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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Chapter 173
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Chapter 41

Bronx's POV

I was so glad when Lenora said she would go with Kas. It definitely gave me a sense of relief knowing she wouldn't be

there alone. Honestly, based on her reaction, she wasn't too pleased that I had even suggested Kas go by herself. In

hindsight, it probably was a bad idea.

When I got back up to the apartment, I was happy to see Mom and Dad being treated to time with Codi and a delicious

meal being prepared by Kas. She insisted on making lasagna and begrudgingly agreed to not make dessert so Mom and

Dad could go downstairs to the dining room and say hello to everyone.

"Are you really sending our mate away for a week, Bronx?" Saint complains while I sit at the head table and watch Kas

and Mom saying hello and giving out hugs to pack members.

"Yeah, Saint. I think this will be good for her. Get closure from that awful place. Besides, Lenora and Justice will be with

her. They will keep Kas so busy, she won't even have time to miss US," I reassure him.

"Okay, but who's gonna keep US busy so we won’t miss her?" he sighs. I feel my heart get a little heavier as he says it.

"Come on, buddy. We've gone longer without her when she was at the Coven and survived. Besides, we know exactly

where she is. Worst-case scenario, it's a six-hour drive. We can drop what we are doing and be there in less than a day."

"I can run there in four," he snarks.

"Okay, you can run there in four. See? It's gonna be alright," I try to give him the best pep talk I can under the

circumstances. Somehow, this seemed like such a good idea yesterday. Now that we are less than twelve hours

from Kas leaving, it is not sounding nearly as good as it did.

When the evening finally ends, Kas and I head back upstairs to the apartment. Her suitcases all queued by the door

so I can take it downstairs in the morning. I close the door behind me and lean against it with a deep sigh.

"Everything alright, Sweetheart," she asks as she turns around and tilts her head at me. I can feel a tinge of

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sadness coming from her as she steps closer.

"Watching you give everyone hugs downstairs made me a bit jealous, I think. Now it's my turn. I just want to hold

you, Baby," I smile as I hold my arms open for a hug. 2

She gives me a smirk and leans against me with a sigh of her own. Her purple aura glows brightly, encompassing

US in a warm, comforting glow.

'You didn't tell me what Lady Camille said after I left. How did you develop an aura, too?" she asks as she nuzzles

her face into my chest.

"Ah, let’s get ready for bed. I will tell you once we are settled," I suggest. Before she can agree or refuse, I pick her

up over my shoulder and carry her into the bedroom. She gives a giggle and squeal when I pretend to give her

thigh a little bite on the way. It's only fair that she knows what kind of mood I'm in if we're headed into the

bedroom, right?

I carefully lay on her back on the bed and slide my hands under her shirt and slowly lift it over her head, nuzzling

her midsection and gently kissing and nipping at her skin as I make my way up her body. I feel her adjust her

position so she can lift herself to meet the spots my mouth catches on her skin. When I get to her bra, I pause and

pull on it with my teeth a little. 1

"Is this one you give a shit about?" I ask not wanting to get in trouble again today.

"Not really," she giggles, shaking her head.

"Good," I let my fangs extend, slicing the front of the bra in half so I can pull it off of my wriggling, giggly mate.

"I'm glad you asked,” she laughs before sliding my shirt off.

The smell of her arousal is strong in the air, driving me wild, but I'm determined to take my time and give her the

attention she deserves. I feel a growl coming from deep in my chest when the warmth of extra energy coming

from her hands, combined with the sparks of our mate bond, fills me. It creates a tingling sensation that makes me

rock hard with

anticipation. I feel my cock twitch when she starts to pull on the waistband of my pants, trying to get them off of

me. I help her until I’m able to kick them off, hovering over her for a moment before sit up and I wrap my hands

around her waist, sliding her pants and underwear down her hips and thighs, kissing and using my teeth to nip my

way down the length of her legs, and over her calves until I toss her last of her clothes to the floor. She watches me

through her lashes as I start to make my way back up alternating between slow kisses, and slightly harder nips on

her legs, letting her slide them down my back, until her knees are hooked around my shoulders. 2

She raises her hips up and pulls on my hair as I slowly kiss the inside of her thighs, massaging with my hands at the

same time. I work my way up to her sweet spot, nuzzling her with my nose, gently caressing her with my fingers.

Her soft moans are begging me to get to her core, using her legs to try to pull me closer. I smile as I lightly kiss and

lick around the sweet smelling folds of her entrance until my tongue finds her delicious juices. I pull her hips tight

against me so I can dive my tongue deep into her.

"Bronx!" she cries out, bucking her hips in rhythm to my movements. I feel her breath getting already, turning

ragged as I touch her sensitive spots, letting my teeth graze against her sensitive skin, driving her wild. She moves

faster against me as her orgasm builds until I take my fingers, and start rubbing her clit in slow little circles. Kas

pants hard, pulling on my head as she bucks her way into her first climax of the night. 2

When I feel her start to slow down, I give her a moment to recuperate, then sit up, pulling her up onto my lap.

"Not yet, Sweetheart," she whispers, sliding herself backwards so she's sitting in front of me. She runs her fingertips up

the length of my thighs and takes my cock into her hands. She gently strokes, slightly rotating her hands as she strokes,

creating another layer to the already intense sensation. A hiss escapes my mouth when I look down and see her lick the

head. Still using her hands, she moves a hand to my balls and squeezes with just enough pressure to make me moan

out loud. 1

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"Oh Goddess, Kas, it feels so good," I close my eyes and lift my head up, trying to block the image and focus on the

sensation of her movements. The further down my shaft her mouth goes, the harder I feel myself getting. I look down

again when it seems like she has my cock impossibly deep in

her mouth, only to see she is looking up at me. Her violet eyes study my reactions as she bobs her head against my hard

on. 1

When I can’t take it anymore, I pull away and bring her back onto my lap. I lean back so she can straddle me and control

the pace to her liking. I feel her rub herself against me, spreading her juices up and down my shaft, before she takes me

in her hands and guides my cock into her core. She slides down on me easily with a loud moan. When I am fully inside

her, she stops for a moment and clenches her muscles around me, making me howl with pleasure. I watch as she grins

and she rocks back and forth on top of me. We moan and growl, our hips moving in rhythm with each other. She leans

forward, kissing me deeply, licking around my mouth to catch any of her juices still lingering while she continues to slide

up and down, riding me hard. 1

I feel my orgasm building as her moans get louder and her rocking gets rougher. I grab her hips and take control since

she is on the edge of losing control of her movements, pressing her against me and push into her as hard as I can. My

mouth moves against her shoulder, and I sink my fangs into her marking spot. I hear her gasp before she leans her head

against my sweaty chest and lets out a loud moan as pleasure overtakes the pain of the puncture. She extends her fangs

and plunges them into my marking spot on my shoulder in return, releasing a bright purple burst of light as she hits the

height of her second orgasm. The initial pain is erased by the extra energy she emits, sending me over the edge and I

spill my seed into her with an excited growl of pleasure.

Our movements slow until we both come to a stop. The purple aura is fading but not completely. I lay back panting

deeply and wrap my arms around her, she puts her arms around me in return and sighs.

'You know you get me every time you wrap those beautiful lips around me, right?" I murmur against her forehead. 1

'You know I can't get enough of the look on your face when I wrap these beautiful lips around you, right?" I feel her smile

into my chest.

After almost a month of unpredictability, I finally get what I need. A peaceful night of sleep with my body intertwined with

my little goddess's.