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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life

Chapter 348
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Chapter 348 It was greasy.

Someone had deliberately applied skind of lubricant.

Flora kept silent, her cold stare sweeping over the twelve people in the dormitory.

The next morning, while putting on her shoes, Flora seemed to notice something and suddenly paused.

"What's up, Flora? Hurry up and put on your shoes! Let's go have breakfast!" Eilies and Cynthia had already finished getting ready and were curious when they saw Flora holding her shoes, not moving.

Flora pressed her lips together and said nothing. She loosened the laces and pulled out three gleaming silver needles from beneath the insole.

Eilies and Cynthia both gasped in shock.

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"Who the hell put needles in Flora's shoes? That's just cruel!" Cynthia shouted angrily.

Most of the dorm hadn't left yet, and everyone looked over in confusion when they heard the commotion.

A girl sneered, "Speople just piss off too many others. It's no wonder someone wants payback." "Yeah, she's just too flashy and obnoxious." "Alright, alright, let's go get breakfast." A few girls said sarcastically, linking arms as they walked out the dorm door.

Flora was the national top scholar, a title that naturally drew envy. Coupled with all the attention she had been getting recently, it made speople quite unhappy.

Sgirls had been looking for an excuse to dislike her for a while.

Cynthia couldn't stand these underhanded tactics, her eyes reddening with anger.

"Flora, we should tell the Dean! It must've been someone from our dorm!" Today it was needles in the shoes, but who knows what they'll do tomorrow? Campus bullying is the worst; it has to be stopped early.

"We don't have any evidence. Telling the Dean won't help." Flora removed the needles and, with a calm expression, put on her shoes, "Let's go, tfor breakfast." 1/3 15:15 "We're just going to let this go?" Cynthia frowned, remembering how energetically Flora had smashed a bottle that day. Why was she downplaying such a serious matter now? She didn't seem like someone who would back down from a fight.

Flora smiled, "Of course, we're not just letting this go. I've got ways to deal with people like that." Jillian slowly emerged from the bathroom, watching their departing backs, her gaze thoughtful.

During the shooting practice that day, Flora was sitting against a large oak tree and gave Jason a look. Jason jogged over, "Ms. Flora, what's up?" "I need you to get something for me." Flora whispered a few words to him.

Jason looked surprised, unsure of what Flora needed it for, but he nodded anyway.

After the afternoon training ended, he handed the item to Flora.

That night.

A scream suddenly erupted from the dormitory.

"I'm so itchy! So very itchy!" A girl was seen desperately scratching her face and arms, her skin red and swollen, already bleeding from the severity of her scratches.

Everyone was startled by her appearance.

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Jillian hurried over to check on her, conducting a quick examination with a serious expression, "It's itching powder!" Cynthia also cover to take a look.

They were all medical students, and they knew at a glance it was itching powder.

This kind of thing, commonly sold in drugstores, was often used for pranks.

The girl, a fashion design major, didn't even know what itching m powder was; she couldn't help but scratch because of the unbearable itch.

"Don't scratch; the more you scratch with itching powder, the itchien i gets! If you keep scratching, you'll En damage your skin beyond repair." "Who played this cruel joke!" 2/3 1515 Chapter 348 She demanded loudly, her gaze sweeping over the girls, finally stopping on Flora, who was lying on her bed.

Instinct told her that Flora was a prsuspect.

"This is too much! First, needles in Flora's shoes, and now this with the itching powder! We're all from the sdorm; do you really have to be this ruthless?"