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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter

Chapter 150
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Chapter 150 Zenovia Chapter 150 My words made Drusilla fall silent abruptly. She was about to yell atagain and reprimandfor my choices but she stopped speaking after | took Cal’s name.

| know it was emotional blackmail but then | wanted her help. | knew it would takemonths or years before | found any potion that allowedto change my appearance.

Plus, given the information Sid provided me, it looked like the Rogue King had gotten angry and vengeful.

Sid looked atlike a kicked puppy and he was still holding his cheek with one of his hands. He alternated between studying the ground and stealing glances at Drusilla who looked like she would rip his head off.

“Okay, fine. You two. Let us go outside. We can’t talk here anymore.” “We ARE already outside.” Ugh.

“Fine. Sit in the car. NOW!!" | ordered sternly but Drusilla was glaring at Sid.

“If you makesit beside him, | am going to claw his eyes out.” “You don’t even have claws, Dru,” | said in a low voice but she shota murderous look.

“I...I will go then, | guess.” Sid replied in a low voice, speaking to no one in particular.

“No, you are not going anywhere.” | grabbed his hand with one of my hands and pushed him into the backseat of the car before closing the door.

“You sit in the front with me. We don’t have tfor this.” Drusilla grumbled a little but | coaxed her into listening toby saying that | would go with him alone if she wouldn't listen to me.

It was heartwarming to see her care forso much. But | was doing this for her best friend. She ought to understand that.

After forcing both of them to sit in the car, | drove through the winding roads that led us away from the city and towards the forest.

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| did not have a particular destination in mind but somehow my mind was automatically driving us there.

When we reached the outskirts of the forest and | ensured we were alone, | turned back to look at both Drusilla and Sid.

“Sid, giveyour phone.” | said, holding my hand in front of Sid who nervously reached for his pockets and held it in his outstretched palm.

If | was not wrong he was shivering a little at the sight of Drusilla glaring at him like a mad bull and held his hand closer toand as far away from her as possible.

“Here” He croaked as Drusilla looked at the phone and then at me.

Before she could open her mouth, | held the phone in front of her, quickly opening the image | had seen of the corpses.

“What the hell?” She blurted out after seeing the picture, her wide eyes darting from the phone toand back again.

“Who did that?” She asked and | handed the phone back to Sid.

“The Rogue King. He is getting violent and | fear he will cafter our pack and Callahan pretty soon. So | wish to infiltrate his territory, get all the insider information and inform Callahan so no more innocent blood is spilled.” Drusilla blinked, “What?” “You heardright. | don’t think there is any other way to stop him. Waging out a war is of course a solution but it is violent and | don’t want Callahan to lose his cool.” | gave her a side eye, hoping that she got the cue. | did not want him to lose his cool so much that he would go feral again.

My anchor bond was still pretty new and | was still experimenting. Plus, the more we waited it out, the more damage the Rogue King would have caused.

Thankfully, Drusilla did not wantto explain why I said the last line so she got the message. She closed her mouth and began thinking hard about it.

That was my chance to convince her so | urged.

“Tis running short. We need your help. You already helpedbefore so you can do it now, right?” She gavea grave look though it was a relief that the creases on her forehead had disappeared.

“Il...I don’t know what Callahan will think of all this.” | replied with a confidence much greater than I actually felt.

“I know he will not like the idea. That is why | need you to givea solution that | demonstrate in front of him effectively. Meanwhile, Sid will go and kidnap someone for me.

Now it was tfor Sid to exclaim, “What?” Okay. | had to admit, | was not very clear with them with explaining everything.

| took a deep breath and tried to piece it all together while both Dru and Sid were speaking againstabout how reckless this idea was.

Finally, they had agreed on something. | could make it work.

Thus, | began.

“Drusilla, | want you to givea potion, preferably a dosage required in small quantities but extremely potent and will take effect instantaneously. The effect has to last long enough and if the effect is starting to wear off, need it in a vial or something small that | always carry around and immediately take a sip of. | believe | cannot just go in randomly with the face of a stranger and infiltrate the pack. The Rogue King and his pack have to know and trust whoever | am shapeshifting into...so...here comes your part, Sid. You find a person from his pack that he trusts completely and | shapeshift into him, preferably a girl because | don’t want to be stuck in a male body.” “I...I...how do | know who he trusts enough AND is a girl? | was given an anonymous tip to kidnap....” Sid began but his eyes darted to Drusilla and he quickly corrected himself.

“... mean to bring you over to him last time. | know nothing about his pack or warriors?” Hmm.

This would get tough.

“If I just show up with a random stranger's face, it would takeages to climb up the ranks and get in the inner circle.” Sid scratched his chin while he said, “Hmm, letmake a few phone calls and | will have an answer to your question.” He looked at the door and then atas if asking permission and | nodded, “Yes, go out. Get sfresh air.” He did and | turned to Drusilla.

“What do you think?” “It is a suicidal plan.” I nodded.

“Callahan would never agree to it.” “He already did.” She looked atwith a raised eyebrow and | added, “I just took charge of the Rogue King search operations and he had to give it toas an award for winning the trials a few months back.” She stared atfor a horrified second before adding.

“At this point, | don’t even know if you are suicidal or very shrewd. That little brain of yours can cook plans, | must say.” “Is that a yes?” | asked, taking her hands into mine and she bit on her lower lip nervously.

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“I...I will think about it.” | smiled and gave her hands a gentle squeeze. “Great. And, also you absolutely cannot tell Callahan until I have tried it and transformed into someone else.” | shook my head.

“You trustedto be his anchor, right? You have to truston this too. Please. If the experiment fails, | will obviously not run into the Rogue King’s pack foolishly. But until then, you have to trust me.” It was risky to make the Lycan King’s best friend keep secrets from him. But then he had been hiding plenty of secrets of his own all his life.

He would be answerable to them first about the secrets they would learn about later. And my gut was telling| could pull this off with Sid and Drusilla’s help.

Sid had walked a little further away to talk to someone and returned after a while.

| looked at him expectantly, “I think | can help you.” | beamed at him and grabbed his wrist. “Really?” He looked atin surprise and the fact that | had just willingly touched him.

“Uh, yeah. In fact, you know what. | tried to ask around and someone toldthat there is a club where a few of the Rogue King’s pack members go to. Maybe, | can go there and find out more inform “Perfect. | am coming with you.” | smiled brightly at Sid but his eyes went wide with disbelief.

“What? No! Are you mad?” | kept holding his hand and muttered, “Please, we will stay under co He was still not convinced. “No, it is too risky. What if they see you? Th already know you are wanted by the Rogue King and escaped him once | worked on a response.

“I have to know the pack members, their names, and such if | want to blend in. How would | do that if | knew nobody there?” Sid had opened his mouth to deny my claim but he fell silent.

“Fair point” He said at last, but he was not convinced. Drusilla meanwhile kept glaring at him while pullingto the side.

“I will have to see if | can find someone to help us. It might take time. And | am not sure if | can do it.” | gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

“I trust you. You will find something.” Then | looked at both of them and outstretched my hand.

“So, are we in the plan together?” | looked at them, hoping that they would place their palms on mine and we call ourselves a team.

Drusilla shook her head.

“This girl is insane.” | giggled and looked at Sid.

He reached forward to join hands but Drusilla pulled away and scowled.

“No way is he touching me” Well. Maybe, it would take smore tto call us a proper team.