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Forged in the Flames by Karima Sa'ad Usman

Chapter 75
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Chapter 75 Unplanned Picnic (Aliana POV)
I was caught completely off guard when Nikolas unexpectedly informed me about the impromptu picnic.
I wasn’t feeling well and had hoped to sleep the entire day.
Despite not wanting to object, I knew it was for the benefit of Piotr and Natasha.
I could only hope that I would start feeling better soon.
Having finished our meal, Ania and I decided to check on Natasha and show her around the area. It wouldn’t be nice if she was
cooped up in the room all day until evening.
I quickly got dressed and headed out.
Unfortunately, I bumped into Isabelle on my way, and her puffy eyes indicated that she had been crying.
Judging by the direction she was coming from, it was clear she had just left Nikolas’s office.
I dreaded finding out what had transpired between them. Their relationship had been rocky, and I didn’t need any special abilities
to know that I was somehow involved.
“Good morning, Luna,” Ania and I greeted her, and she stopped walking, sniffling.
I wished she would just continue on her way, but since we had greeted her, I couldn’t expect anything else.
Walking past her without acknowledging her would have been disrespectful, and she would have something to report to her son.
Either way, it seemed like trouble was inevitable from the moment I encountered her in the hallway.
“I know what you’re doing, Aliana, and you won’t win. You think you’ve won and taken my son from me, but I won’t let you. I
brought him into this world, and he will choose me. I promise you,” she said angrily, shedding tears. I had no clue what she was
talking about, but I allowed her to ramble on. I really had nothing to say to her, and her tantrums were getting old.
“You think you can seduce your way to freedom. You believe that being good in bed and pretending to love my son will elevate
your status. Think again, Aliana. You can never be anything more than a werewolf whore, and last time I checked, your kind were

slaves and will remain so forever. All you’re good for is fucking,” she said, but her words had no effect on me. Clearly, she was
upset and venting. It was okay.
She stopped crying and looked at me with pleading eyes.
The woman was utterly unpredictable.
“You’re hurting his chances, Aliana. You and that baby you’re carrying,” she said, and I frowned at her.
I chose to act clueless because I knew Nikolas hadn’t told her about the baby. She was fishing for information, and I wasn’t about
to volunteer any.
“What baby?” I asked her, and she looked concerned, i “You’re not pregnant?” she asked, and I sighed.
“I honestly don’t understand what you’re talking about, Luna,” I said, and there was relief in her eyes.
She didn’t say anything further and just walked away. It was as if that was all she wanted to know, and she was satisfied with her

Ania pinched me gently, causing me to flinch.
“Who do you think told her?” she linked me, and I started walking towards Piotr’s room.
“I don’t know, but I know it wasn’t Alpha. I’m sure she heard a rumour and was trying to confirm it,” I linked her back, and Ania
“Honestly, that was close,” she said, and I increased my pace, not wanting to run into the likes of Isabelle again.
I knocked on Piotr’s door, and Lisa answered.
I entered the room, and the prince was there with his mate, enjoying their meal.
Natasha looked cosy in his arms, and Piotr smiled when he saw me.
I respectfully bowed my head to greet him and greeted Natasha as well.
“Alpha asked me to show Natasha around, but I see you’re busy,” I said, and Piotr shook his head.
He told me they had just finished eating and that Natasha would love to hang out with me.

He also mentioned that it would be nice since Nikolas would soon be taking him sightseeing.
Natasha went to the closet to change into something comfortable, and we headed out.
I wasn’t particularly strong, but I knew I had to manage. After encountering Isabelle, I knew it would be foolish to show any
weakness or signs of pregnancy. I had to stay strong.
We hailed a rickshaw to take us to the market square.
We planned to visit there before going sightseeing.
Piotr had given Natasha plenty of money, so I knew she would buy many things. I didn’t have any money on me because I never
asked Nikolas for any. I didn’t really need it since I never bought anything, but I regretted not taking money from the dresser in
the room. I made a mental note to do so next time.
As we reached the market, the way people showed me respect, both Lycans and werewolves, amazed Natasha.
“You’re very lucky, Aliana. Piotr and I can’t do this in Hill for fear that the Snow King’s spies will find out and cause trouble,” she
said, and I felt sorry for her.
While I might think life was tough in Forest, werewolves in Forest had a better life than those in other parts.
We shopped and then went to the small amusement park that Nikolas had built for everyone.
Seeing everything and witnessing how rapidly
Riverhead was changing, I knew Nikolas would make a great king. He was developing the Forest at a fast pace.
After a while, I started feeling nauseous and weak, so I decided it was time to head home. I was hoping to catch a nap before the
picnic so that I could be at my best.
I fell asleep the moment I laid in bed and didn’t wake up until Nikolas roused me.
“Had fun?” he said, hovering over me as I opened my eyes.
It took me a moment to process everything, but soon I did and managed to sit up. I nodded slowly, and he pulled me into his

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“Did you have fun today?” he asked, and I nodded. “I did,” I said, and he smiled.

It was then that I chose to tell him about my encounter with his mother. He wasn’t pleased at all and was about to leave the bed
when I stopped him.
Nikolas had shielded me so much, and I needed to gauge the severity of the situation because if news of our baby got out, I
needed to know how he would handle it.
“What will you do if the news gets out? Your mother is just one person. How many people would we have to silence?” I asked,
and he sighed, running his fingers through his hair. He was frustrated.
He had come to the room to relax before the picnic, and I had brought up a highly frustrating topic.
“I don’t know, Aliana. I know Frederick would seize the opportunity to take over the Forest. I don’t have the strength to push
back. He has an army, and I’m yet to train mine,” he confessed, and I understood his predicament. I placed my hand over his
and sighed. “You said you wanted me to be vocal, so please allow me to say what I want to say,” I told him, and he looked at me
with concern.
“You can say anything you want as long as it has nothing to do with terminating our baby,” he warned, and I nodded because
what I wanted to tell him was far from that.
“With or without the pregnancy, your uncle will still find a way to take Forest or make you bow to his will. We have to be ready.
My father spent years pushing back, and I’m sure if you can trust him even a little, he would know how to resist,” I told him, and
he shook his head.
“Gabriel is unwell, and I don’t want a war. I don’t want any more deaths. I’m trying to find a peaceful way to claim the crown, and
I plan to do it, Aliana. Trust me, I plan to find a solution very soon,” he said, and with those words, he closed off our conversation.
“I trust you, Nikolas, and I know you’ll do what’s best for us. Just know that you’ll always have my love and support, no matter
what,” I said, and I meant it. He looked at me and kissed the top of my head.
“I know, little wolf, I know,” he said. With that, we lay in bed, with me in his arms, and rested.
The picnic was held in the palace garden, secluded at the back near the woods, away from prying eyes.
The secrecy was for Piotr’s benefit.

Nikolas didn’t want anyone seeing him with Natasha and spreading rumours.
Piotr was overjoyed about the picnic, and he held onto Natasha throughout the event.
We talked about our sightseeing experience and the fun we had, and Natasha was so animated while recounting her adventures.
Piotr watched her as if mesmerized as if he had never seen so much life in her before. The Unity Law had taken its toll, and I
hoped that one day, both Nikolas and Piotr would succeed in abolishing it so we could love each other fearlessly.
Piotr spent two weeks with us, and finally, it was time for them to leave. Natasha didn’t want to go, but she also didn’t want to be
apart from her mate.
It was a heart-wrenching sight.
She started crying at dinner the night before they left, but Piotr promised to visit often. Still, it didn’t console her.
I could understand her struggle. How could she go back to slavery and secrecy after tasting freedom?
I felt sorry for her and even more sorry for the Snow slaves because if the Hill slaves dreaded their territory so much, I wondered
what the Snow slaves must be going through. Natasha made Piotr promise that they would come often, and while I watched her
cling to that hope, I felt sorry for her.
Frederick had championed a foolish law, and King Mathias had ruined lives by agreeing to it. As for King Aleksander, he was a
pathetic excuse for a monarch. I kept my opinions to myself and looked towards the future with the hope that Nikolas and Piotr
would rectify the problems their fathers had created.