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Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower

Chapter 1955 Yu Jin and Shan Yu
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Chapter 1955  Yu Jin and Shan Yu

But not for long. Back then, Wu Shan would always cto her one way or another. He was basically the only one who could catch up to her. Today, she purposely sent him away to guard and manage their temporary camp so that he couldn't cto her. But the one who cwas not him. "Why are you here?" Yu Jin didn't turn around as she speak. Her martial arts were high enough to know that there were someone who cnear her unless that person was like Nan Hua and could hide her presence extremely well. Shan Yu was definitely not among them. At this time, Shan Yu was looking at Yu Jin helplessly. "I was worried about you, so I cto find you here."

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Yu Jin turned around and saw Shan Yu standing not far from her. She shrugged. "I'm fine. Nothing will happen to me."

"I still want to accompany you," Shan Yu said lightly as he took a seat not far from Yu Jin. The two of them sat on the grassy ground. The scenery from here was pretty good, but it was dark, so it was impossible to look clearly at what was in front of them. At most, they would be able to notice soutlines from the light that cfrom the stars above. Shan Yu didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say because he was not very clear about the situation in the Mountain Tribe. But at the very least, he knew very well that Yu Jin needed a company right now. Having someone close to her betrayed her wouldn't have been easy. "Say, do you a playful or naughty child when you're young, Shan Yu?" Yu Jin suddenly asked.

Shan Yu arched his eyebrows. He had never seen Yu Jin asking about his past before. No matter what she did, she would only talked about the things that happened or try to flirt with him, which was quite amusing if he had to say. This should be the first tYu Jin tried to find out more about his past. "Let's just say that I'm quite naughty," Shan Yu replied. "I was a kid when Traveling Doctor Liu tookin and Master is always punishingbecause I made a lot of mistakes and mischievous act when I was young."

It was really a lie.

There were indeed times when he was being mischievous around Traveling Doctor Liu, making pranks to the doctor. Naturally, the end result was that he got punished and had to suffer quite a lot. But that was a good childhood. "Then I guess it must be quite fun." Yu Jin grinned. "I used to be a naughty child myself. My elders will often yell at me, shouting about how I should have acted as a proper leader and so on. It's actually quite funny when I thought about it now, but back then I ran away a lot from them."

Shan Yu chuckled. Yu Jin looked into the distance and there was a faint smile on her lips. However, there was a faint haze in her eyes. "Children are so innocent and all. But when we all grow up, everyone turned so differently."

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There was once when she thought that a child will always be the swhen they grew up. Yet, the reality told her that it would be impossible. When they grew up, they would experience many things that might change their entire lives. The once good child might end up as a bad person when she or he grew up. At least, that was what Yu Jin felt when she saw Ye Jian back then. The two of them who used to be as good as sisters ended up as enemies, pointing their swords towards each other. People said that brother and sisters would have good relationship. But reality was telling them that it would be impossible. There were many things that happened in their road to grow up and it had changed them. Speople might stay the same. But sothers would change and grew up. They would no longer be the sperson as they used to be. "Whatever they becin the future, it's their choices," Shan Yu said. "Everyone had the choices to pick how they wanted to be when they're an adult. You don't have to blyourself for the path other people take."

"I don't blmyself for that." Yu Jin snorted. "I blmyself for being so blind that I didn't manage to see her changes in time."

Shan Yu arched his eyebrows. "And what would you do if you manage to see her changes in time?"

"I'll kill her ahead of time," Yu Jin answered, her tone was cold. She had never been a merciful person. Since she knew that Ye Jian would only continue to hate her and even betray the entire Mountain Tribe, then the only ending for her would only be death. It was because of her decisive personality that she was able to becthe leader of the Mountain Tribe and the people listen to her. If she had been kindhearted or even softhearted, it was unlikely these people would listen to her. She had a very clear thought. People who do mistakes had to be punished. Even if they used to be close to her or all, they would still be punished if the mistake they made deserved it. She would not favor one person and the other just because of their close relationship to her.

Shan Yu showed a faint smile on his face. "If you have found her ahead of time, her mistakes might not deserve death yet. Stop thinking about those kind of possibilities. It'll only make you feel more pressured."

There were so many possibilities in the world.

Rather than thinking about what would happen if something was changed in the past, it would be better to think about the future. 

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