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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter

Chatper 136
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Chapter 136 Chapter 136 Zenovia Callahan was too stunned to react when | pressed my lips upon his, and for a second he stayed deathly still. He did not react at all. | feared he was going to pushaway, stating vehemently yet again of how he was not worthy of me.

But | did not care. He might have loved Aislynn in the past, but that was the thing about it...she was not in the present.

| was.

| was the one with him right now and | would not let him suffer anymore. | wanted to say so much more to him, want to tell him how much he meant to me, but I could not articulate my thoughts into beautiful sentences to infuse him with confidence.

So | let my body do the talking. My wolf, Thunder, let out a whimper in my mind when | kissed Callahan.

She would always act cocky in front of him, but she admired him secretly. And | was not sure if it was her emotions that were fuelingor my own, but | kept kissing Callahan and trying to open his lips under mine.

When he did not react at first, my heart began to sink and fresh tears began to threaten to leak. Maybe, | had been too forward. Maybe he wantedas a friend right now.

So, | began to pull away. But the second I did, his hands wrapped around my body and I let out an ecstatic moan as he pulledcloser.

He slammed my body on his and muttered, “You can’t just walk away after giving the devil the taste of elixir His hands raked my hair and traveled up my body while his other hand heldprotectively. My eyes twinkled with excitement as | looked into his golden eyes that were shining brilliantly.

“I am a devil, Zee. | don’t believe in anything you do. I've killed innocent people and lied to my loved ones. You don’t want me.” He said, but | loved the fact that his hold ondid not loosen.

“I told you | had a crush on you. And since you have been so honest with 1/7 09:29 me, can | also be honest with you right now?” | asked, my breath hitched.

Callahan's smile wavered for a millisecond, but the hesitation was gone before | could truly notice it.

“Go on” “I want you more than ever, and | hope you will kisssenselessly and make all my wild dreams ctrue.” He smiled that devilish smile of his and brought down his lips on mine, kissingas if his life depended on it And | kissed him back, feverishly.

At this point, it was as if we were competing who wanted to kiss harder. Our bodies were on fire and our emotions were all over the place.

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Callahan was faster, and his kisses were deeper. Soon, | let him win as he claimed my mouth, letting his tongue roam around leisurely. Delicate shivers ran across my skin as | tasted the whisky and his mouth that claimed mine.

His hot breath madegasp as | stumbled back, and he kept roaming his hands over me, unsure of what to do or not do.

The back of my feet hit the wall, and he cagedin his arms, his heated gaze roaming all over me.

Callahan's gaze fell on my wrist that | had placed on the wall, and he inspected it. There was a small mark on my wrist right where the anchor bond was forged. He slowly reached for it and gingerly kissed it. Those full lips had a language of their own as they spoke to my heart and my body.

And | felt a tingle sweep up my body, makingshudder. My legs were trembling and my heart was racing.

“You are beautiful, Zee,” He whispered while kissing my wrist, making my nerves tie themselves in a knot.

“And courageous,” He said, placing one more kiss on my palm, his soft lips grazing my sensitive skin.

Was this him talking or the whisky? | hoped it was the former and tomorrow morning, he would remember all of the lines he said to 2/7 09:29 Chapter 136 instead of going back to his usual cold self.

His fingers brushed the hair away from the nape of my neck and he placed his mouth on my neck, leaving heated kisses as he traveled up towards my ear.

“And cute,” He continued, showeringwith praises while simultaneously kissing me. My skin felt hot and my insides were on fire.

I had always had a crush on him, but apart from the one or two times that he had sated my desires, he had not been so open to showing what he thought about me.

He would always use dominance and touchwhen | asked him to...not because his desire to touchwas greater.

But now, as his hands roamed all over me, and as he claimed my mouth, it showedthat all his talk of this being only a stupid attraction forwas baseless.

His eyes were dark and rose golden orbs were heated as to my body...specifically my chest.

his gaze flicked “Why did you stop?” | asked as his eyes stared atin equal parts confusion and hesitation.

“I...I have not really done it in a long time,” He breathed and | suppressed a chuckle.

“You...you have been celibate all this time?” | asked, my eyes widening in surprise and a rush of pleasure.

He had not touched that wretched Cynthia or anybody else. But he was touching me, wanting me. | found it enticing.

He frowned, raking a hand through his hair. “I mean...l was trying to not hurt anyone so yeah...” He said, afraid of admitting it openly. But he had. Not that | was an expert when it cto making love.

But two odds would make it even, | hoped.

“What if | told you I've never wanted this...except with you, of course,” | said, trying to act coy as | recalled how Cynthia would bat her eyelashes at him.

He let out a low growl and replied, “Say it again, Zee” A 3/7 09:30 Chapter 136 | brought my lips near to his, letting them hover only a hair's breadth away from mine.

“I want you, Cal.” | breathed, and the effect was instantaneous.

Thunder giggled in my head and began flashing indecent images of him and me, making my emotions overflow.

His nostrils flared, and he grabbedin his arms, throwingon his shoulders and depositingon the huge table.

He ploppedright on the numerous files and placed his hands on either side of me. The files scattered, and | recalled the last t| was here how | had attempted to salvage the papers from the tea spilled all over the table.

That the had been irritated about the papers | had spilled tea upon.

care. Now it was as if he did not e “You talk a lot, don’t you?” | asked and reached for his collar, coiling my fists in the fabric of his shirt and almost tearing it apart in the process.

| did not want to talk. My skin was aching from the loss of his touch already, of his full lips leaving a trail of fiery kisses. So, | gave him smotivation and yanked at his shirt, pulling him closer.

The top button of his shirt flew off and | let my hand slip inside, roaming on his bare chest. That rewardedwith a squeeze of my shoulders as he reached for the fabric of my coat and pushed it away.

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Now | was sitting in front of him in just my short pajamas. My long legs were on display for him and the cute tank top that had slid up my waist also did not do much to hide my skin, Not that he had not seennaked before. But the way he was breathing right now, roaming his eyes leisurely over me, made my nerves tingle with a nervous frenzy.

His hand landed on my knee and his fingers trailed a path upward, makinganxious as well as excited.

My eyes were on his hand while his eyes were on mine, gauging my reaction.

“I love the way you respond,” He breathed, “Getting all bold one minute, 4/7 09:30 Chapter 136 only to turn into a scaredy cat the next.” | gulped and tried to channel sof Thunder's sass, but when he parted my legs, all of those thoughts flew out of the window.

And then | felt something, not in my core or my heart, but near my wrist. Curious, | looked at my wrist and brushed my fingers over it.

“What happened?” He asked, and I replied, “I...| felt something.” Callahan smiled and reached for the hem of my short pajama, brushing the pad of his thumb over it.

“It would be odd if you did not” His voice was husky, but | tried to explain. “I meant the anchor bond, it...I felt something.” His forefinger slowly slipped inside, barely an inch, and | gasped. Simultaneously, the anchor bond tingled.

“It... it happened again,” | breathed, but Callahan was paying no attention to me.

He kept pushing further inside until he reached the hem of my panties.

“What happened?” He asked, his voice sounding husky.

| fumbled, trying to process what was going on. My wolf was getting turned on, | was getting turned on, and my anchor bond was adding more to my emotions.

“l...I feel...aroused,” | breathed, and he replied, “Then | am the cure to your problem.” Saying so, he pulled his hands out and reached for my waist, pullingup in his embrace as my legs dangled down on him.

“Aah” | let out a yelp as his hands guided my legs to coil around his waist before reaching for the shorts, and pulling them down.

| gasped when his hands touched the bare skin of my waist, sending sparks all over my body.

He pulled my shorts and panties aside exposing my clit though since | was holding onto him tightly, he was not getting a clear view. Not that he needed it.

5/7 09:30 | said, just one word, but it was enough That is good because | want you to car! We do You Wannow” oaked his breath Ramming my chuched onto him my nails digging into his shirt and back as | replied