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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Chapter 158
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Chapter 26

Bronx's POV

It took everything I had to not console Kas in front of everyone when Musu announced her pregnancy. I know she is

happy for Musu and Marco, but I could also feel her disappointment. Even though Zeus had told her she may be

able to have a baby in the future, nothing is guaranteed. That's just how life is. To her credit, she fulfilled her duty as

Luna and stoically congratulated the happy couple and helped come to an agreement for their adjusted schedules.

I watch as she follows Lenora and Musu out when we are finished. Marco and Milo stay behind so we can discuss

schedules and strategies for guards to protect Kas for the foreseeable future.

“Alpha, I know a lot has happened over the last week or so, but is Kas okay?” Marco asks. Other than Delilah and

me, he knows her probably better than anyone. One of the few people I don't mind when he doesn't call her Luna

because at the end of the day, they really are friends.

I pause for a moment, debating whether to tell him about Kas not being able to have a baby, but decide against it.

Lenora is the only person I have ever told, and I swore her to secrecy. Lenora takes that kind of trust seriously, so I

know she wouldn't tell anyone, not even Milo. 1

“Yeah, she'll be okay. You know how she gets when there are a lot of changes going on,” I do my best to mollify his

worry, "I will check on her when we're done here. Also, I think it will help her to go down and have dinner with the

pack. Things have just been... heavy...if she sees how excited everyone is to have her back, I think that will help her


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Marco nods and lets it go so we can get to work with a plan to make sure she is under constant surveillance when

she is not in the packhouse, including the best ways to keep reporters and paparazzi from interrupting her day. I

make some notes to discuss upgrading the bakery security system and add extra cameras that will be monitored

from MasonCo headquarters. 1

"Alright gentlemen, I wish James was here, but Marco, I think it's important you see this video linking the Santoro's

to the Menae. I told Kas about the incident, but I don't really want her seeing this,” I get up and lock the door, just in

case Kas comes back. I turn my laptop so Marco can see the screen and pull up the video Lenora sent me and

show it to Marco, who had not seen it before.

“D-did Musu have to see this?” he says with a hollow voice as he watches the gruesome scene play out.

“She is the one who sent it to Lenora, so yes, she has definitely seen it. They showed it to Reggie, Milo, and me the

day after Kas was back. It's over a year old. One of Musu's confidential contacts sent it to her,"I speak as calmly as

possible, “Off camera, this woman took out his liver and heart."

“Alpha, I-,” he stops with his mouth slightly agape before he turns his eyes away from the screen to me,“ There's so

many layers to this. She killed him the same way they attacked you?”

I nod slowly, "So now you understand my concern a little more.”

Marco nods as he leans back in his seat, "You're gonna let that woman come here to the packhouse?”

"Yeah, we cannot, under any circumstances, let her know that we have any concerns. Reggie has a team looking

into the Santoros. He should have a report for me in the next couple of days. Carly had our analysts do a financial

audit on Santoro Enterprises.”

Milo is looking at Marco like he is a fat piece of birthday cake.

“Beta?” Marco looks at Milo and back at me with confusion.

“It will be good to have you back on my team for a bit Marco," he puts his arm up, covering his nose and mouth

with the crook of his arm like he is batman or something, “Maybe we will convince you to come back to the dark

side.” 2

I audibly groan as Marco laughs at his old boss. In all seriousness, having Marco and Tyree along with some of the

other members of Milo's team working security detail gives me a sense of relief while James is on sabbatical.

We plan to meet again with the entire team to go over their temporary security detail assignments and to discuss

the best way to handle the Santoro Enterprises team's visit before we leave.

When I get to the apartment, I can hear the shower running. I make my way to the bathroom and peek into the

shower stall. Through the glass doors, I can see Kas curled up on the floor of the shower, sitting on a washcloth,

letting the hot water run over her.


When she sees me, one side of her mouth picks up in acknowledgement of my presence, but she doesn't move.

I sit on the ground outside the shower and tilt my head to the side, “Wanna talk about it?”

She blinks a couple times, considering it, before shaking her head no.

"Alright, wanna go downstairs for dinner?" I ask.

Again she shakes her head no.

“What if I tell you this is one of those very few instances where it sounds like I'm asking, but I'm not actually asking,"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I say in a matter-of-fact tone.

Kas looks at me through the water droplets with a confused look.

“Baby, you need to try to get back to some sort of normal life. I know there is a whole lot weighing down on you,

but you're not alone. You are the Luna of the Blood River pack. You have an entire pack out there getting ready for

dinner, who loves, respects, and supports you.”

She scrunches up her nose and pushes her hair out of her face as her mood breaks.

“I know you well enough to know that going downstairs, getting to see and talk to everyone, and have a giant bowl

of pasta, is going to make you feel a thousand times better. You will be totally re energized," I explain as I watch the

look on her face morph from sadness to contemplation.

“Tell me I'm wrong.”

“You're not wrong,” she finally says, trying to suppress a smile.

“Good. We have forty five minutes before dinner. Let's go find a cute outfit for you," I smile at her as I stand up and

grab a towel to wrap her up in.

Sure enough, Kas's mood improves significantly when she goes down to the dining room. She gets to talk to so

many people she hasn't seen in a week. After a full bowl of alfredo with chicken, she seems more like her old self

than she has been in since she got home.

And after a little mystery birdie told Mrs. Miller about Kas's craving for a banana split, she arranged for a sundae

bar for dessert. Kas's eyes lit up like a Winter Solstice tree when she saw the tables arranged with all her favorite

toppings. Just another reminder of how important it is for me to pay attention to the little things when I have time

alone with her.