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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60

As Waylon’s secretary, Cheryl was as capable as her leader. In Newden City, even those top business

leaders should be in awe of her.

Because she is the one who can truly represent Waylon’s will.

Cheryl’s arrival suggested that Waylon was coming soon. Things were getting out of hand.

Many people voluntarily moved out of the way.

Seeing Mark lying on the ground, Cheryl frowned.

“What happened?”

Mark cried loudly, “Ms. Brain, this boy claimed that he was Mr. Lambert’s guest. He disrupted the

banquet arrogantly and even injured me.”

Mark pointed at Leonard and complained.

Because of the injury, he tried to get up several times but failed.

“I am Waylon’s distinguished guest.”

With all eyes on him, Leonard said.

Hearing Leonard’s words, many people strongly disapproved of him.

They thought, “This guy, how could he still argue here at this time? Didn’t he see that Waylon’s

secretary was here?

If Mark, Waylon’s former driver, didn’t recognize Waylon’s friends, Cheryl, the secretary, should know.’

“It turned out to be Mr. Santos.”

Just now, Cheryl completely focused on Mark lying on the ground. Now seeing Leonard, her face

immediately showed respect.

As Waylon’s secretary, Cheryl knew that Leonard was the boss of Santos Group.

Last time in the museum, after Waylon sent Leonard back, he was cheerful and singing.

And she also knew that Leonard and Waylon went to the southern border together. And it was she who

booked their tickets.

So Leonard was definitely invited by Waylon.

“It seems that Mark offended Leonard.”

In an instant, Cheryl had already known what happened here and said loudly, “Of course, Mr. Santos is

Mr. Lambert’s distinguished guest.”

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When these words came out, everyone around was dumbfounded. They thought,

Leonard was really Waylon’s distinguished guest, so it must be Mark who shot himself in the foot.

Mark also froze on the spot, even forgetting the pain.

After all, he was just Waylon’s driver, and Waylon promoted him the manager because he saw his good


As Waylon’s former driver in the company, he swaggered everywhere by flaunting his powerful


But everything about him came from Waylon. If Waylon could give him everything, he could also take

them back.

Now that he offended Waylon’s distinguished guests. If Waylon blamed him, it would ruin him together

with all of his wealth, career, and glory.

He hurriedly explained, “Ms. Brain, Mr. Santos was dressed so casually. I didn’t expect him to be Mr.

Lambert’s guest. If I knew, I wouldn’t dare to offend him.”

Cheryl completely ignored him. She turned to Leonard.

“Mr. Santos, as a distinguished guest of my boss, it is my fault that you were offended.

“My staff is not sensible enough. I will give you compensation.”

Then, she looked at Mark coldly.

“You’re seriously injured. Hurry up and find a hospital for treatment, and the company will pay for the

medical expenses.



Chapter 60

“And we will make up your salary for another six months. After recovering from your injury, you don’t

need to return to work. You’d better find another job.”


Cheryl’s words put swords through Mark’s heart. He was totally frustrated.

Although these words came from Cheryl, not Waylon, his boss, he knew that Cheryl was the best at

figuring out Waylon’s thoughts.

Her decision meant that Waylon would do the same if he were there.

Thinking of this, Mark couldn’t help looking at Kylo for help.

It was for Kylo’s sake that he ended up like this.

Kylo was also dumbfounded at this moment.

Leonard turned out to be Waylon’s distinguished guest.

How could a hi ck just out of jail become Waylon’s guest?

Emily, especially, couldn’t accept this fact.

She thought that Leonard should be no more than a drowned rat because he was just released from


“Okay, let’s go. Mr. Lambert will be here soon.

“Mr. Santos, you are a distinguished guest; please take the guest’s seat first.”

Cheryl said politely.


Leonard was about to take a step.

“Wait a moment.”

At that moment, Kylo suddenly shouted loudly.

Immediately everyone’s eyes turned to them.

“Ms. Brain, you can’t fire Mr. Woods. In fact, you should drive Leonard out of the banquet instead.”

Hearing this, the people around were immediately stunned.

It was said that he was Waylon’s distinguished guest. How could he be kicked out of the banquet?

Even Cheryl couldn’t help sneering, “Mr. Loftus, you are joking with me, right?”

“Of course not.”

Kylo raised his head and said, “I heard that Mr. Evans will attend the banquet today. I wonder if it’s true

or not?”

“Of course it is true.”

Cheryl nodded.

“Since it’s true, does Cheryl know the relationship between the Governor and the Loftus family?”

Cheryl’s expression also became serious. “I would like to hear more about it.”

“My grandfather is Mr. Evans’ teacher. Otherwise, why do you think Mr. Evans invested in the Loftus


“As far as I know, Mr. Lambert has just reached a cooperation with the Governor with the help of a


“If I go to Mr. Evans and tell him to stop the cooperation with Waylon, what do you think Mr. Evans will


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Hearing this, Cheryl’s expression changed instantly.

Although Waylon had a very high status in Newden City, however, compared with the Governor, it was

nothing at all.

In the past, Waylon also wanted to get in touch with the Governor, but he never succeeded.

This time, for some unknown reason, the relationship between the two parties suddenly became closer.

Cheryl thought that the boss must have paid a lot to establish this relationship.

If the hard-earned relationship were destroyed because she fired Mark, she would be the one to be


Suddenly everyone got to realize the situation changed.



Chapter 60

They almost forgot that the Loftus family has a relationship with the Governor. Then things might go in

a totally different


Would Cheryl choose Leonard or the relationship with the Governor?

And the Bartons, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, raised their hearts again.

The Governor’s Mansion was the biggest force in the Newden City. How could Waylon offend them for

a young man he met in the antique market?

Standing aside, Emily shouted, “Ms. Brain, please kick this hick out of the banquet immediately. We

could continue as if it never happened. If the Governor learns his teacher’s grandson was offended. Do

you think he would get angry?”

Cheryl looked embarrassed and sighed, “Mr. Santos is Mr. Lambert’s distinguished guest, so I have no

right to expel him.

“As for Mark’s matter, Mr. Lambert will be here soon, so let’s wait until he arrives before making a


Then, Cheryl came to Leonard and said in a low voice, “Mr. Santos, could you please apologize to the

Loftus family? Otherwise, I’m not sure if we could end this.”


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