”

“Yeah, even though I like karaoke, that’s not really the date I’m hoping for. Hmm, …why don’t we just sneak into a desolate mountain instead?”

“Where, when, how, and why?”

The next event would probably be either Tendou-san or my corpse being found, or both.

Tendou-san continued listing her plans for us to be alone.

“Speaking of student secret dates, …people normally sneak into the school during midnight, right?”

“That does sound like youth. However, I hope that we can keep this legal and moral.”

“Yeah, I agree. Well, let’s keep this legal. …Ah, that’s it.”

“You got a good place?”

“Yes! It’s perfectly legal, and no one aside from the Tendou family knows. We have a last resort place like this, Amano-kun!”

“Eh, seriously!? That’s amazing. Is it like a private beach of Tendou house-“

“Yes! Well, but my grandmother calls that < The Restricted Place >. It’s incredibly scary.”

“That’s even worse than being illegal!”

“But there’s no one there.”

“Of course! We’ll immediately disappear too!”

“N-No? …Uh, if that’s the case, how about an arcade?”

“Ha? Arcade? We can’t be alone…”

“It’s okay, as long as we hide inside the cabin of those VR shooting games for the whole day.”

“Sorry, Tendou-san, even a gamer like me doesn't want to call that a date.”

“But that only leaves < The Restricted Place >?”

“Since when are these two the only options!? T-Think about it more!”

“Well, …both of us to be alone, …no interruptions, …the entire day, …right! There is, Amano-kun. There’s a place where both of us can be alone without any interruptions, …and it’s also locked!”

A locked place, my heart skipped a beat when she said that. I fiddled with my bangs restlessly and asked Tendou-san.

“Uh, t-that place would be…”

“…It’s a secret space that only belongs to you and me, a paradise that allows screams and intense movement!”

Her cheeks are red. Her heartbeat is fast. We looked at each other. Then, …Tendou-san yelled out excitedly!

“That is- a private conference room for online games! This is it!”


“Very well, Amano-kun. On that day, we’ll open up our consoles in our own houses-“


“I’m sorry.”

Tendou-san apologized before I even complained. I guess she realized it mid-way. The purpose is lost already.

I sighed.

“It’s more like the big premise is that we want a happy date. The goal of the two of us being alone is secondary.”

“Eh, really? I’m already happy when you’re next to me.”

“Of course, me too. I’m very happy right now.”





-After we showed off our love calmly, both of us finally realized how embarrassing that was. We blushed at the same time. …It looks like we have common points like this. She and I always like to express our feelings and beliefs first before anything else.

I cleared my throat and changed the topic.

“A-Anyway, for me, instead of being alone with you, I prefer a happy date without interruptions.”

“I-I got it. But, a happy date, …at this point, the only options are within this rural area. If we absolutely don’t want to bump into the others…”

Tendou-san is lost in thought. Looking at her, I showed a confident smile and said this proudly.

“No, there is. That place is very suitable for our date. However, it carried a painful memory for everyone in the Game Hobby Club. Therefore, they can’t help but avoid it. But, now that most of our misunderstandings are cleared, there’s no need to avoid that place anymore. …Instead, the mood in that place can make gamers like Tendou-san and me truly happy.”

“We have a place like that? …Ah, is it-“

Tendou-san opened her mouth. It looks like she understood.

“This is it.”

I smiled cheerfully at Tendou-san.

I revealed this secret dating spot proudly.

“No one in the Game Hobby Club will come. It’s a place that’s very related to us. Its name is < Viva Spiel-“

Tasuku Uehara

“Let’s go to the < Viva Spiel Kingdom >, Aguri.”


In the café, I suggested our weekend plan as I drank a cup of cheap latte. My girlfriend immediately agreed.

Aguri-san’s biting the scone like a little bunny as she nodded.

“Hiya, you’re amazing, Tasuku. This is the only place where we can be sure that we’ll be alone. You’re a god.”


I feel comfortable when my girlfriend praises me. I continued.

“Instead, I bet we’ll bump into our friends in < Around 1 > and the arcade.”

“I can understand. For me, it’s the family restaurant and the hotel. I feel like other people will interrupt us when we want to talk about important things.”

“Yeah. By the way, if we’re in my house, Mom definitely won’t calm down. If it’s Aguri’s house, that’s already…”

“That’s already the demon king’s castle. It’s more like that’s the most ‘not okay’ place in the world.”

Both of us sighed at the same time. I took a sip of the cooled-down latte and continued.

“Well, so, basically, we’re stuck here. There’s nowhere we can be alone.”

“Yeah, I thought about giving up too.”

“Yes, however, this time, …I received an oracle from the < Viva Spiel Kingdom >. It’s a place where they won’t visit physically or mentally. Good old reverse psychology.”

“Yeah, you’re a genius. My boyfriend is such a genius, unlike a certain gaming otaku.”

“D-Don’t praise me. It’s embarrassing.”

“Handsome, talented, humble, and gentle, what’s wrong with you, Tasuku? Are you the best boyfriend in the world?”

“No, no, that’s my line. Aguri is being unusually adorable recently. The Tendou regime in Otobuki is about to collapse. I’m even terrified of how happy I am.”

“That’s my line! There’s not a single girl in the world who can ignore such a refined man! Although some gamer shut-in girls may complain about you as ordinary bean sprout guys, that’s not true, right? If you ask a hundred normal girls, a hundred of them want to go out with Tasuku, right? Ha, thanks to you, I feel exhausted every day.”

“No, no, that’s really my line. Every boy, no, every male in the world wants to go out with you. You’re already at this level, Aguri.”



We held each other’s hands tightly with our passionate eyes connected. …Honestly, it’s not like we can’t feel the menacing aura surrounding us. However, nothing is more important than this overwhelming sense of bliss.

“Let’s enjoy this weekend, Aguri. No one will interrupt us in < Viva Spiel Kingdom >!”

“Yeah, Tasuku! No one will ever see us in < Viva Spiel Kingdom >!”

Both of us immersed ourselves in the happiness of the weekend as we laughed cheerfully.

Side note, everyone around is gazing at us, “You two will pay for it!” I can feel it from their eyes. …Hoho, you guys can’t be helped. I pity you. That’s why loners will always be loners.

Let’s take their unending envy and jealousy to make us enjoy the weekend even more.

Chiaki Hoshinomori

“Let’s visit the < Viva Spiel Kingdom >, onee-chan.”

My little sister suggested this right after she entered the living room. I’m leaning on the sofa while playing the quests of the mobile game. Then, I answered her casually.


“Eh, you sure?”

Konoha looked surprised, even though it’s her invitation.

I looked away from my phone and to my little sister instead.

“What’s wrong? You think I shouldn’t go?”

“Ah, no. I still have some free tickets left from my friends in the student council. So, I would love to go with onee-chan.”

“Hmm? Isn’t that great?”

“I guess so. …Honestly, I didn’t expect you to answer me in two words only. If you think about what happened last time…”

“Last time? Ah, oh…”

Come to think of it, she’s right. I already forgot it. < Viva Spiel Kingdom > is the place where Keita and Agu-nee- nearly kissed. At that time, the amusement park became a bitter memory for me since I’ve always loved Keita.


I raised my body slightly from the sofa and answered Konoha.

“But, it’s not worth mentioning right now anymore. Even I feel weird about this. The bitterness from that memory has already faded away.”

After I answered honestly, for some reason, Konoha squinted her eyes. She showed a mischievous smile to her onee-chan.

“Ara ara, you’re amazing, onee-chan. Forget about nearly kissed. Onee-chan already kissed someone. You’re really experienced.”


I can’t help but blush after hearing what she said. I-Indeed, …perhaps it’s due to the “concentration” of my kissing event. I can’t deny that I don’t feel anything for Agu-nee’s attempted kissing.

Just as I’m hesitating to answer, Konoha opened the fridge and continued.

“Even though your first love is over, my onee-chan is already an experienced person…”

“W-What’s that!? I-I’m not…”

“Ha, …as your little sister, my heart is aching so much right now, onee-chan. Onee-chan is already a grown-up woman.”

“W-Why did you say that!? T-That kiss’s experience wasn’t enough for me to level up that much!”

“Really? But you can already visit < Viva Spiel Kingdom > at a moment’s notice.”

“T-That’s true…”

I-Indeed, this is an undeniable fact. Right now, I’m magnitudes calmer than when I witnessed that event. Honestly, I don’t hate < Viva Spiel Kingdom > at all. But, if that’s the case…

“I-Isn’t Konoha the same…!?”

I said that as I glared at my little sister’s eyes and counter-attacked.

“Isn’t Konoha-san the same? Even though you say you love Keita, you ended up inviting me to < Viva Spiel Kingdom >.”

“Eh? Ah, I guess so.”

Konoha poured the green tea from the fridge into her cup as she answered. After hearing that, I said, “Look, even if you didn’t kiss-“ Just as I’m about to retort, Konoha twisted the cap of the plastic bottle and answered calmly.

“Ah, but I’ve kissed senpai too.”

“Ah, I see. I can understand then- WHAT!?”

I yelled. Konoha chugged down half of the green tea as she continued like it’s nothing.

“Forget about that. It’s more like, in my eyes, it’s just an attempted kiss. I didn’t mind it that much. The goal I’ve set is much deeper than that…”


“I want a concentrated and continuous dose of sexual contact.”


Did I just hear something incredible from my little sister’s mouth!? I wasn’t imagining things, right!?

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Konoha put the bottle back in the fridge and continued.

“Well, anyway, in my eyes, kissing is just the first step.”

“Y-Yeah, I can understand your reasons, but I can’t understand my little sister now…”

The Konoha I know is a super-serious elite girl. I feel like she picked up some foul lines after meeting with Keita.

Just as I’m lost in thought, Konoha dragged us back to the topic.

“Anyway, onee-chan, are you good with going to < Viva Spiel Kingdom > on the weekend?”

“Eh? Oh, sure. I’m fine with it.”

“Yes, that’s great. …Even I’m not thick-lined enough to ignore Tendou-senpai and invite senpai. I can’t be helped. I’m such a good girl.”


My little sister’s bitter smile tightened my chest.

To cheer her…and myself up, I stood up from the sofa and smiled.

“Let’s enjoy the weekend, Konoha! Forget Keita for now!”

After that, Konoha gave me a warm smile and answered energetically as well.

“Yeah, onee-chan. Let’s forget senpai and have fun!”

Main Fushiguro

“< Viva Spiel Kingdom >…”

I just took a bath, and now I’m sitting on the chair half-naked with carbonated water in my hand. I pondered about it as I’m reading on the phone.

During this time, Agu finished drying Mii’s hair. She yelled, “Mom!” as she dashed over here naked. Then, she climbed to the chair next to me and looked at my phone with bright eyes.

“Wow, an amusement park! Are we going? Mom, can you go with me?”

“Oh, well…”

Mii looked at me with hopeful eyes. …Crap, I wasn’t planning on doing that. …It’s more like I want to do the exact opposite.

However, …hmm, …if Mii and I…went there…


A plan was quickly constructed in my mind. I smiled at Mii.

“Want to go, Mii?”

“Eh!? R-Really!?”

“Yes, you can. Let’s go during the weekends. However, there’s a condition. You have to keep this a secret from Agu, Amako, and those in the Game Hobby Club. Understood?”

“Hmm? I don’t really get it, but I understood, Mom! I’ll be a good kid!”

“Ah, …what a good child. Look forward to the weekend, Mii.”

“Yay! Well, I’ll go brush my teeth after drinking some water!”

“Sure, go.”

Mii showed an incredibly cheerful smile and dashed away. …I raised a good kid.

…Very well.

I clenched my phone tightly once again and mumbled with a confident smile.

“Well, let’s start- my last quest as the demon king.”

Keita Amano

< Viva Spiel Kingdom >.

That’s a place more rural than the rural areas. You need to spend 30 minutes on a bus through the gardens to get there. That’s why it has a massive space. It’s an amusement park in its own world.

The streets of the park look like medieval Germany. In terms of games, it appears as a mid-game city in an RPG. However, of course, the rides are not as good as the ones in famous parks. It’s not a place for tourists. Instead, it’s more of a resting area for locals when they have spare time.

In other words, normally, this isn’t a place that makes high school students excited.


“Hooray! < Viva Spiel Kingdom >!”

We opened our arms as soon as Tendou-san and I entered the park. Our eyes are filled with pure sparkles as we look at the streets.

“Ah, this feels pretty good no matter how many times I’ve come here, Amano-kun! This mid-game town feeling never gets old!”

“Yeah, it really never gets old, Tendou-san! This intense mid-game town feeling!”

Tendou-san turned around and looked at me. Her skirt is flipping in mid-air. Normally, a certain gal will start yapping here. However, we’re alone today.

Tendou-san’s face is filled with a shining smile.

“Amano-kun, Amano-kun, what’s happening? Right now, I feel as excited as a Kanto representative that lost in her first match!”

“Well, even though I don’t understand that hardcore gamer reference, I know how you feel. I can’t believe the two of us can play games alone. …This is the first time after < Around 1 >, right?”

“I think so! Well, we bumped into the Hoshinomori sisters mid-game…”

At this point, Tendou-san said that as she observed around vigilantly. Although I’m a bit scared of her FPS player-like sensitivity, she smiled after confirming there’s no one she knows around here.

“Ah, a date with Amano-kun alone…! What is this? This feels like a dream!”

“Yeah, I’m already really happy when we’re walking in this game-like street.”

“Yes. …Ah, why don’t we just turn it into a VR death game? All of us will be trapped here forever.”

“W-What’s with that light -like wish?”

Uh, I’m an otaku as well, so I can understand that. However, Tendou-san wants a dangerous game setting instead of ordinary and peaceful life. I guess this feels like her.

“Well, it’ll be a waste to just stand here. Let’s get on the rides as we go around the park, Tendou-san.”

“Sure, let’s check out the arcade games first, Amano-kun.”

“That’s not a place we should go first, right. Let’s have a proper date.”

“Tck, …you’re just Amano-kun. How can you complain like that…!?”

“Why are you mad? Don’t pretend to be an idiot if you don’t like it…”

“Ha? I wasn’t pretending to be an idiot at all.”

“Seriously? …Tendou-san, I can’t believe you can keep yourself together for so many years.”

“Yeah. Well, …you’re the only one I’ll express my true self to, after all.”

“…I-I see.”

Crap, what’s wrong with this girl? She always says something adorable without noticing it. What, is she a real angel?

I can’t look at her face directly due to embarrassment. So, I quickly walked ahead and said.

“A-Anyway, let’s go, Tendou-san. Let’s visit something other than the arcade games.”


Tendou-san pouted in dissatisfaction. Right now, even her face looks incredibly cute to me. Love is scary, I’m telling you. If this continues, I can’t even hold myself together, not to mention being a reliable boyfriend.

To avoid that, I started walking forward a bit forcefully-


-During this time, Tendou-san voiced out slightly. I turned back in confusion, and she said this sheepishly.

“H-Hey, …didn’t I tell you that I only express my true self in front of you? …So, …uh…”

“Hmm? What?”

I didn’t understand what she’s trying to say.

As for Tendou-san, …she closed her eyes tightly. Then, as if she made up her mind, …even so, she reached her hand out to mine. Her face is as red as a tomato.

“Sometimes, …I want…you…to drag my hand forcefully…”




At this moment, Keita Amano’s character setting, “I really love games.” has been changed slightly. Please pay attention.

Tasuku Uehara

“Even though we’re here for the date, it’s not really an exciting place.”


It’s been 5 minutes since Aguri and I entered the < Viva Spiel Kingdom >. We’re now taking a stroll around the park. The rides aren’t that interesting to us. The same goes for the medieval European streets too.

Just as I’m starting to regret it, Aguri started complaining next to me too.

“I immediately decided this is the place for Tasuku’s date. …However, come to think of it, there’s nothing that we can enjoy here.”

“Yeah, but somehow my brain is filled with the impression that this is an exciting place.”

“I can understand! I also feel it’s super rare for us to be here for some reason. Even though I didn’t have a good time, in reality…”

“Well, yeah. This baffling sense of happiness is almost certainly…”

At this point, both of us said the name of the people that brought us this feeling.

“It’s because of those idiot gamers.”

We sighed. Aguri continued.

“Yeah, Amanocchi and Tendou-san were super hyped last time.”

“Right, this feels like those mid-game cities in RPGs. Well, it’s not like I can’t understand that, but that’s no reason for excitement…”

“Yeah, that’s why I love those two. It even gave me the impression that this is a fun amusement park. Sheesh, it’s because those two kept handing out 5-star ratings. In the end, I forgot that I only gave this place 2-star!”

“Indeed, so, the two of us alone can’t have fun here…”

“In the end, what’s even a mid-game RPG city? How is that entertaining to a normal person like me?”

“Yes, there are no kigurumis here, after all.”

“Yeah, there are some staff wearing knight armor walking everywhere. But I don’t even know how I should react. What is that? Is he trying to be popular among kids?”

“Even adults don’t really like them, not to mention kids. Well, some weird people do ask for photos with bright eyes. …Look, there’s one.”

I pointed forward as I said that. Two girls are squeezing the knight in the middle as they’re taking the photo. Aguri looks clearly annoyed.

“I feel like those two girls are otakus.”

“Especially the short hair one, she gives off a sheepish feeling. She’s the kind of keeping her distance during photos, and the cameraman has to keep telling her to get closer.”

We chatted as we looked at the two girls. Perhaps it’s because we stopped amongst the crowd. Someone suddenly bumped into me. I quickly lowered my head and apologized. However, that person-

“Oh, it’s okay.”

-After she answered calmly, …the woman that I think I’ve heard of her voice before quickly left. Although I tried to confirm whether I knew her, my mind immediately flew back to Aguri’s photo talk.

“The same goes for Amanocchi. He’ll keep a subtle distance when we’re taking photos.”

“Yeah, she’s just like Amano. …No, wait? Ha, Aguri-san? Why did you take photos with Amano together? That’s what lovers would do, right? Oi!”

“Ah, forget that. Tasuku, I think that store has some disgusting-looking churros!”

“That’s not how you change the topic! I don’t care about that! Hey, don’t just leave me behind!”

My innocent girlfriend dashed to the churros store.

I sighed. …Although I still can’t get those otaku girls off my head, I snapped out of it and chased after Aguri.

Chiaki Hoshinomori

“Uh, thanks for the photos!”

After I lowered my head and thanked him, the knight just said, “This is the responsibility of < Viva Spiel’s Knights >.” He left after leaving that confusing line.

“Let me see.”

Konoha said that as she leaned to me. We looked at the photos together. On it, the Hoshinomori sisters tipped their toes and squeezed the knight in the middle. Both of us are wearing clothes that we like today. So, it gives off that “we’re trying our best” feeling.

Konoha chuckled. I found out something unusual in the photo.

“Hmm? What’s behind this…?”

I can’t really see it because of the distance and the dim light. However, I think I’m seeing a familiar couple. …Since I can’t get it off my head, I immediately confirmed the actual place’s surroundings. That couple isn’t there anymore. Well, of course.

“What’s wrong, onee-chan? We’re going.”

“Eh? Oh, okay.”

Konoha urged me. I put my phone back as we started strolling again. We chatted about what we should do next.

“Well, what should we do next, onee-chan? Honestly, this place is pretty boring.”

“You’re suddenly honest, Konoha! No, no, this is pretty fun to me! The streets look exciting, and I got a photo with a knight!”

“Only dumb gamers will enjoy things like that, right?”

“Y-You don’t have to go that far. In reality, didn’t Konoha just take the photo happily too?”

“That’s because, think about it, …the knight has to be fully naked to fit in that costume. My heart is boiling…”

“What did you just say!?”

My little sister has some weird feelings these days. I decided to keep up the questions.

“But, if that’s the case, perhaps there are other items that Konoha likes?’

“For example?”

“For example, …well, will you get excited about swords and shields?”

“Hmm, I don’t get to use them in plays…”


“Nevermind. Well, if there’s anything that interests me in this place…”

Konoha said that as she pondered about it. I started looking around aimlessly as she’s doing that. Hmm, I think I just saw the couple during that photo session. It even feels like I know them. Just as I’m about to check them out, Konoha said something.

“If there are some erotically-textured wands-“

“Shut up, you bitch.”

I can hear someone talking when Konoha’s about to finish. We turned around in surprise. A handsome middle school student looks nothing like his brother- no, he’ll be a high school student after spring.


“It’s been a while, Chiaki-senpai.”

After he saw my face, Kousei-kun showed a pure smile that’s the complete opposite of what he just said. Yes, this is the Kousei-kun I’m familiar with. However, on the other hand…

“Uh, Kousei, why are you here…?”

“Ha? That’s my question. Why are you bothering Chiaki-senpai during the weekend? Are you planning something again?”

“I’m her little sister!”

“You’re saying nonsense like that again…”

…Kousei-kun immediately showed his evil side after he started bickering with Konoha. Although I’ve heard that he’s a two-faced person, I’m more surprised when I see it live.

During this time, the group that accompanied Kousei-kun said this to him.

“Hey, Kousei, we’ll go on the rides alone then?”

After hearing that, Kousei-kun turned back and answered with his “good young man” side.

“Ah, that’s great! I’ll see you guys later!”

Then, the 7-people group left one by one.

I looked at them and asked Kousei-kun.

“Hey, are those Kousei-kun’s friends…?”

“Ah, yes, they are my middle school friends. They asked everyone out to play, even if it's just a little while after graduation. What’s wrong with them?”

Kousei-kun smiled bitterly. There are two cute girls in the group looking at Kousei-kun passionately. For some reason, they are staring daggers at my little sister and me.

“H-Hey, Kousei-kun? It’s already okay for you to say hi to us. Please go back to them…”

“Oh? Ah, it’s fine. Although I came here with them due to multiple reasons, it makes no difference whether I’m there or not.”

U-Uh, I think it does make a great difference. By the way, perhaps some of the girls only showed up because you’re here. I’m a love detective, after all.

During this time, Kousei-kun asked us.

“Chiaki-senpai, why are you here?”

“Ah, well, it’s just us sisters going out today to play. Think about it, as a gamer, I really love this < Viva Spiel Kingdom >.”

“I see. Indeed, onii-san loves < Viva Spiel Kingdom > too.”

“Right? Keita also…”


A subtle silence fell between the three of us. Then, Kousei-kun changed the topic to smooth out this awkwardness.

“Ah, let’s not stand here while talking. Why don’t we go to the benches?”

“Eh? Oh, sure, fine by me…”

Kousei-kun urged us. I turned to the benches. …Konoha’s emitting an aura that says, “Get him out of here!” I’m sorry, but I have to ignore you for now.

We sat on the benches. Then, he handed the drinks he got from the vending machine to us sisters with a smile.

“Here, Chiaki-senpai. This is hot tea. The weather’s still a bit cold, after all.”

“T-Thank you.”

W-What a smart child! I bet that’s why he’s popular. Then…

“Hey, bitch. Here’s your iced strongly-carbonated coffee with mint. Go die if you don’t mind.”

“Y-You little…!”

What an evil child! I think that’s why my little sister hates him, even though she’s very soft most of the time.

Kousei-kun sat next to me and started drinking his hot lemon tea peacefully. Looking at his innocent face, for a moment, I really feel like he’s related to Keita.

Just as I’m drinking the green tea, Kousei-kun looked at his friends on the rollercoaster and mumbled.

“Well, …I’m really happy to have these best friends that are still willing to go out with me, even when we’re in different high schools, unlike onii-san.”

“Hmm? What’s wrong with Keita?”

“Oh? Ah, I haven’t said this to Chiaki-senpai before, right? The reason that I can do all of this today is thanks to onii-san.”

“That’s the first time I’ve heard of it. But, …that Keita actually helped Kousei-kun?”

“Ahaha, you’re mean. Even though I can understand, well, this is really thanks to onii-san.”

Kousei-kun smiled and squinted his eyes nostalgically.

It seems that Konoha is super interested in this topic too. She pulled my sleeves and urged me to continue. …Sheesh.

I cleared my throat and continued.

“U-Uh, Kousei-kun? I, well, …I want more details.”

“Alright, I got it. Well, let’s start with- my < 100 Reasons Why My Onii-san is the Best >!”

“No, no, I’m not listening to that. It’s not about that. I want to hear why Kousei-kun is grateful to Keita. It would be great if you can tell me that…”

“What, you want to know about that? Well, how about I share with you my < 1,000 Reasons Why My Onii-san is the Best > Excel table later?”

“Eh? H-Hmm…”

I don’t need it. I don’t need it at all. Also, I think it grew 10 times more for some reason. However, I don’t believe the conversation can continue if I say I don’t need it. So, let’s keep this inside my heart.


Kousei-kun stared at the sky for a while. He seemed to be making up his mind. …Then, he suddenly said this.

“My onii-san is insanely stubborn when it comes to games, right?”

“I know.”

Konoha and my reaction overlapped each other. Kousei-kun continued with a bitter smile.

“He can’t stop once people talk about his favorite games. He always has his own beliefs about things he loves. He likes going to second-hand game stores, but he’ll never sell his games. I feel like, …well, in conclusion, he’s an onii-san with a super annoying mindset.”

“I know.”

The Hoshinomori sisters nodded repeatedly. Kousei-kun answered, “Right?”

“So, initially- I used to despise an onii-san like this a lot, sincerely.”


This time, the sisters’ reactions overlapped again, but it’s different from the last one.

We bulged our eyes in surprise. Kousei-kun continued.

“Hey, even though it’s a bit too much for me to say this, I’m a pretty incredible guy, right. Whether it’s my styles or abilities.”

“It’s really too much.”

“Oi, Konoha.”

My little sister’s reaction was a little awkward. However, unexpectedly, Kousei-kun didn’t get mad at Konoha. Instead, he continued calmly.

“Honestly, whether it’s academics, sports, or communication, …I excel onii-san in these clearly comparable elements. Although I’m not a prick that looks down on onii-san because of that, I do get annoyed sometimes. You know, especially when he’s talking about games non-stop instead of studying, even I can’t contain my dumbfoundedness.”

“Yeah, I can understand.”

Suddenly, Konoha agreed with Kousei-kun. She’s looking at me too.

I pretended I heard nothing and urged Kousei-kun to continue.

“Well, I know what Kousei-kun talked about. It’s more like that’s usually the case from a guy like Kousei-kun. Actually, I find the Kousei-kun that really loves Keita to be unbelievable.”

“Indeed. Honestly, even I feel super disgusted with my love for onii-san.”

(You’re actually aware of it.)

The Hoshinomori sisters were shocked, but we kept it inside. After all, we want to hear more.

Kousei-kun continued.

“All of this started two years ago. Onii-san helped me when I was having a tough time.”

“T-Tough time? Don’t tell me a bean sprout like Keita defeated a strong delinquent…”

“Do you think my onii-san can pull off something this legendary?”

“I don’t think so.”


Kousei-kun chuckled happily. …This person always smiles whenever it involves his onii-san. Ah, speaking of being addicted when talking about favorite things, I guess he’s indeed Keita’s little brother.

During this time, Kousei-kun’s friends finally got onto the roller coaster. He waved and smiled at his friends. Then, he continued calmly.

“Actually, they used to call me a thief in the past.”


This child is always saying some nasty things at weird times. When Konoha and I fell silent, Kousei-kun pressed on casually.

“That was the same as this time. We were planning to go out and play. Then, being confident, I decided to become the leader and collect everyone’s fees…”

“Don’t tell me…”

“Yeah, just like that, I lost all of the money in a single brilliant move.”


Both of us were speechless. What’s this? Even though I’ve never experienced something like this, my chest really hurts.

However, the person in question continued as if it didn’t happen to him.

“Hiya, I was so anxious at that time. It almost felt like I fell from heaven to hell. No matter how anxious I am, if I lost it, I lost it. However, the most upsetting part is that when I apologized sincerely, my friends didn’t let this go with their usual attitude.”


“Although they didn’t say anything, I was clearly suspicious. Of course, they weren’t at fault, after all. It’s just that I realized all of the…trust I’ve gathered up is this fragile. I was really shocked.”


“Also, since I didn’t tell my parents about this, I can’t cry out and ask them for help. However, I had to get the money as soon as possible. …Actually, I was driven by guilt that time.”

“T-That’s really, …I’m sorry for that. Well, but Keita saved Kousei-kun later, …right?”

“Well, yeah. This is how I regained my respect for onii-san.”

At this point, Konoha guessed what happened next.

“After all that, I guess senpai used his brilliant detective skills and caught the real criminal…”

“Do you think that onii-san of mine can do that?”

“…I don’t think so. Hmm, but in that situation, what senpai could do is…”

Facing Konoha’s question, Kousei-kun showed a deep expression.

“It’s something ordinary. He did what a ‘normal onii-san’ could’ve done the most instead of playing as the hero or detective. That’s all. It’s what a family member would do.”

“…Hmm? What did Keita…do to Kousei-kun?”



Both of us held our breaths. After a moment of pause, Kousei-kun acted like the host of a quiz show…and suddenly changed the topic.

“By the way, you went to our house to play, right, Chiaki-senpai?”

“Ha? W-Why did you suddenly bring that up? I did…”

“Yeah. Well, did you come into onii-san’s room?”

“Eh!? No, no, no, I only stayed in the living room! Completely! Yes!”

I freaked out as I explained. After that, Kousei-kun said, “That’s a bummer.” He continued after showing such a strange reaction.

“If Chiaki-senpai goes into onii-san’s room, you can immediately feel that something’s wrong.”

“Hmm? Something’s wrong? What does that mean-“

“Forget about that. Let’s get back on track, Kousei.”

Konoha urged Kousei-kun to continue a bit anxiously. However, Kousei-kun answered annoyedly, “That’s why I can’t deal with bitches.” He ignored her and pressed on.

“Chiaki-senpai, since you have the same personality, interests, and environment as onii-san, …you can immediately realize it after entering his room.”

“Uh, Kousei-kun, what does that mean-“

When I threw the question out, Kousei-kun…grabbed the opportunity and said the answer aloud.

“Right now, there are very few games in onii-san’s room.”


We held our breaths after hearing that. I thought this was completely irrelevant. …However, we started to notice that this answer showed the story behind.

B-But that’s…too…

Waves of complicated emotions are sweeping our hearts right now. Looking at us, …as if he’s atoning his sins, Kousei-kun said this painfully.

“My onii-san sold all of them. He cares about his games the most. He always yells that he hates selling second-hand games more than anything idiotically. …An onii-san like that suddenly sold 80% of his games the day after I told him about it. …Finally, he handed me all of the money and said, ‘Hiya, I’m glad that this is enough.’ He said that like it was nothing.”


We remained silent. Kousei-kun continued with a bitter smile.

“You want to cry, right? Even though I kept this from onii-san, honestly, …I felt like I was beaten up pretty bad. I felt happiness, guilt, and pain. What did I even do better than this onii-san? …I was sincerely embarrassed by myself. At the same time, onii-san can treat something like this with his usual attitude. He was incredibly charming at the time.”


“Moreover, the remaining games onii-san has are the ones that I said it’s fun. …I was in total defeat. After that, facing onii-san’s sincere love, I decided to repay him. …That explains why I’m here right now.”


Our reaction is quite subtle. Although it’s a touching story, the ending is really lame. What’s with this disappointment?

Kousei-kun smiled bitterly again. He looked at his friends that are screaming on the rollercoaster.

“Well, in the end, I got the money back, and with a sincere apology, they forgave me. After that, a lot of things happened after the real criminal got caught. …Since then, I didn’t just face my friends with my shallow side. Instead, I got along with them with my dirty sincere words. In the end, our relationship got better.”

“I see. That’s why Kousei-kun is like this right now. All thanks to Keita.”

I understood a lot. The reason why Kousei-kun is Kousei-kun and…

“Sheesh, …senpai has always been senpai…”

My little sister mumbled next to me. My heart can’t help but skip a beat when I see her face. It’s because her expression…is an incredibly beautiful one that can only appear on a girl that sincerely fell in love.

For some reason, I don’t want to see that anymore. So, I asked Kousei-kun hastily.

“B-By the way, Kousei-kun, your friends are almost done, right?”

“It’s fine. They are nothing but garbage compared to Chiaki-senpai.”

“Why did you say that!? It’s like the perfect ending of that story never existed! D-Don’t say that! Please go enjoy the time with your friends, Kousei-kun!”

“If Chiaki-senpai says so, well, I’ll be leaving.”

Kousei-kun said that as he stood up. He glanced at Konoha.

“Well, see you the day after tomorrow- our worst student council president.”

“Alright, alright, be more respectful to your senpai, the kouhai-kun who looks like he can’t make friends.”

Kousei-kun and Konoha bickered with each other. I said to Konoha, “Come to think of it.”

“Kousei-kun is about to enter Hekiyou. He’ll be Konoha’s kouhai soon.”

“This sucks. …Why don’t he go to Otobuki if he loves his onii-san so much…?”

“…I think I can understand how he feels. Sometimes, instead of staying next to someone you love, it’s more important to live in a way that doesn’t bother him.”

“…Just like a certain game developer who’s trying her best to make games?”

“Who knows.”

I smiled, and Konoha answered me with a cheerful one too.

I stood up from the bench and reached my hand to Konoha.

“Well, Konoha, it’s time for us to go! I’m cheered up after hearing Kousei-kun’s story!”

“What a coincidence, onee-chan. The story just then aroused my lust- no, miraculous energy inside my body.”

Konoha answered and held my hand.

So, we…hid our feelings for our loved ones and walked towards the amusement park filled with dreams.

Karen Tendou


A couple is sitting on the bench inside the park and vomiting embarrassingly- which is us.

Amano-kun, who’s pale and crying, protested to me countless times today.

“Didn’t I say this again and again before, Tendou-san…!? You can’t aim for a high score in teacups…!”

“Y-You did say that before, Amano-kun! But, when you said, ‘Don’t do it!’ that firmly, it just makes my character setting go wild and try to do something- bleugh!”

“Why must you only show your artist’s side at moments like this…!? Bleugh…”

We can’t go back like this, no matter what. So, we can only moan aimlessly. The dizziness toned down after around 3 minutes. During this time, Amano-kun started complaining again.

“By the way, it’s not just the teacups, Tendou-san.”

“W-What do you mean?”

“You know what I mean. You said, ‘Hey, how about we take off our raincoats? The one that can avoid the most water wins.’ in the water slides. Both of us ended up soaked!”

“Ho, I won either way.”

“Yeah, it’s because I had to protect you from that giant wave.”


“When we were on the go-karts, Tendou-san’s need for speed nearly broke the brake and the engine. The staff got really mad at us.”

“It’s their problem to not prepare the equipment that can be used by me.”

“It’s not a go-kart if it can handle a professional racer’s control.”


“Even so, I still understand why you wanted to do all that. It’s just that…I was really annoyed when you wanted to see who uses the least time to complete a lap on the carousel. My girlfriend is really too much for me.”

“N-No, Amano-kun! I was just joking!”

“Really? But you kept trying different poses when you were on it, right?”

“…Uh, well, I wanted to explore the techniques once I got on it.”

“Isn’t that what a terrible person would do?”

“Can you not treat your girlfriend as a terrible person!?”

“Then, finally, when we were on the teacups, you wanted to get a high score, right? …I really want to ask you this now. What do you think an amusement park ride is?”

“Of course, it’s a place for couples and friends to have fun…as we train with each other.”

“Those last 6 words aren’t necessary!”

“What was that, Amano-kun? You have a problem with my philosophy too?”

“N-No, I’m not! But…”

“Ho, …I’m disappointed with you, Amano-kun.”

“Yeah, how did I end up being the bad guy in this conversation?”

Amano-kun looked unconvinced. I took a deep breath and stood up from the bench. Then, I smiled and said this to him casually.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Amano-kun, I’ll go buy a drink.”

“Eh? Ah, I’ll buy it for you…”

He tried to stand up after saying that. I stopped him. Then, …I smiled again and continued sarcastically.

“No, I’m much faster and more efficient compared to you.”


Amano-kun is pissed. After staring at him for a while, I hmphed and turned around like it’s goodbye. I started making my way to the vending machine.

…Of course, we’re not really arguing. Half of it is a joke. However, my body does feel uncomfortable (which I deserved). Right now, I’m a bit frustrated.

(I also don’t hate…enjoying the date normally too…)

I took big steps forward as I remembered what happened today. It’s just like what Amano-kun said. Most of the rides in the park aren’t designed for competition. I know that. Even though I know that, …whenever I’m with him, I really want to fill up this silence. …So, I covered my embarrassment by asking for a match with him.

(It’s because smiling at each other on the teacups…is too embarrassing!)

I bet Amano-kun must’ve felt the same. It’s because both of us are weird. …A normal and romantic date is incredibly embarrassing for us. Even when we were at the pool date, both of us flung water at each other competitively.

I walked faster toward the vending machine. After that, I saw a couple hugging each other tightly under the tree. They are dressed a bit weirdly.

“Unlike those fallen souls in the family restaurant, I’ll only love you…!”

“I’m happy! Yeah, we’re totally different from those unconsciously cheating criminals!”

W-What are they talking about? Some couples express their feelings in such a strange way?

I glanced at them as I dashed forward. …However, I suddenly noticed something.

(If that’s normal, …will Amano-kun and I never progress for our whole life?)


No, no, no, no, no, that’s impossible. We started going out already. This generation is different from those rom-coms during the Showa period.


(I feel like we have a self-proclaimed normie couple that made zero progress so far…)

I put my hand on my forehead. Y-Yeah, that’s an exception, right. Amano-kun and I are different. We already started dating, …dating…

(Did we even make any progress the last time we started dating?)

I finally started wrapping my hands around my head. …N-No, we kissed. Yeah, that’s right, …but that was when we were breaking up. Everything is mixed together. Under that extremely awkward atmosphere, I made up my mind and pulled that event off. I think that kiss can be classified as a painful memory. …Hmm.

(Eh, don’t tell me we can never get into an honest good mood?)

I finally arrived at the vending machine. However, I stood there and started twisting my body around.

…Hey, what’s wrong with that? Don’t tell me, …don’t tell me that we’ll only keep being normal gaming friends if Amano-kun and I keep our gamer’s side?

No, that’s right. It has to be right. It’s because I’ll turn something into a competition whenever it gets too embarrassing. The same goes for Amano-kun. He can complain about those things non-stop.

In other words, our interaction- will self-destruct if we don’t talk about games!

(At this point, our gamer’s side is dragging our feet…!)

If that’s the case, …if that’s the case!

(I should’ve not loved games in the first place…!)

I can’t keep my appearance and say my regrets out loud.

…Well, it’s useless to sigh here. Let’s get back to him for now and deepen our relationship.

I stood up forcefully and looked at the drinks on the machine.

“Hmm? Eh?”

During this time, I think I saw a familiar seaweed head opposite the vending machine. Also, that seaweed head immediately hid inside the shadow.


After I confirmed that it’s her, I turned my face to the side to see-

“A-Ahem! Hey, can you just get your juice and leave?”

-Someone suddenly got mad at me just as I’m about to do that.

“Eh, ah, I’m sorry!”

I apologized in reflex and turned around. Then, I realized I know that person.

“Eh, …Kase-senpai?”

It’s been two months. He’s still the clever Game Club office guy, Gakuto Kase-senpai. His rarely-seen casual clothes showed his attitude. His shirt and pants are all straightened up. There are no wrinkles at all.

His glasses are reflecting light coldly, just as usual. He sighed and continued.

“Sheesh, I was thinking who’s standing in front of the vending machine and causing trouble. …It’s my kouhai.”


I moaned as I stood up. Then, I turned to him and cleared my throat.

“What are you doing here, senpai?”

“You stood in front of the vending machine regretting loving games, and yet you’re the one to ask me that question?”

Did he see everything? I want to cry. However, I continued refreshingly.

“It’s because Kase-senpai and amusement park are two opposites, right?”

“That’s impolite. I do things other than FPSs. …For example, a date.”

“Eh, you’re on a date!?”

“…Well, no.”

“Then what’s the point of our conversation just then?”

I sighed and chuckled after that.

-This is nostalgic.

The last time I saw him was on the final day of the club activity – March 14.

It’s just that I started going out with Amano-kun immediately after that. Moreover, the fact that Kase-senpai and Nina-senpai graduated is still pretty strong. So, I’m already missing them, even though it’s not been that long.

Kase-senpai continued in relief.

“Even though this isn’t a date, I did come with a girl.”

“Eh, really? Who? Do I know her?”

“Ha, what do you mean by do you know her? …It’s Oiso, Nina Oiso.”

“Eh!? T-That’s still a date, am I right!?”

Senpai’s progress in the relationship immediately hyped me up. However, Kase-senpai shook his head dumbfoundedly.

“Well, sorry to make you so excited, but that’s really not true…”

“But you two came to the park on the weekend, right!?”

“Ah, well, yeah, you can say that…”

“Right!? So what other reasons do you two have other than a date…!?”

Just as I’m asking him in excitement, a weird announcement can be heard inside the park.

“There will be a special event at 2 PM today. The professional fighting game player Tamata’s < 100 Children Challenge > is about to begin. There is still some time left for registration, so please participate if you have the chance. I repeat. Today-“


“…Uh, …yes, …t-this isn’t a date…”

“Right? Well, even though that’s not the only reason we came to the park…”

Kase-senpai dropped his shoulders as he said that. …I can feel a certain sense of courage in the person that accompanied her to events like this. …Yeah, I shouldn’t point that out. It makes me sad.

“By the way, I think I just heard it’s for children. …Does Nina-senpai want to join too?”

“Yeah, she said something along the lines of ‘It didn’t specify an age requirement…’ Normal people will feel dumbfounded, right?”

“Yeah, Nina-senpai will be kicked out when she’s standing with other people, right…”

“That girl did make preparations for this.”

“H-Her preparation is…”

“Don’t ask. You’ll regret it as a kouhai.”

“Okay, I won’t. I feel like I’ll really regret it.”

We sighed heavily at the same time.

Kase-senpai cleared his throat and changed the topic.

“How about you? Are you going on a date with Keita Amano or someone like that?”

“What do you mean by someone like that? He’s the only guy, right. …Sheesh, you’re still really thick-lined when it comes to love.”

I was dumbfounded. However, his words did remind me of my goal. Anyway, I bought two bottles of tea from the vending machine. After that, I stood aside to let Kase-senpai get his. He just bought an energy drink for himself and started chugging it down right away.

“…Yeah, …you’re…not on a date at all…”

“Don’t give me those pity eyes, Tendou. What’s wrong with buying my own drinks?”

“Well, …hmm, …there’s nothing wrong…since you’re Kase-senpai…”

“You’re still really impolite.”

We chatted with each other as we left the vending machine. Both of us walked at the same pace.

…Come to think of it, our goal is a date without bumping into any acquaintances. …Well, Kase-senpai and Nina-senpai don’t count, right? After all, these two are in no way obstacles to our love. Basically, they are just side characters that can be treated as roadside pebbles.

“You’re thinking something impolite again, right, Tendou?”

“This is such a disgusting way to use your observance developed from FPSs. You know you won’t be popular if this continues, right?”

Senpai crushed the energy drink can in his hand. Some of the liquid splashed onto his glasses. …Y-Yeah, let’s stop the sarcasm.

I changed the topic.

“But I’m really surprised, you know? Although I feel sorry to say this, I thought Kase-senpai...is someone who I’ll never see in my life again.”

“That’s dumbfoundedly impolite. Of course, I’ll show up, right. It’s just graduation. I’m not dead. Also, Oiso and I chose a local college.”


Indeed, even though these two already graduated, they are going to a nearby college. They also promised to show up in the Game Club sometimes. So, in reality, their actual graduation isn’t that sad. This is also why I can mess with him casually.

…In reality, if Kase-senpai is really going somewhere far away, I would be very touched to see him again right now. …However, I’ll probably keep this inside my heart since it pisses me off.

I can feel the heat of the two bottles of green tea on my stomach as I continued.

“So, how’s your college life going?”

“It’s just more freedom. I’m having fun. …Although I wanted to say that, I don’t think it’s that different from my high school life.”

“What do you mean?”

“While my life did change, it’s just mainly based on games. It’s the same for Oiso and me. This is what I meant when nothing changed much. …Games are still very enjoyable.”

“I see.”

I can’t help but smile after hearing the word “enjoyable” from his mouth.

Kase-senpai looked away a bit awkwardly and continued.

“Well, …we do feel empty when the Game Club daily life disappears from us, maybe.”

“Wow, Kase-senpai’s embarrassed. I’m freaking out.”

“You are really…”

Kase-senpai said this with a bitter smile. It looks like he grew more mature.

He walked next to me and changed the topic again. “Come to think of it.”

“There’s no Game Club in our college, but they are thinking whether they should create one. Of course, Oiso and I will be joining. Think about it, ‘those two’ visited the Game Club before…”

“Ah, right! That would be great!”

I forgot about them already. Those two college students, who are also Amano-kun and my gaming partners, are in the same school as senpais. [Kiriya and Saika from DLC.]

The conversation grew from here.

So, just as I asked Kase-senpai about his college life, senpai changed the topic again.

“Come to think of it, where’s Keita Amano? We’ve walked for a long time. I’m walking with you simply because I want to send you to him.”

“Uh, send? …No one will attack me in the park, right.”

“Hmm, well, probably. …But, you’re an important kouhai, after all…”

Senpai looks a bit confused. He’s weirdly adorable.

I didn’t tease him about this. Instead, I dragged the conversation back.

“Well, if we’re talking about Amano-kun, he’s right there. Look, he’s at the bench-“

I pointed to the bench in front. However-

“…There’s no one there.”

Kase-senpai pushed his glasses and mumbled. …Hmm. …Hmm?

“I-Impossible, …eh?”

Although I hastily dashed to the bench, he’s nowhere in sight. The small argument we had earlier flashed in my mind. My face went pale. Don’t tell me Amano-kun doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore…!? N-No, that’s impossible. …It should be impossible!

However, that totally inconsiderate senpai said this half-jokingly from behind.

“What? He doesn’t like you anymore?”

“Ha, please don’t compare me to a certain four-eyed FPS guy.”

“…I think the bigger problem is how aggressive you’re today, right? Well, anyway, Keita Amano doesn’t seem to be here.”

“Phew, …we just don’t see him. It’s too early to determine that he’s not here, right?”

“Can you not freak out with such a calm face?”

“He must’ve finally ascended to a noble casual gamer that no hardcore gamers can see. Come to think of it, that’s why Kase-senpai and I can’t see him.”

“…I-I’m leaving, Tendou. It’s time for me to meet up with Oiso-“

“Stop right there, you irresponsible four-eyed coward.”

“I- h-hey, don’t grab my clothes! Alright, alright!”

Senpai choked and turned back helplessly. He pushed his glasses.

“Let’s ignore your stupid imagination just then. He must’ve just left for another place, right?”

“You’re saying that Amano-kun will abandon his cute girlfriend?”

“Don’t be so narcissistic while keeping a serious face. Perhaps he just went to the bathroom?”

“Ha? Amano-kun will never go to the bathroom, you know?”

“Please don’t be so attracted to him.”

Nope, Kase-senpai is seriously dumbfounded right now. I cleared my throat with a cough.

“Anyway, he could’ve sent me a message first…”

I checked my phone after saying that. Yeah, there are no messages.

At this point, Kase-senpai began thinking of the possibilities.

“A sudden disappearance without any chance to use the phone, …that would be kidnapping, right?”

“…Uh, hey, this will really go south if even Kase-senpai starts losing your mind, okay?”

“You knew that you were losing your mind. …Don’t get mad at me.”

“Anyway, let’s forget about kidnapping now…”

Just as I’m about to continue-

Kase-senpai suddenly noticed something and moved.

“Ah, there are other couples on the bench over there, right? Let’s go ask them.”

“Eh? Ah, wait…!”

After that, Kase-senpai walked to that couple. They are cuddling each other and are clearly in a good mood. This senpai is so damn inconsiderate.

However, unfortunately, the couple that’s about to kiss didn’t notice the dense idiot behind them. …Sigh.

In the end, I didn’t manage to stop him. The four-eyed FPS guy interrupted them before they kissed.

“Can I interrupt?”

No, you absolutely can’t. It’s more like this is the worst timing possible.

Obviously, those two poor souls straightened their bodies stiffly. Then, they stood up and turned around.

The guy asked Kase-senpai very nervously.

“Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes! W-W-W-W-What’s wrong!? …Uh, hey? K