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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Chapter 180
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Chapter 48

As Kas steps to the podium in front of the Silver Moon pack, I see people whispering to each other and looking at her

suspiciously. People definitely recognize her as they sneer and roll their eyes. Even after two years and with all the

punishments that were handed down to these people, they still haven't learned their lessons?

To her credit, Kas ignores them and begins her speech. She introduces herself as the Luna Regent of Blood River, which is

met with a couple of boos and growls from the crowd. I watch as a look crosses her face that I have never seen from her

before. I feel a sensation of authority and dominance she hasn't had to embody before. Unlike Bronx, who lets these

types of feelings roll off of him and fill the room, Kas's feelings come in soft pulses, building each time a wave reaches


"Silver Moon pack. Blood River has been ordered by the Elder Council to acquire Silver Moon. As your new Luna, I am here

to tell you that your leadership has decided that instead of Silver Moon operating as a satellite location, you will be

moved to Blood River over the course of the next several months. Families with school-age children will take priority," she

holds her head up and speaks clearly and loudly to the crowd, who gasps and starts speaking nervously among each

other. Marco and Tyree both step forward, putting themselves in a position to protect her in case things get out of


"You alright, Luna?” I ask through a mind link.

"I'm fine," she replies quickly, "I was expecting worse."

She addresses the crowd as they quiet down again, keeping her tone formal and stern, "I know that you all know who I

am and I know you may believe your current situation is because of me, but it's not. Your current situation is because

many of you intentionally mistreated an innocent child who was already a victim at the hands of an abusive Alpha. The

pack members who didn’t directly mistreat me chose to apathetically turn a blind eye and say nothing, which is just as

damning. I am here today as your future Luna because of decisions you consciously made. So you can all put your shock

and outrage that your pack has failed to flourish as part of a healthy society aside, because it is not justified."

At this declaration, the room goes silent. The looks of suspicion and anger are replaced with remorse and curiosity.

"So, this is the part where I let you know that you have options. I will explain and provide documentation so you

understand what decisions you and your families will have to make before the end of the week," she announces. Her

voice has a slightly forceful edge that I'm not used to hearing from her, but it's a tone I would expect from a Luna Regent

who is irritated by a disrespectful audience.

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She tells the crowd that they can choose to leave peacefully and live as a rogue or find another pack who will give them

asylum. The other option is to become a member of the Blood River pack. As she is explaining the rules, they will be

required to follow if they choose to come to Blood River, omegas hand out packets of information.

"I would like to introduce Blood River's female Beta Lenora Emory. She will explain how you can make an appointment to

let US know about your family’s decision before the end of the week. For those of you who choose to come to Blood River

and be a productive part of our community, welcome. We look forward to having you. To those who go on your own or

find asylum with other packs, may the Moon Goddess bless you with health and prosperity,” Kas gives the crowd one last

look before stepping away from the podium. She gives me a quick nod, showing its my turn to address the pack. She

motions to Marco and Tyree who lead her away. I see Marco pulling a granola bar out of his pocket as they walk out of the


Kas’s POV

"How did I do?" I ask Marco and Tyree once we are back in the conference room.

"Luna, you were perfect. The Alpha is going to be proud of you," Tyree gives a lopsided smile and holds up his cell phone,

"We had the omegas record the whole thing."

"Haha, okay. Well, I appreciate you guys stepping up when people started to look like they were going to act out," I clasp

my hands together, finally letting myself take a deep breath.

'That's our job, Luna," Marco says, loosening his tie a little, taking a minute to relax now that we are in a closed


Once Lenora steps into the room, there is already a queue of people lined upto be transferred to Blood River. I

spend the rest of the day with Lenora and Elder Randall, helping people fill out required forms and asking additional

questions. I spend the day reintroducing myself to people who are extremely apologetic and grateful for a new


Late in the afternoon, a thin woman with short blonde hair comes into the conference room. She gives me a weak

smile and a little wave. I can’t pinpoint how I know her.

"Kas, go say hi!" Lex scolds, "She is basically the one friend you had here. I am so glad she is coming to Blood River!

She's going to love it there!"

"Lex, who is she? Why can't I remember?" I search my mind for a memory of the woman.

'That's the nurse lady," Lex reminds me, 'The one who helped you before our mate took US home."

"D-Diane?” I say out loud. The woman stands a little straighter, her smile a little larger.

"Yeah! Nurse Diane! She's our friend, right?" Lex asks, unsure of how I actually feel about Diane.

I look at her more carefully now. It is her except she is pale, thin and someone practically shaved her curly blonde

hair down to the skin. The one person in Silver Moon that actually cared. She helped me when I was in the hospital

wing recovering from surgery and when I was so scared after a premonition that I couldn't even think straight. She

was there for me when I needed someone, but didn't have anyone to turn to. I feel my heart squeeze a little at the


"Finally! What are you waiting for?! Go give her a hug!" Lex urges me.

I quickly walk over to Diane and throw my arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Oh Kas, you look amazing! I am so happy for you!" She murmurs into my ear with a little sniffle, "You gave an

impressive speech out there. Who knew the scared little slave would become such a strong, powerful woman?"

I pull away from our hug and take her hands in mine, giving her a warm smile, 'Thank you. I'm so glad you are

choosing to come to Blood River. How have you been?

"Well, um, I don't want to complain," she shakes her head a little, trying to dismiss the severity of her situation.

"No, please, I have a few minutes, talk to me," I pull her out of the line to sit in the waiting area chairs with me.

Once we are sitting, her eyes get watery, "Um, well, after they banished Alpha Connors, a bunch of pack members

left. The council decided there were not enough people left to keep the hospital wing fully staffed, so I got

reassigned to be an omega. So after that, I didn't have enough money to keep my apartment, so I had to move into

a room in the packhouse with three other girls. We are so busy cleaning that I don't really get to eat as much as I

used to."

As she speaks, I feel anger building in me again. She pauses and swallows hard.

"1-1 finally got to where I shaved my head because, um, I don't get time to shower every day and it was getting

really gross and tangly," her words turn into a whispered sniffle.

"Diane, we're going to make this right," I wipe a tear from my eyes, 'Things will be better once you are at Blood

River. Do you want to be a nurse again?"

"Oh, I would love that, but I will take any job I can get as long as it means getting out of this place," she nods


"Consider it done," I assure her, "Before I get you back to your spot in line, can I heal you? Give you some energy to

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keep you going?"

"Oh, uh, yes, of course," she smiles at the unexpected offer.

I take her hands in mine and close my eyes. Lex happily helps me focus my energy, pushing positive healing to

Diane. When I open my eyes, I see her looking less pale and her smile genuine, "You look better already, Diane.

Now, let's get you back to your spot in line. I will let Beta Lenora know we can use your services in the hospital wing

and to add you to the priority list for transfer."

"Luna, thank you so much. This is such a blessing," she doesn't stop the happy tears falling now. I give her another

hug before taking her back to her spot in line before heading over to the registration table, pointing Diane out of

the crowd to Lenora.

'That is the nurse from the dungeon?" Lenora asks with a furrowed brow," She looks so different."

"Yeah, we can talk about that more later," I say to her, giving Randall a disapproving look.

We work through dinner service late into the evening. When we are finally done for the day, I go to my room and fall into

bed, not bothering to change into my pajamas.

I pull out my phone and start a video call. There is less than one ring until the most handsome man's face fills the


"Hi Kas. How's my little goddess?" he smiles. I notice he isn't wearing an eye patch.

"Good. It was a long day,” I smile, "Are you already in bed?”

"Just about. Just got out of the shower," he rubs a towel on his head," Tyree sent me a video of you speaking to the Silver

Moon pack. It was like watching a different woman."

"Different good or different bad?" I cringe a little, hoping for his approval.

"Different good. I enjoy seeing that side of you. It was the right decision to send you," he nods with approval. I feel

myself release a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

'Thank you, Sweetheart. How was your day?"

"Also long. We can talk about it more when you get home. Not worth trying to explain now."

"Hmm. Alright," I feel my eyes getting heavy.

"Hey Kas," I hear Bronx say my name, forcing my eyes open again.

"Yes, I'm listening," I say sleepily.

"Go put your pajamas on, Baby," he coos at me, "and Marco told me all you ate today was a granola bar. I'm having

some food delivered to you for tomorrow."

"Mmm, okay. Thank you, Bronx," I yawn, not able to keep my eyes open, "I love you."

"I love you too, Baby. Good night," I hear him say.