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Forged in the Flames by Karima Sa'ad Usman

Chapter 91
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Forged In The Flames By Karima Sa’ad Usman
Chapter 91A Welcomed News (Nikolas POV)
“So, what are your plans for today?” Aliana asked me, sitting up in bed. I had just finished in the bathroom and intended to dress
and go out. As I dried my hair with a towel, I looked at her lying on the bed. Her hair was a tangled mess; she was naked under
the sheets she clutched to her chest. Her neck and shoulders were marked with hickeys, evidence of our passionate night
together. I smiled at her, and she beamed back at me, rising from the bed and walking naked towards me.
“Don’t tempt me, little wolf,” I said, feeling a surge of desire. The mischievous look on her face showed that she was deliberately
provoking me, reveling in the tease. She approached, maintaining eye contact without looking away.
“We don’t spend enough time together anymore,” she said, feigning sadness. I chuckled and pulled her close to me, letting the
towel around my waist fall to the ground.
“Ah!” she gasped sensually as my body brushed against hers.
Title of the document
She looked up at me playfully. “What a big c*ock you have, your highness,” she remarked, and I gently brushed her hair aside.
“The better to please you, little wolf,” I replied, leaning down to k*iss her. She jumped onto me, wrapping her l*egs around me.
Soon, she wouldn’t be able to do this until after she had given birth, so I cherished the moment.
Pressing her against the wall, I began to work my magic. Aliana always felt incredible, and this morning was no exception. She
responded beautifully to my t*ouch, and I felt complete satisfaction when we were done. Knowing she still needed to shower, I
held her close and guided her to the bathroom.
“I’ll try to finish my tasks early today,” I said as we stood under the shower, and she smiled and nodded.
“Everyone is busy, even my father,” she said, her smile fading. I sensed something was troubling her, despite her attempts to
hide it.
“Tell me,” I urged, and she turned off the water.
“I know you’re doing all this for me, for us,” she said, placing her h*and on her lower belly, then looking up at me. Tears seemed
to well up, though they were concealed by her wet hair and face.

“I’d rather be your secret lover, to keep you alive, than have you leave me forever while trying to secure a better future for me
and my people,” she confessed, her voice cracking.
“I’m telling you not to risk your life in the process, Nikolas. I don’t want to live in a world without you,” she poured out her fears,

her emotions overwhelming her.
“Don’t die on me,” she pleaded, resting her head against my chest.
“I can’t go on if you die,” she sobbed, and I wrapped my arms around her, letting her cry into my embrace.
“I won’t die, Aliana. I promise I won’t leave you,” I reassured her, stroking her back as I held her under the shower. We finished
bathing and returned to the room. We dressed, and she mentioned that she wanted to go to the clinic. “I thought Nurse Alison
attends to you at home?” I asked, and she nodded.
“She does, but I’m bored. I asked Ania and Lisa to accompany me so we could visit the sick in the hospital. Besides, I want to
see the progress being made and maybe stop by the market,” she explained, and I understood her need for companionship. It
was different when she had so much to do, but now that she had more free time and the people she spent time with were
occupied, it was natural for her to feel lonely. “Very well, just promise me you’ll take some money with you today. I noticed you
haven’t been taking any from the dresser. Please do,” I told her, and she nodded.
After getting dressed, I left the room and made my way outside.
“Alpha, Prince Piotr and Commander Miles are having brunch in the garden and would like you to join them,” a kappa informed
me, and I headed towards the garden.
As I arrived at the garden, I was surprised to find Piotr and Miles laughing together. They seemed to be getting along. When Piotr
noticed me, he raised his eyebrows, his gaze fixed on me, causing Miles to turn and smile at me.
“So, he finally joins us,” Miles remarked, and I pulled out a chair to join them.
“You look energized,” Piotr commented, obviously aware of my recent activities this morning. I didn’t respond, instead pouring
myself a cup of coffee.
“I’ll be leaving tomorrow morning,” Piotr announced, and I wasn’t surprised. I had expected him to depart soon since Natasha
wasn’t with him. I commended him for the two days he had spent here, as he had made an effort to show support.
“I’ll also be leaving tomorrow morning,” Miles added, and I frowned, wondering why he was departing so soon.

“You too?” I questioned, and he nodded.
“We all know why Fredrick left me here. He wants me to spy on you, so he can gather information to use against you,” he
explained, and I nodded, as he had already informed me of this yesterday.
“What will you tell him?” Piotr inquired, and Miles laughed.
“I’ll tell him I was under constant surveillance, but I didn’t witness anything different from what we saw upon our arrival,” he
concluded, and I nodded.
“I don’t understand why you don’t just go after him. You have everything in your favour. King Aleksander is no longer on his side,”
Miles suggested, and I shrugged.

“I want to give him time to come to his senses. I don’t want to fight unless necessary,” I explained, and Miles understood my
“Well, I hope it pays off because that man is stubborn, and he has his eyes set on the forest,” Miles warned, sharing information I
was already aware of.
“By the way, thank you for the gift of knowledge,” Miles said earnestly.
“I got to meet my cousins and saw pictures of my mother. I heard stories from them that made me feel closer to her. You have no
idea how much you’ve helped me, Nikolas. I spent my whole life thinking I was an unwanted mistake until yesterday. Thanks to
you, I’ve been trying so hard to be useful, to always be wanted. Now I know better. If you ever need anything, I’ll be there to
assist,” he added, and I thanked him for his offer.
The three of us spent the day together, and soon the garden party began. Miles and Piotr expressed their desire to attend, and I
had no choice but to join them. As I sat at our table in the garden, I glanced towards the window of my room. It was dark, but I
knew Aliana was inside. I had promised her that I would try to finish early, but I hadn’t been able to keep that promise. I could
clearly see that the reduced time we spent together was affecting her. I witnessed it this morning, even though she tried to
conceal her longing. I knew she needed me. She craved my presence, especially in her current condition. She wanted me by her
side, and I wanted to resolve the situation with Fredrick so that I could fulfil my role in Aliana’s life and be part of her pregnancy.
As I thought about Aliana and her need for me, I couldn’t help but wonder how my mother had managed when she was pregnant
and alone in the woods. It took months before I arrived. There was a possibility that she could have lost me before giving birth.
No one should have to endure such a difficult experience.

However, she brought it upon herself by helping Frederick and leaving my father vulnerable. She paid the highest price, losing
everything—her home, her companion, her crown, and her sanity. I wished I could ask her if it was all worth it, but there was no
need. She was incapable of regret.
We stayed at the party, and I was surprised when Ingham joined us, exuding high spirits. He wasn’t supposed to be in
Riverhead, so I excused myself from the table to speak to him. When he saw me approaching, he smiled and bowed.
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be training in Timber?” I asked, puzzled. He nodded.
“That’ s why I’ m here,” he replied, and I furrowed my brow.
“Apparently, the weres still have skilled warriors among them. I guess Gabriel grew tired of the bloodshed. I believe that is why
he surrendered because they still had fighters, and many young pack members are capable of combat. Anyway, I wanted to let
you know that we are battle-ready, and most of the weapons have been mass-produced,” he informed me, and I could hardly
believe my ears.
“Did you say we’re ready?” I asked, and he nodded. “We are prepared for battle,” he confirmed, and I couldn’t contain my joy,
laughing and shaking his h*and wholeheartedly. I was thrilled by the significant progress and the positive news Ingham had just
shared with me.
The rest of the night was filled with enjoyment, and we didn’t retire until the early hours of the morning. When I returned to my
room, Aliana was already asleep. I promised myself that I would make it up to her..